M ConfigFile.hs => ConfigFile.hs +2 -1
@@ 20,7 20,8 @@ data MUC = MUC {
jid :: XMPP.JID,
tag :: Maybe Text,
nickChars :: Maybe String,
- nickLength :: Maybe Dhall.Natural
+ nickLength :: Maybe Dhall.Natural,
+ extraPresencePayloads :: Bool
} deriving (Dhall.Generic, Dhall.FromDhall, Show)
data Config = Config {
M Session.hs => Session.hs +36 -19
@@ 54,6 54,16 @@ mkSession config typ source target
targetMuc = bareTxt target
targetNick = fromMaybe mempty (XMPP.strResource <$> XMPP.jidResource target)
+isGhost :: (MonadIO m) => Config.Config -> XMPP.JID -> m Bool
+isGhost config from = do
+ ghost <- liftIO $ DB.query (Config.db config)
+ (s"SELECT COUNT(1) FROM sessions WHERE target_muc = ? AND target_nick = ? LIMIT 1")
+ (bareTxt from, nick)
+ return (ghost /= [DB.Only (0::Int)])
+ where
+ nick = fromMaybe mempty $ XMPP.strResource <$> XMPP.jidResource from
maybeAddNick :: XMPP.JID -> Text -> XMPP.JID
maybeAddNick jid@XMPP.JID { XMPP.jidResource = Just _ } _ = jid
maybeAddNick muc nick = jid
@@ 63,36 73,43 @@ maybeAddNick muc nick = jid
sendPresence :: Config.Config -> XMPP.Presence -> XMPP.JID -> XMPP.XMPP ()
sendPresence config presence targetMuc =
sendPresenceToMUC config presence
- (Config.MUC targetMuc Nothing Nothing Nothing) Nothing
+ (Config.MUC targetMuc Nothing Nothing Nothing False)
+ (Config.MUC (error "unknown sourceMuc") Nothing Nothing Nothing True)
-sendPresenceToMUC :: Config.Config -> XMPP.Presence -> Config.MUC -> Maybe Text -> XMPP.XMPP ()
+sendPresenceToMUC :: Config.Config -> XMPP.Presence -> Config.MUC -> Config.MUC -> XMPP.XMPP ()
sendPresenceToMUC config presence@XMPP.Presence {
XMPP.presenceFrom = Just from@XMPP.JID {
XMPP.jidResource = Just fromResource
XMPP.presenceType = typ,
XMPP.presencePayloads = payloads
-} targetMuc tag = do
- when (typ == XMPP.PresenceAvailable) $
- mkSession config typ (Just from) target
- XMPP.putStanza $ presence {
- XMPP.presenceType = typ,
- XMPP.presenceFrom = Just (proxyJid config from),
- XMPP.presenceTo = Just target,
- XMPP.presencePayloads = (
- XML.Element (s"{https://ns.soprani.ca/cheogram-muc-bridge/ghost}ghost") [] []
- ) : map (\payload ->
- case XML.isNamed (s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x") payload of
- [_] -> mucJoinX
- _ -> payload
- ) payloads
- }
+} targetMuc sourceMuc = do
+ ghost <- if (Config.extraPresencePayloads sourceMuc) then
+ return False
+ else
+ isGhost config from
+ when (not ghost) $ do
+ when (typ == XMPP.PresenceAvailable) $
+ mkSession config typ (Just from) target
+ XMPP.putStanza $ presence {
+ XMPP.presenceType = typ,
+ XMPP.presenceFrom = Just (proxyJid config from),
+ XMPP.presenceTo = Just target,
+ XMPP.presencePayloads = (
+ XML.Element (s"{https://ns.soprani.ca/cheogram-muc-bridge/ghost}ghost") [] []
+ ) : map (\payload ->
+ case XML.isNamed (s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x") payload of
+ [_] -> mucJoinX
+ _ -> payload
+ ) payloads
+ }
nickReplacement = maybe id replaceNotInClass (Config.nickChars targetMuc)
target = maybeAddNick (Config.jid targetMuc) $ nickReplacement $
maybeTruncate nickLength fromNick ++ subscript
- subscript = maybe mempty (\t -> s"[" ++ t ++ s"]") tag
+ subscript = maybe mempty (\t -> s"[" ++ t ++ s"]") (Config.tag sourceMuc)
nickLength = fmap (subtract (T.length subscript) . fromIntegral) $
Config.nickLength targetMuc
fromNick = XMPP.strResource fromResource
M config.dhall.example => config.dhall.example +2 -2
@@ 9,8 9,8 @@
db = "db.sqlite3",
mucs = [
- { jid = "first@muc", tag = "first", nickChars = Some "a-zA-Z0-9`|^_{}[]\\-", nickLength = Some 15 },
- { jid = "second@muc", tag = "second", nickChars = None Text, nickLength = None Natural }
+ { jid = "first@muc", tag = "first", nickChars = Some "a-zA-Z0-9`|^_{}[]\\-", nickLength = Some 15, extraPresencePayloads = False },
+ { jid = "second@muc", tag = "second", nickChars = None Text, nickLength = None Natural, extraPresencePayloads = True }
M gateway.hs => gateway.hs +2 -2
@@ 26,11 26,11 @@ hasMucCode code XMPP.Presence { XMPP.presencePayloads = p } =
=<< XML.elementChildren
=<< XML.isNamed (s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x") =<< p
-fullTargets :: Config.Config -> XMPP.JID -> [(Config.MUC, Maybe Text)]
+fullTargets :: Config.Config -> XMPP.JID -> [(Config.MUC, Config.MUC)]
fullTargets config from = concatMap (\bridge ->
case find ((bareTxt from ==) . bareTxt . Config.jid) bridge of
Just sourceMuc ->
- map (\muc -> (muc, Config.tag sourceMuc)) $
+ map (\muc -> (muc, sourceMuc)) $
filter ((bareTxt from /=) . bareTxt . Config.jid) bridge
Nothing -> []
) (Config.mucs config)