M Session.hs => Session.hs +51 -0
@@ 2,6 2,10 @@ module Session where
import Prelude ()
import BasicPrelude
+import Control.Applicative (many)
+import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as Atto hiding (Parser)
+import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Internal.Types as Atto
+import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Database.SQLite.Simple as DB
import qualified Data.XML.Types as XML
import qualified Network.Protocol.XMPP as XMPP
@@ 59,3 63,50 @@ sendPresence config presence@XMPP.Presence {
target = maybeAddNick targetMuc (fromNick ++ s"[x]")
fromNick = XMPP.strResource fromResource
sendPresence _ _ _ = return ()
+startOfInput :: Atto.Parser t ()
+startOfInput = Atto.Parser $ \t pos more lose suc ->
+ if pos == 0 then
+ suc t pos more ()
+ else
+ lose t pos more [] "startOfInput"
+replaceWords :: [(Text, Text)] -> Text -> Text
+replaceWords replacements txt = mconcat result
+ where
+ wordClass = "A-Za-z0-9_"
+ boundary =
+ (startOfInput *> pure mempty) <|>
+ (Atto.endOfInput *> pure mempty) <|>
+ (T.singleton <$> Atto.satisfy (Atto.notInClass wordClass))
+ replacement word newWord = mconcat <$> (
+ (:) <$> boundary <*> (
+ (:) <$> (Atto.string word *> pure newWord) <*>
+ ((:) <$> boundary <*> pure [])
+ ))
+ Right result = Atto.parseOnly (many (
+ foldr (<|>) (T.singleton <$> Atto.anyChar) (uncurry replacement <$> replacements)
+ ) <* Atto.endOfInput) txt
+sendGroupChat :: Config.Config -> XMPP.Message -> XMPP.JID -> XMPP.XMPP ()
+sendGroupChat config message@XMPP.Message {
+ XMPP.messageFrom = Just from,
+ XMPP.messagePayloads = payloads
+} target = do
+ nickSwaps1 <- liftIO $ DB.query (Config.db config) (s"SELECT target_nick, source_nick FROM sessions WHERE source_muc=?") (DB.Only $ bareTxt target)
+ nickSwaps2 <- liftIO $ DB.query (Config.db config) (s"SELECT source_nick, target_nick FROM sessions WHERE target_muc=? AND source_muc IS NOT NULL") (DB.Only $ bareTxt target)
+ XMPP.putStanza $ message {
+ XMPP.messageFrom = Just (proxyJid config from),
+ XMPP.messageTo = Just target,
+ XMPP.messagePayloads = map (\el ->
+ case XML.isNamed (s"{jabber:component:accept}body") el of
+ [body] ->
+ body { XML.elementNodes = [
+ XML.NodeContent $ XML.ContentText $
+ replaceWords (nickSwaps1 ++ nickSwaps2)
+ (mconcat (XML.elementText body))
+ ]}
+ _ -> el
+ ) payloads
+ }
+sendGroupChat _ _ _ = return ()
M gateway.hs => gateway.hs +2 -5
@@ 77,11 77,8 @@ handleGroupChat config message@XMPP.Message {
| bareTxt to /= bareTxt (Config.bridgeJid config) =
-- This is to one of our ghosts, so just ignore it
return ()
- | otherwise = forM_ (targets config from) $ \target ->
- XMPP.putStanza $ message {
- XMPP.messageFrom = Just (proxyJid config from),
- XMPP.messageTo = Just target
- }
+ | otherwise = forM_ (targets config from) $
+ Session.sendGroupChat config message
handleGroupChat _ _ = return ()
handleMessage :: Config.Config -> XMPP.Message -> XMPP.XMPP ()