M build.gradle => build.gradle +1 -0
@@ 95,6 95,7 @@ dependencies {
implementation 'io.github.nishkarsh:android-permissions:2.1.6'
implementation 'androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview:1.1.0'
implementation 'androidx.documentfile:documentfile:1.0.1'
+ implementation 'com.github.martin-stone:hsv-alpha-color-picker-android:2.4.2'
implementation 'com.github.ipld:java-cid:v1.3.1'
implementation 'com.splitwise:tokenautocomplete:3.0.2'
implementation 'me.saket:better-link-movement-method:2.2.0'
A src/cheogram/java/com/cheogram/android/ColorResourcesLoaderCreator.java => src/cheogram/java/com/cheogram/android/ColorResourcesLoaderCreator.java +74 -0
@@ 0,0 1,74 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package com.cheogram.android;
+import android.content.Context;
+import android.content.res.loader.ResourcesLoader;
+import android.content.res.loader.ResourcesProvider;
+import android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES;
+import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor;
+import android.system.Os;
+import android.util.Log;
+import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
+import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
+import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi;
+import java.io.FileDescriptor;
+import java.io.FileOutputStream;
+import java.io.OutputStream;
+import java.util.Map;
+/** This class creates a Resources Table at runtime and helps replace color Resources on the fly. */
+public final class ColorResourcesLoaderCreator {
+ private ColorResourcesLoaderCreator() {}
+ private static final String TAG = ColorResourcesLoaderCreator.class.getSimpleName();
+ @Nullable
+ public static ResourcesLoader create(
+ @NonNull Context context, @NonNull Map<Integer, Integer> colorMapping) {
+ try {
+ byte[] contentBytes = ColorResourcesTableCreator.create(context, colorMapping);
+ Log.i(TAG, "Table created, length: " + contentBytes.length);
+ if (contentBytes.length == 0) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ FileDescriptor arscFile = null;
+ try {
+ arscFile = Os.memfd_create("temp.arsc", /* flags= */ 0);
+ // Note: This must not be closed through the OutputStream.
+ try (OutputStream pipeWriter = new FileOutputStream(arscFile)) {
+ pipeWriter.write(contentBytes);
+ try (ParcelFileDescriptor pfd = ParcelFileDescriptor.dup(arscFile)) {
+ ResourcesLoader colorsLoader = new ResourcesLoader();
+ colorsLoader.addProvider(
+ ResourcesProvider.loadFromTable(pfd, /* assetsProvider= */ null));
+ return colorsLoader;
+ }
+ }
+ } finally {
+ if (arscFile != null) {
+ Os.close(arscFile);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ Log.e(TAG, "Failed to create the ColorResourcesTableCreator.", e);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
A src/cheogram/java/com/cheogram/android/ColorResourcesTableCreator.java => src/cheogram/java/com/cheogram/android/ColorResourcesTableCreator.java +621 -0
@@ 0,0 1,621 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package com.cheogram.android;
+import android.content.Context;
+import android.util.Pair;
+import androidx.annotation.ColorInt;
+import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.nio.charset.Charset;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Comparator;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Map.Entry;
+import java.util.Set;
+ * This class consists of definitions of resource data structures and helps creates a Color
+ * Resources Table on the fly. It is a Java replicate of the framework's code, see
+ * frameworks/base/include/ResourceTypes.h.
