A MMS.hs => MMS.hs +91 -0
@@ 0,0 1,91 @@
+module MMS where
+import Prelude ()
+import BasicPrelude
+import Data.Char (isDigit)
+import Data.Time (UTCTime)
+import Data.Time.Format (parseTimeM, defaultTimeLocale, rfc822DateFormat)
+import Network.URI (URI)
+import Control.Error (hush, headZ)
+import Control.Lens (firstOf)
+import Data.Aeson ((.=))
+import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
+import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as Atto
+import qualified Data.IPLD.CID as CID
+import qualified Data.MIME as MIME
+import Email
+import Util
+newtype Tel = Tel Text deriving (Show)
+instance Aeson.ToJSON Tel where
+ toJSON (Tel tel) = Aeson.toJSON tel
+ toEncoding (Tel tel) = Aeson.toEncoding tel
+data MMS = MMS {
+ mid :: Text,
+ time :: UTCTime,
+ to :: [Tel],
+ from :: Tel,
+ owner :: Tel, -- envelope to
+ text :: Maybe Text,
+ media :: [URI]
+} deriving (Show)
+instance Aeson.ToJSON MMS where
+ toJSON mms = Aeson.object [
+ s"type" .= "message-received",
+ s"time" .= time mms,
+ s"message" .= Aeson.object ([
+ s"direction" .= "in",
+ s"id" .= mid mms,
+ s"to" .= to mms,
+ s"from" .= from mms,
+ s"owner" .= owner mms
+ ] ++
+ maybe [] (\t -> [s"text" .= t]) (text mms) ++
+ [
+ s"media" .= map tshow (media mms) |
+ not $ null (media mms)
+ ]
+ )
+ ]
+telParser :: Atto.Parser Tel
+telParser = do
+ _ <- Atto.char '+'
+ tel <- Atto.takeWhile isDigit
+ return $ Tel (s"+" ++ tel)
+addressTel :: AddressLax -> Maybe Tel
+addressTel (AddressLax addr) = hush $ Atto.parseOnly telParser addr
+addressTel (Address addr) = headZ $
+ mapMaybe (\(MIME.Mailbox _ addrspec) ->
+ addressTel $ AddressLax $ decodeUtf8 $
+ MIME.renderAddressSpec addrspec
+ ) (addressMailboxes addr)
+emailToMMS ::
+ Text
+ -> Text
+ -> MIME.MIMEMessage
+ -> Maybe (MMS, [(CID.CID, ByteString)])
+emailToMMS attachmentUrl ownerT email = do
+ mid' <- fmap decodeUtf8 $ header "x-internal-message-id"
+ time' <- parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale rfc822DateFormat .
+ textToString . decodeUtf8 =<<
+ header "date"
+ from' <- addressTel =<<
+ fmap (Address . MIME.Single) (fromMailbox email)
+ owner' <- addressTel $ AddressLax ownerT
+ return (MMS mid' time' to' from' owner' text' media', files)
+ where
+ media' = map (\(_, uri, _) -> uri) attachments
+ files = map (\(cid, _, bytes) -> (cid, bytes)) attachments
+ attachments = getAttachments attachmentUrl email
+ text' = firstOf plainTextBody email
+ to' = mapMaybe addressTel $
+ recipientHeader "to" email ++ recipientHeader "cc" email
+ header h = firstOf (MIME.headers . MIME.header (fromString h)) email
M cheogram-smtp.cabal => cheogram-smtp.cabal +8 -1
@@ 13,6 13,7 @@ common defs
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -Wall -Wno-tabs -Wno-orphans -Werror
build-depends: base >=4.11 && <4.14,
+ aeson >= 1.4,
attoparsec >=0.13 && <0.14,
basic-prelude >=0.7 && <0.8,
bytestring >=0.10 && <0.11,
@@ 21,6 22,7 @@ common defs
cryptonite >=0.25 && <0.30,
errors >=2.3 && <2.4,
focus >= 1.0.1 && < 1.1,
+ http-streams >= && <,
ipld-cid >= 0.1 && < 0.2,
lens >=4.16 && <4.19,
mime-mail >=0.4 && < 0.5,
@@ 28,7 30,7 @@ common defs
network >= 2.6.3 && < 2.7,
network-protocol-xmpp >=0.4 && <0.5,
network-uri >=2.6 && <2.7,
- purebred-email >=0.6 && <0.7,
+ purebred-email >=0.5 && <0.6,
stm >=2.4 && <2.6,
stm-containers >= 1.1.0 && < 1.2,
stm-delay >=0.1 && <0.2,
@@ 48,6 50,11 @@ executable incoming-email
main-is: incoming-email.hs
other-modules: Router, Util, Email, IQManager
+executable incoming-mms
+ import: defs
+ main-is: incoming-mms.hs
+ other-modules: Util, Email, MMS
test-suite test
import: defs
main-is: Driver.hs
A incoming-mms.hs => incoming-mms.hs +38 -0
@@ 0,0 1,38 @@
+module Main (main) where
+import Prelude ()
+import BasicPrelude
+import qualified Network.Http.Client as HTTP
+import qualified Data.IPLD.CID as CID
+import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LByteString
+import qualified Data.MIME as MIME
+import Email
+import MMS
+import Util
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ (uploadUrl:uploadPath:targetUrl:envelopeTos) <- getArgs
+ let cidToPath cid =
+ textToString uploadPath ++ "/" ++
+ textToString (CID.cidToText cid)
+ input <- LByteString.getContents
+ let Right email = MIME.parse messageOptionalMboxFrom input
+ let (mmss, files) = unzip $ mapMaybe (\envelopeTo ->
+ emailToMMS uploadUrl envelopeTo email
+ ) envelopeTos
+ forM_ (concat files) $ \(cid, bytes) ->
+ ByteString.writeFile (cidToPath cid) bytes
+ forM_ mmss $ \mms ->
+ HTTP.post
+ (encodeUtf8 targetUrl)
+ (s"application/json")
+ (HTTP.jsonBody [mms])
+ HTTP.simpleHandler'