A Session.hs => Session.hs +61 -0
@@ 0,0 1,61 @@
+module Session where
+import Prelude ()
+import BasicPrelude
+import qualified Database.SQLite.Simple as DB
+import qualified Data.XML.Types as XML
+import qualified Network.Protocol.XMPP as XMPP
+import qualified Config
+import Util
+mkSession :: (MonadIO m) =>
+ Config.Config
+ -> XMPP.PresenceType
+ -> Maybe XMPP.JID
+ -> m ()
+mkSession config typ source target
+ | typ == XMPP.PresenceUnavailable =
+ liftIO $ DB.execute (Config.db config)
+ (s"DELETE FROM sessions WHERE source_muc=? AND source_nick=? AND target_muc=? AND target_nick=?")
+ (sourceMuc, sourceNick, targetMuc, targetNick)
+ | otherwise =
+ liftIO $ DB.execute (Config.db config)
+ (s"INSERT INTO sessions VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)")
+ (sourceMuc, sourceNick, targetMuc, targetNick, Config.dbVersion config)
+ where
+ sourceMuc = bareTxt <$> source
+ sourceNick = XMPP.strResource <$> (XMPP.jidResource =<< source)
+ targetMuc = bareTxt target
+ targetNick = XMPP.strResource <$> XMPP.jidResource target
+maybeAddNick :: XMPP.JID -> Text -> XMPP.JID
+maybeAddNick jid@XMPP.JID { XMPP.jidResource = Just _ } _ = jid
+maybeAddNick muc nick = jid
+ where
+ Just jid = XMPP.parseJID $ bareTxt muc ++ s"/" ++ nick
+sendPresence :: Config.Config -> XMPP.Presence -> XMPP.JID -> XMPP.XMPP ()
+sendPresence config presence@XMPP.Presence {
+ XMPP.presenceFrom = Just from@XMPP.JID {
+ XMPP.jidResource = Just fromResource
+ },
+ XMPP.presenceType = typ,
+ XMPP.presencePayloads = payloads
+} targetMuc = do
+ mkSession config typ (Just from) target
+ XMPP.putStanza $ presence {
+ XMPP.presenceFrom = Just (proxyJid config from),
+ XMPP.presenceTo = Just target,
+ XMPP.presencePayloads = map (\payload ->
+ case XML.isNamed (s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x") payload of
+ [_] -> mucJoinX
+ _ -> payload
+ ) payloads
+ }
+ where
+ target = maybeAddNick targetMuc (fromNick ++ s"[x]")
+ fromNick = XMPP.strResource fromResource
+sendPresence _ _ _ = return ()
M Util.hs => Util.hs +18 -0
@@ 169,3 169,21 @@ mkDiscoFeature var =
(.:) :: (c -> d) -> (a -> b -> c) -> a -> b -> d
(.:) = (.) . (.)
+proxyJid :: Config.Config -> XMPP.JID -> XMPP.JID
+proxyJid config from = jid
+ where
+ Just jid = XMPP.parseJID $ escapeJid (XMPP.formatJID from)
+ ++ s"@" ++ XMPP.formatJID (Config.componentJid config) ++ s"/bridge"
+mucJoin :: XMPP.JID -> Text -> XMPP.Presence
+mucJoin muc nick = (XMPP.emptyPresence XMPP.PresenceAvailable) {
+ XMPP.presenceTo = XMPP.parseJID $ bareTxt muc ++ s"/" ++ nick,
+ XMPP.presencePayloads = [mucJoinX]
+ }
+mucJoinX :: XML.Element
+mucJoinX = XML.Element (s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc}x") [] [
+ XML.NodeElement $ XML.Element (s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc}history")
+ [(s"maxchars", [XML.ContentText $ s"0"])] []
+ ]
M cheogram-muc-bridge.cabal => cheogram-muc-bridge.cabal +1 -1
@@ 29,4 29,4 @@ common defs
executable gateway
import: defs
main-is: gateway.hs
- other-modules: Router, Util, Config, ConfigFile>
\ No newline at end of file
+ other-modules: Router, Util, Config, ConfigFile, Session
M gateway.hs => gateway.hs +17 -39
@@ 10,21 10,10 @@ import qualified Data.XML.Types as XML
import qualified Network.Protocol.XMPP as XMPP
import qualified Config
+import qualified Session
import Router
import Util
-mucJoin :: XMPP.JID -> Text -> XMPP.Presence
-mucJoin muc nick = (XMPP.emptyPresence XMPP.PresenceAvailable) {
- XMPP.presenceTo = XMPP.parseJID $ bareTxt muc ++ s"/" ++ nick,
- XMPP.presencePayloads = [mucJoinX]