+ */
+final class ColorResourcesTableCreator {
+ private ColorResourcesTableCreator() {}
+ private static final short HEADER_TYPE_RES_TABLE = 0x0002;
+ private static final short HEADER_TYPE_STRING_POOL = 0x0001;
+ private static final short HEADER_TYPE_PACKAGE = 0x0200;
+ private static final short HEADER_TYPE_TYPE = 0x0201;
+ private static final short HEADER_TYPE_TYPE_SPEC = 0x0202;
+ private static final byte ANDROID_PACKAGE_ID = 0x01;
+ private static final byte APPLICATION_PACKAGE_ID = 0x7F;
+ private static final String RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME_COLOR = "color";
+ private static byte typeIdColor;
+ private static final PackageInfo ANDROID_PACKAGE_INFO =
+ new PackageInfo(ANDROID_PACKAGE_ID, "android");
+ private static final Comparator<ColorResource> COLOR_RESOURCE_COMPARATOR =
+ new Comparator<ColorResource>() {
+ @Override
+ public int compare(ColorResource res1, ColorResource res2) {
+ return res1.entryId - res2.entryId;
+ }
+ };
+ static byte[] create(Context context, Map<Integer, Integer> colorMapping) throws IOException {
+ if (colorMapping.entrySet().isEmpty()) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("No color resources provided for harmonization.");
+ }
+ PackageInfo applicationPackageInfo =
+ new PackageInfo(APPLICATION_PACKAGE_ID, context.getPackageName());
+ Map<PackageInfo, List<ColorResource>> colorResourceMap = new HashMap<>();
+ ColorResource colorResource = null;
+ for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : colorMapping.entrySet()) {
+ colorResource =
+ new ColorResource(
+ entry.getKey(),
+ context.getResources().getResourceName(entry.getKey()),
+ entry.getValue());
+ if (!context
+ .getResources()
+ .getResourceTypeName(entry.getKey())
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+ "Non color resource found: name="
+ + colorResource.name
+ + ", typeId="
+ + Integer.toHexString(colorResource.typeId & 0xFF));
+ }
+ PackageInfo packageInfo;
+ if (colorResource.packageId == ANDROID_PACKAGE_ID) {
+ } else if (colorResource.packageId == APPLICATION_PACKAGE_ID) {
+ packageInfo = applicationPackageInfo;
+ } else {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException(
+ "Not supported with unknown package id: " + colorResource.packageId);
+ }
+ if (!colorResourceMap.containsKey(packageInfo)) {
+ colorResourceMap.put(packageInfo, new ArrayList<ColorResource>());
+ }
+ colorResourceMap.get(packageInfo).add(colorResource);
+ }
+ // Resource Type Ids are assigned by aapt arbitrarily, for each new type the next available
+ // number is assigned and used. The type id will be the same for resources that are the same
+ // type.
+ typeIdColor = colorResource.typeId;
+ if (typeIdColor == 0) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("No color resources found for harmonization.");
+ }
+ ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
+ new ResTable(colorResourceMap).writeTo(outputStream);
+ return outputStream.toByteArray();
+ }
+ /**
+ * A Table chunk contains: a set of Packages, where a Package is a collection of Resources and a
+ * set of strings used by the Resources contained in those Packages.
+ *
+ * <p>The set of strings are contained in a StringPool chunk. Each Package is contained in a
+ * corresponding Package chunk. The StringPool chunk immediately follows the Table chunk header.
+ * The Package chunks follow the StringPool chunk.
+ */
+ private static class ResTable {
+ private static final short HEADER_SIZE = 0x000C;
+ private final ResChunkHeader header;
+ private final int packageCount;
+ private final StringPoolChunk stringPool;
+ private final List<PackageChunk> packageChunks = new ArrayList<>();
+ ResTable(Map<PackageInfo, List<ColorResource>> colorResourceMap) {
+ packageCount = colorResourceMap.size();
+ stringPool = new StringPoolChunk();
+ for (Entry<PackageInfo, List<ColorResource>> entry : colorResourceMap.entrySet()) {
+ List<ColorResource> colorResources = entry.getValue();
+ Collections.sort(colorResources, COLOR_RESOURCE_COMPARATOR);
+ packageChunks.add(new PackageChunk(entry.getKey(), colorResources));
+ }
+ header = new ResChunkHeader(HEADER_TYPE_RES_TABLE, HEADER_SIZE, getOverallSize());
+ }
+ void writeTo(ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream) throws IOException {
+ header.writeTo(outputStream);
+ outputStream.write(intToByteArray(packageCount));
+ stringPool.writeTo(outputStream);
+ for (PackageChunk packageChunk : packageChunks) {
+ packageChunk.writeTo(outputStream);
+ }
+ }
+ private int getOverallSize() {
+ int packageChunkSize = 0;
+ for (PackageChunk packageChunk : packageChunks) {
+ packageChunkSize += packageChunk.getChunkSize();
+ }
+ return HEADER_SIZE + stringPool.getChunkSize() + packageChunkSize;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Header that appears at the front of every data chunk in a resource. */
+ private static class ResChunkHeader {
+ // Type identifier for this chunk. The meaning of this value depends
+ // on the containing chunk.
