M build.gradle => build.gradle +2 -2
@@ 131,8 131,8 @@ android {
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 21
targetSdkVersion 32
- versionCode 42024 + tags.size()
- versionName grgit.describe(always: true)
+ versionCode 42041
+ versionName "2.12.1-7"
applicationId "eu.siacs.conversations"
resValue "string", "applicationId", applicationId
def appName = "Conversations"
D fastlane/metadata/android/de-DE/changelogs/42041.txt => fastlane/metadata/android/de-DE/changelogs/42041.txt +0 -5
@@ 1,5 0,0 @@
-* Implementierung von Extensible SASL Profile, Bind 2.0 und Fast für schnellere Wiederverbindungen
-* Implementierung von Channel Binding
-* Möglichkeit von einem Audioanruf zu einem Videoanruf zu wechseln
-* Möglichkeit zum Löschen des eigenen Profilbildes hinzugefügt
-* Benachrichtigung für verpasste Anrufe hinzugefügt
A fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/42036.txt => fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/42036.txt +16 -0
@@ 0,0 1,16 @@
+Version 2.12.1-2
+* Custom any colour theme (Android 11+)
+* Collapse empty thread selector while typing
+* Back exits single thread view
+* Offer cheogram.com register on first setup if no PSTN or SMS gateway
+* Offer to set up dialler integration when new PSTN gateway detected
+* Get mic permission when setting up dialler integration
+* Show very wide tables as list of cards
+* Change notification LED colour to perpy
+* Support custom actions defined by list-single var=http://jabber.org/protocol/commands#actions
+* Render a form with only one list-single or boolean as buttons
+* Allow creating an account for yourself using an invite
+* Fix nested scroll on ListView in Command UI
+* Remove RoundedImageView dependency
+* Menu item to save image (or inline image) as sticker
+* Extended addressing ofrom notifications should look like MUC (group text)
M fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/42037.txt => fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/42037.txt +17 -11
@@ 1,11 1,17 @@
-Version 2.10.9
-* Ask for Bluetooth permissions when making A/V calls (You can reject this if you don’t use Bluetooth headsets)
-* Fix bug when calling Movim
-* Fix wrong avatar being shown for group chats
-* Always ask for battery optimizations opt-out
-* Set local only flag on 'x connected accounts' notifications
-* Fix interaction with Google Maps Share Location Plugin
-* Remove footnote with regards to server fee
-* Store files in location appropriate for Android 11
-* Attempt to reconnect call after network switch
-* Show caller JID and account JID in incoming call screen
+Version 2.12.1-3
+* Unify new contact and new channel into one dialog
+* Do not require adding a contact to message or call
+* Allow moderators to moderate messages in channels
+* Hide avatar, nickname, and content for moderated messages in channels
+* Don't change XMPP URI link labels if they have a custom one via XHTML-IM
+* If an XMPP URI is for the current conversation, hide redundant display name
+* Unread count should use primary colour (possible from custom colour theme)
+* Sleep hack to make "all done" notification for backups more reliable
+* Allow blocking avatars and other media by hash locally
+* Offer to download default sticker packs, storing CID and URL
+* Send CID with known URL without uploading
+* Send SIMS with hashes and filename
+* Allow importing stickers made for Signal (via signal.art or sgnl:// links)
+* Allow command UI cancel even if an embedded webpage is broken
+* Fixes for older Android version compatibility
+* Fixes for various crashing bugs
M fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/42038.txt => fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/42038.txt +8 -2
@@ 1,2 1,8 @@
-* Minor bug fixes
-* Restore ability to call out via JMP and other services (Playstore version)
+* WebXDC prototype
+* Conversation-style notifications, for per-conversation priority and sound
+* @here triggers XEP-0224, which notifies as if mentioned
+* Phone number and date formatting in Command UI
+* Allow message correction to affect subject and thread
+* New "Cleanup Conversations" option to save RAM for busy users
+* Try to get list of commands from any domain-only Jabber ID, without presence
+* Allow manual command feature discovery for Jabber ID with no presence
A fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/42040.txt => fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/42040.txt +8 -0
@@ 0,0 1,8 @@
+* Per-account colours when multiple accounts
+* Per-account quiet hours (applies to messages and calls both)
+* Send and decode thumbhash thumbnails for media messages
+* Tap on phone numbers and urls in Command UI as links
+* Set display name to that of contact (not self) for incoming call
+* Fix conversation style notifications from group chats
+* Require device unlock rather than account password to change password
+* Reply to a PM should also be a PM
M fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/42041.txt => fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/42041.txt +1 -5
@@ 1,5 1,1 @@
-* Implement Extensible SASL Profile, Bind 2.0 and Fast for faster reconnects
-* Implement Channel Binding
-* Add ability to switch from audio call to video call
-* Add ability to delete own avatar
-* Add notification for missed calls
+Small bugfix release