
095e1f733df94842f062a01c7bf910a0d30fa51f — Stephen Paul Weber 7 years ago 9a35e2e
Strip OTR whitespace from whispers

This will break opportunistic (but not explicit) OTR support in any
backends, but none currently have such support.  It will also break such
OTR for and pass-through, but really we should do pass-through in
Cheogram itself eventually.

Benefit: not delivering weird whitespace over SMS, which currently all
known backends choke on anyway.

Closes #67
1 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

M Main.hs
M Main.hs => Main.hs +29 -3
@@ 275,6 275,30 @@ iqNotImplemented iq =
			[NodeElement $ Element (s"{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas}feature-not-implemented") [] []]

stripOptionalSuffix suffix text =
	fromMaybe text $ T.stripSuffix suffix text

-- https://otr.cypherpunks.ca/Protocol-v3-4.0.0.html
stripOtrWhitespaceOnce body =
	foldl' (\body' suffix -> stripOptionalSuffix suffix body') body [

stripOtrWhitespace = stripOtrWhitespaceOnce . stripOtrWhitespaceOnce . stripOtrWhitespaceOnce . stripOtrWhitespaceOnce . stripOtrWhitespaceOnce

mapBody f (m@Message { messagePayloads = payloads }) =
	m { messagePayloads =
		map (\payload ->
			case isNamed (s"{jabber:component:accept}body") payload of
				[] -> payload
				_ -> payload { elementNodes = [NodeContent $ ContentText $ f (concat (elementText payload))] }
		) payloads

unregisterDirectMessageRoute db componentJid userJid route = do
	maybeCheoJid <- (parseJID . fromString =<<) <$> TC.runTCM (TC.get db (T.unpack (bareTxt userJid) ++ "\0cheoJid"))
	forM_ maybeCheoJid $ \cheoJid -> do

@@ 345,7 369,7 @@ componentMessage _ componentJid (m@Message { messageType = MessageGroupChat }) e
	txt = mconcat [fromString "(", fromMaybe (fromString "nonick") resourceFrom, fromString ") ", body]
componentMessage db componentJid m@(Message { messageFrom = Just from, messageTo = Just to }) existingRoom bareFrom resourceFrom smsJid (Just body) = do
	log "WHISPER" (from, smsJid, body)
	log "WHISPER" (from, smsJid, strippedBody)

	ack <- case isNamed (fromString "{urn:xmpp:receipts}request") =<< messagePayloads m of
		(_:_) ->

@@ 353,11 377,13 @@ componentMessage db componentJid m@(Message { messageFrom = Just from, messageTo
				(deliveryReceipt (fromMaybe mempty $ messageID m) to from)
		[] -> return []

	fmap (++ack) $ toRouteOrFallback db componentJid bareFrom resourceFrom smsJid m $ do
	fmap (++ack) $ toRouteOrFallback db componentJid bareFrom resourceFrom smsJid strippedM $ do
		nick <- nickFor db from existingRoom
		let txt = mconcat [fromString "(", nick, fromString " whispers) ", body]
		let txt = mconcat [fromString "(", nick, fromString " whispers) ", strippedBody]
		return [mkStanzaRec $ mkSMS componentJid smsJid txt]
	strippedM = mapBody (const strippedBody) m
	strippedBody = stripOtrWhitespace body
	extra = T.unpack $ escapeJid $ T.pack $ show (fromMaybe mempty (messageID m), fromMaybe mempty resourceFrom)
componentMessage _ _ m _ _ _ _ _ = do