+ private final short type;
+ // Size of the chunk header (in bytes). Adding this value to
+ // the address of the chunk allows you to find its associated data
+ // (if any).
+ private final short headerSize;
+ // Total size of this chunk (in bytes). This is the chunkSize plus
+ // the size of any data associated with the chunk. Adding this value
+ // to the chunk allows you to completely skip its contents (including
+ // any child chunks). If this value is the same as chunkSize, there is
+ // no data associated with the chunk.
+ private final int chunkSize;
+ ResChunkHeader(short type, short headerSize, int chunkSize) {
+ this.type = type;
+ this.headerSize = headerSize;
+ this.chunkSize = chunkSize;
+ }
+ void writeTo(ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream) throws IOException {
+ outputStream.write(shortToByteArray(type));
+ outputStream.write(shortToByteArray(headerSize));
+ outputStream.write(intToByteArray(chunkSize));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Immediately following the Table header is a StringPool chunk. It consists of StringPool chunk
+ * header and StringPool chunk body.
+ */
+ private static class StringPoolChunk {
+ private static final short HEADER_SIZE = 0x001C;
+ private static final int FLAG_UTF8 = 0x00000100;
+ private static final int STYLED_SPAN_LIST_END = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ private final ResChunkHeader header;
+ private final int stringCount;
+ private final int styledSpanCount;
+ private final int stringsStart;
+ private final int styledSpansStart;
+ private final List<Integer> stringIndex = new ArrayList<>();
+ private final List<Integer> styledSpanIndex = new ArrayList<>();
+ private final List<byte[]> strings = new ArrayList<>();
+ private final List<List<StringStyledSpan>> styledSpans = new ArrayList<>();
+ private final boolean utf8Encode;
+ private final int stringsPaddingSize;
+ private final int chunkSize;
+ StringPoolChunk(String... rawStrings) {
+ this(false, rawStrings);
+ }
+ StringPoolChunk(boolean utf8, String... rawStrings) {
+ utf8Encode = utf8;
+ int stringOffset = 0;
+ for (String string : rawStrings) {
+ Pair<byte[], List<StringStyledSpan>> processedString = processString(string);
+ stringIndex.add(stringOffset);
+ stringOffset += processedString.first.length;
+ strings.add(processedString.first);
+ styledSpans.add(processedString.second);
+ }
+ int styledSpanOffset = 0;
+ for (List<StringStyledSpan> styledSpanList : styledSpans) {
+ for (StringStyledSpan styledSpan : styledSpanList) {
+ stringIndex.add(stringOffset);
+ stringOffset += styledSpan.styleString.length;
+ strings.add(styledSpan.styleString);
+ }
+ styledSpanIndex.add(styledSpanOffset);
+ // Each span occupies 3 int32, plus one end mark per chunk
+ styledSpanOffset += styledSpanList.size() * 12 + 4;
+ }
+ // All chunk size needs to be a multiple of 4
+ int stringOffsetResidue = stringOffset % 4;
+ stringsPaddingSize = stringOffsetResidue == 0 ? 0 : 4 - stringOffsetResidue;
+ stringCount = strings.size();
+ styledSpanCount = strings.size() - rawStrings.length;
+ boolean hasStyledSpans = strings.size() - rawStrings.length > 0;
+ if (!hasStyledSpans) {
+ // No styled spans, clear relevant data
+ styledSpanIndex.clear();
+ styledSpans.clear();
+ }
+ // Int32 per index
+ stringsStart =
+ + stringCount * 4 // String index
