M Session.hs => Session.hs +6 -17
@@ 65,15 65,6 @@ sendPresence config presence targetMuc =
sendPresenceToMUC config presence
(Config.MUC targetMuc Nothing Nothing Nothing) Nothing
-isGhost :: (MonadIO m) => Config.Config -> XMPP.JID -> m Bool
-isGhost config from = do
- ghost <- liftIO $ DB.query (Config.db config)
- (s"SELECT COUNT(1) FROM sessions WHERE target_muc = ? AND target_nick = ? LIMIT 1")
- (bareTxt from, nick)
- return (ghost /= [DB.Only (0::Int)])
- where
- nick = fromMaybe mempty $ XMPP.strResource <$> XMPP.jidResource from
sendPresenceToMUC :: Config.Config -> XMPP.Presence -> Config.MUC -> Maybe Text -> XMPP.XMPP ()
sendPresenceToMUC config presence@XMPP.Presence {
XMPP.presenceFrom = Just from@XMPP.JID {
@@ 82,18 73,16 @@ sendPresenceToMUC config presence@XMPP.Presence {
XMPP.presenceType = typ,
XMPP.presencePayloads = payloads
} targetMuc tag = do
- ghost <- isGhost config from
- let typ'
- | ghost = XMPP.PresenceUnavailable
- | otherwise = typ
- when (typ' == XMPP.PresenceAvailable) $
- mkSession config typ' (Just from) target
+ when (typ == XMPP.PresenceAvailable) $
+ mkSession config typ (Just from) target
XMPP.putStanza $ presence {
- XMPP.presenceType = typ',
+ XMPP.presenceType = typ,
XMPP.presenceFrom = Just (proxyJid config from),
XMPP.presenceTo = Just target,
- XMPP.presencePayloads = map (\payload ->
+ XMPP.presencePayloads = (
+ XML.Element (s"{https://ns.soprani.ca/cheogram-muc-bridge/ghost}ghost") [] []
+ ) : map (\payload ->
case XML.isNamed (s"{http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user}x") payload of
[_] -> mucJoinX
_ -> payload
M gateway.hs => gateway.hs +5 -1
@@ 42,7 42,8 @@ handlePresence :: Config.Config -> XMPP.Presence -> XMPP.XMPP ()
handlePresence config presence@XMPP.Presence {
XMPP.presenceFrom = Just from,
XMPP.presenceTo = Just to,
- XMPP.presenceType = typ
+ XMPP.presenceType = typ,
+ XMPP.presencePayloads = payloads
| typ == XMPP.PresenceAvailable,
hasMucCode 110 presence, -- done joining room
@@ 72,6 73,9 @@ handlePresence config presence@XMPP.Presence {
| bareTxt to /= bareTxt (Config.bridgeJid config) =
-- This is to one of our ghosts, so just ignore it
return ()
+ | (_:_) <- XML.isNamed (s"{https://ns.soprani.ca/cheogram-muc-bridge/ghost}ghost") =<< payloads =
+ -- This is from one of our ghosts, so just ignore it
+ return ()
| otherwise = forM_ (fullTargets config from) $
uncurry $ Session.sendPresenceToMUC config presence
handlePresence _ _ = return ()