- }
-mucJoinX :: XML.Element
-mucJoinX = XML.Element (s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc}x") [] [
- XML.NodeElement $ XML.Element (s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc}history")
- [(s"maxchars", [XML.ContentText $ s"0"])] []
- ]
hasMucCode :: Int -> XMPP.Presence -> Bool
hasMucCode code XMPP.Presence { XMPP.presencePayloads = p } =
elem (tshow code) $
@@ 43,54 32,42 @@ targets config from = mapMaybe (\bridge ->
) (Config.mucs config)
-proxyJid :: Config.Config -> XMPP.JID -> XMPP.JID
-proxyJid config from = jid
- where
- Just jid = XMPP.parseJID $ escapeJid (XMPP.formatJID from)
- ++ s"@" ++ XMPP.formatJID (Config.componentJid config) ++ s"/bridge"
handlePresence :: Config.Config -> XMPP.Presence -> XMPP.XMPP ()
handlePresence config presence@XMPP.Presence {
XMPP.presenceFrom = Just from,
- XMPP.presenceTo = Just to,
- XMPP.presencePayloads = p
+ XMPP.presenceTo = Just to
| bareTxt to /= bareTxt (Config.bridgeJid config) =
-- This is to one of our ghosts, so just ignore it
return ()
| hasMucCode 110 presence = return () -- ignore self presence
| Just resource <- XMPP.jidResource from,
- not (s"|" `T.isInfixOf` XMPP.strResource resource) = forM_ (targets config from) $ \target ->
- XMPP.putStanza $ presence {
- XMPP.presenceFrom = Just (proxyJid config from),
- XMPP.presenceTo = XMPP.parseJID $
- bareTxt target ++ s"/" ++ XMPP.strResource resource ++ s"|X",
- XMPP.presencePayloads = map (\payload ->
- case XML.isNamed (s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x") payload of
- [_] -> mucJoinX
- _ -> payload
- ) p
- }
+ not (s"[x]" `T.isInfixOf` XMPP.strResource resource) = forM_ (targets config from) $
+ Session.sendPresence config presence
handlePresence _ _ = return ()
-handlePresenceError :: XMPP.Presence -> XMPP.XMPP ()
-handlePresenceError XMPP.Presence {
+handlePresenceError :: Config.Config -> XMPP.Presence -> XMPP.XMPP ()
+handlePresenceError config XMPP.Presence {
XMPP.presenceFrom = Just from@XMPP.JID {
XMPP.jidResource = Just resource
- XMPP.presenceTo = Just to,
+ XMPP.presenceTo = Just XMPP.JID { XMPP.jidNode = Just node },
XMPP.presencePayloads = p
} |
+ Just originalSource <- XMPP.parseJID $ unescapeJid $ XMPP.strNode node,
[err] <- XML.isNamed (s"{jabber:component:accept}error") =<< p,
[_] <- XML.isNamed (s"{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas}conflict") =<<
XML.elementChildren err =
- XMPP.putStanza $ (mucJoin muc (nick ++ s"_")) {
- XMPP.presenceFrom = Just to
- }
+ let
+ toSend = (mucJoin muc (nick ++ s"_")) {
+ XMPP.presenceFrom = Just originalSource
+ }
+ Just target = XMPP.presenceTo toSend
+ in Session.sendPresence config toSend target
nick = XMPP.strResource resource
Just muc = XMPP.parseJID $ bareTxt from
-handlePresenceError _ = return ()
+handlePresenceError _ _ = return ()
handleGroupChat :: Config.Config -> XMPP.Message -> XMPP.XMPP ()
handleGroupChat config message@XMPP.Message {
@@ 151,6 128,7 @@ handleIq _ _ = return ()
joinFromBridge :: Config.Config -> XMPP.JID -> XMPP.XMPP ()
joinFromBridge config muc = do
+ Session.mkSession config XMPP.PresenceAvailable Nothing muc
XMPP.putStanza $ (mucJoin muc (Config.nick config)) {
XMPP.presenceFrom = Just $ Config.bridgeJid config
@@ 174,7 152,7 @@ main = do
joinFromBridge config (Config.muc2 bridge)
return $ defaultRoutes {
presenceRoute = handlePresence config,
- presenceErrorRoute = handlePresenceError,
+ presenceErrorRoute = handlePresenceError config,
messageGroupChatRoute = handleGroupChat config,
messageRoute = handleMessage config,
iqRoute = handleIq config