+ + styledSpanIndex.size() * 4; // Styled span index
+ int stringsSize = stringOffset + stringsPaddingSize;
+ styledSpansStart = hasStyledSpans ? stringsStart + stringsSize : 0;
+ chunkSize = stringsStart + stringsSize + (hasStyledSpans ? styledSpanOffset : 0);
+ header = new ResChunkHeader(HEADER_TYPE_STRING_POOL, HEADER_SIZE, chunkSize);
+ }
+ void writeTo(ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream) throws IOException {
+ header.writeTo(outputStream);
+ outputStream.write(intToByteArray(stringCount));
+ outputStream.write(intToByteArray(styledSpanCount));
+ outputStream.write(intToByteArray(utf8Encode ? FLAG_UTF8 : 0));
+ outputStream.write(intToByteArray(stringsStart));
+ outputStream.write(intToByteArray(styledSpansStart));
+ for (Integer index : stringIndex) {
+ outputStream.write(intToByteArray(index));
+ }
+ for (Integer index : styledSpanIndex) {
+ outputStream.write(intToByteArray(index));
+ }
+ for (byte[] string : strings) {
+ outputStream.write(string);
+ }
+ if (stringsPaddingSize > 0) {
+ outputStream.write(new byte[stringsPaddingSize]);
+ }
+ for (List<StringStyledSpan> styledSpanList : styledSpans) {
+ for (StringStyledSpan styledSpan : styledSpanList) {
+ styledSpan.writeTo(outputStream);
+ }
+ outputStream.write(intToByteArray(STYLED_SPAN_LIST_END));
+ }
+ }
+ int getChunkSize() {
+ return chunkSize;
+ }
+ private Pair<byte[], List<StringStyledSpan>> processString(String rawString) {
+ // Ignore styled spans, won't be used in our scenario.
+ return new Pair<>(
+ utf8Encode ? stringToByteArrayUtf8(rawString) : stringToByteArray(rawString),
+ Collections.<StringStyledSpan>emptyList());
+ }
+ }
+ /** This structure defines a span of style information associated with a string in the pool. */
+ private static class StringStyledSpan {
+ private byte[] styleString;
+ private int nameReference;
+ private int firstCharacterIndex;
+ private int lastCharacterIndex;
+ void writeTo(ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream) throws IOException {
+ outputStream.write(intToByteArray(nameReference));
+ outputStream.write(intToByteArray(firstCharacterIndex));
+ outputStream.write(intToByteArray(lastCharacterIndex));
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * A Package chunk contains a set of Resources and a set of strings associated with those
+ * Resources. The Resources are grouped by type. For each of set of Resources of a given type that
+ * the Package chunk contains there is a TypeSpec chunk and one or more Type chunks.
+ *
+ * <p>The strings are stored in two StringPool chunks: the typeStrings StringPool chunk which
+ * contains the names of the types of the Resources defined in the Package; the keyStrings
+ * StringPool chunk which contains the names (keys) of the Resources defined in the Package.
+ */
+ private static class PackageChunk {
+ private static final short HEADER_SIZE = 0x0120;
+ private static final int PACKAGE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH = 128;
+ private final ResChunkHeader header;
+ private final PackageInfo packageInfo;
+ private final StringPoolChunk typeStrings;
+ private final StringPoolChunk keyStrings;
+ private final TypeSpecChunk typeSpecChunk;
+ PackageChunk(PackageInfo packageInfo, List<ColorResource> colorResources) {
+ this.packageInfo = packageInfo;
+ // Placeholder String type, since only XML color resources will be replaced at runtime.
+ typeStrings = new StringPoolChunk(false, "?1", "?2", "?3", "?4", "?5", "color");
+ String[] keys = new String[colorResources.size()];
+ for (int i = 0; i < colorResources.size(); i++) {
+ keys[i] = colorResources.get(i).name;
+ }
+ keyStrings = new StringPoolChunk(true, keys);
+ typeSpecChunk = new TypeSpecChunk(colorResources);
+ header = new ResChunkHeader(HEADER_TYPE_PACKAGE, HEADER_SIZE, getChunkSize());
+ }
+ void writeTo(ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream) throws IOException {
+ header.writeTo(outputStream);
+ outputStream.write(intToByteArray(packageInfo.id));
+ char[] packageName = packageInfo.name.toCharArray();
+ for (int i = 0; i < PACKAGE_NAME_MAX_LENGTH; i++) {
+ if (i < packageName.length) {
+ outputStream.write(charToByteArray(packageName[i]));
+ } else {
+ outputStream.write(charToByteArray((char) 0));
+ }
+ }
+ outputStream.write(intToByteArray(HEADER_SIZE)); // Type strings offset
+ outputStream.write(intToByteArray(0)); // Last public type
+ outputStream.write(
+ intToByteArray(HEADER_SIZE + typeStrings.getChunkSize())); // Key strings offset
+ outputStream.write(intToByteArray(0)); // Last public key
+ outputStream.write(intToByteArray(0)); // Note
+ typeStrings.writeTo(outputStream);
+ keyStrings.writeTo(outputStream);
+ typeSpecChunk.writeTo(outputStream);
+ }
+ int getChunkSize() {
+ return HEADER_SIZE
+ + typeStrings.getChunkSize()
+ + keyStrings.getChunkSize()
+ + typeSpecChunk.getChunkSizeWithTypeChunk();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * A specification of the resources defined by a particular type.
+ *
+ * <p>There should be one of these chunks for each resource type.
+ *
+ * <p>This structure is followed by an array of integers providing the set of configuration change
+ * flags (ResTable_config::CONFIG_*) that have multiple resources for that configuration. In
+ * addition, the high bit is set if that resource has been made public.
+ */
+ private static class TypeSpecChunk {
+ private static final short HEADER_SIZE = 0x0010;
+ private static final int SPEC_PUBLIC = 0x40000000;
+ private final ResChunkHeader header;
+ private final int entryCount;
+ private final int[] entryFlags;
+ private final TypeChunk typeChunk;
+ TypeSpecChunk(List<ColorResource> colorResources) {
+ entryCount = colorResources.get(colorResources.size() - 1).entryId + 1;
+ Set<Short> validEntryIds = new HashSet<>();
+ for (ColorResource colorResource : colorResources) {
+ validEntryIds.add(colorResource.entryId);
+ }
+ entryFlags = new int[entryCount];
+ // All color resources in the table are marked as PUBLIC.
+ for (short entryId = 0; entryId < entryCount; entryId++) {
+ if (validEntryIds.contains(entryId)) {
+ entryFlags[entryId] = SPEC_PUBLIC;
+ }
+ }
+ header = new ResChunkHeader(HEADER_TYPE_TYPE_SPEC, HEADER_SIZE, getChunkSize());
+ typeChunk = new TypeChunk(colorResources, validEntryIds, entryCount);
+ }
+ void writeTo(ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream) throws IOException {
+ header.writeTo(outputStream);
+ outputStream.write(new byte[] {typeIdColor, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00});
+ outputStream.write(intToByteArray(entryCount));
+ for (int entryFlag : entryFlags) {
+ outputStream.write(intToByteArray(entryFlag));
+ }
+ typeChunk.writeTo(outputStream);
+ }
+ int getChunkSizeWithTypeChunk() {
+ return getChunkSize() + typeChunk.getChunkSize();
+ }
+ private int getChunkSize() {
+ return HEADER_SIZE + entryCount * 4; // Int32 per entry flag
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * A collection of resource entries for a particular resource data type.
+ *
+ * <p>There may be multiple of these chunks for a particular resource type, supply different
+ * configuration variations for the resource values of that type.
+ */
+ private static class TypeChunk {
+ private static final int OFFSET_NO_ENTRY = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ private static final short HEADER_SIZE = 0x0054;
+ private static final byte CONFIG_SIZE = 0x40;
+ private final ResChunkHeader header;
+ private final int entryCount;
+ private final byte[] config = new byte[CONFIG_SIZE];
+ private final int[] offsetTable;
+ private final ResEntry[] resEntries;
+ TypeChunk(List<ColorResource> colorResources, Set<Short> entryIds, int entryCount) {
+ this.entryCount = entryCount;
+ this.config[0] = CONFIG_SIZE;
+ this.resEntries = new ResEntry[colorResources.size()];
+ for (int index = 0; index < colorResources.size(); index++) {
+ ColorResource colorResource = colorResources.get(index);
+ this.resEntries[index] = new ResEntry(index, colorResource.value);
+ }
+ this.offsetTable = new int[entryCount];
+ int currentOffset = 0;
+ for (short entryId = 0; entryId < entryCount; entryId++) {
+ if (entryIds.contains(entryId)) {
+ this.offsetTable[entryId] = currentOffset;
+ currentOffset += ResEntry.SIZE;
+ } else {
+ this.offsetTable[entryId] = OFFSET_NO_ENTRY;
+ }
+ }
+ this.header = new ResChunkHeader(HEADER_TYPE_TYPE, HEADER_SIZE, getChunkSize());
+ }
+ void writeTo(ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream) throws IOException {
+ header.writeTo(outputStream);
+ outputStream.write(new byte[] {typeIdColor, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00});
+ outputStream.write(intToByteArray(entryCount));
+ outputStream.write(intToByteArray(getEntryStart()));
+ outputStream.write(config);
+ for (int offset : offsetTable) {
+ outputStream.write(intToByteArray(offset));
+ }
+ for (ResEntry entry : resEntries) {
+ entry.writeTo(outputStream);
+ }
+ }
+ int getChunkSize() {
+ return getEntryStart() + resEntries.length * ResEntry.SIZE;
+ }
+ private int getEntryStart() {
+ return HEADER_SIZE + getOffsetTableSize();
+ }
+ private int getOffsetTableSize() {
+ return offsetTable.length * 4; // One int32 per entry
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * This is the beginning of information about an entry in the resource table. It holds the
+ * reference to the name of this entry, and is immediately followed by one of: A Res_value
+ * structure, if FLAG_COMPLEX is -not- set. An array of ResTable_map structures, if FLAG_COMPLEX
+ * is set. These supply a set of name/value mappings of data.
+ */
+ private static class ResEntry {
+ private static final short ENTRY_SIZE = 8;
+ private static final short FLAG_PUBLIC = 0x0002; // Always set to "Public"
+ private static final short VALUE_SIZE = 8;
+ private static final byte DATA_TYPE_AARRGGBB = 0x1C; // Type #aarrggbb
+ private static final int SIZE = ENTRY_SIZE + VALUE_SIZE;
+ private final int keyStringIndex;
+ private final int data;
+ ResEntry(int keyStringIndex, @ColorInt int data) {
+ this.keyStringIndex = keyStringIndex;
+ this.data = data;
+ }
+ void writeTo(ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream) throws IOException {
+ outputStream.write(shortToByteArray(ENTRY_SIZE));
+ outputStream.write(shortToByteArray(FLAG_PUBLIC));
+ outputStream.write(intToByteArray(keyStringIndex));
+ outputStream.write(shortToByteArray(VALUE_SIZE));
+ outputStream.write(new byte[] {0x00, DATA_TYPE_AARRGGBB});
+ outputStream.write(intToByteArray(data));
+ }
+ }
+ /** The basic info of a package, which consists of the id and the name of the package. */
+ static class PackageInfo {
+ private final int id;
+ private final String name;
+ PackageInfo(int id, String name) {
+ this.id = id;
+ this.name = name;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * A Color Resource object, which consists of the id of the package that the resource belongs to;
+ * the name and value of the color resource.
+ */
+ static class ColorResource {
+ private final byte packageId;
+ private final byte typeId;
+ private final short entryId;
+ private final String name;
+ @ColorInt private final int value;
+ ColorResource(int id, String name, int value) {
+ this.name = name;
+ this.value = value;
+ this.entryId = (short) (id & 0xFFFF);
+ this.typeId = (byte) ((id >> 16) & 0xFF);
+ this.packageId = (byte) ((id >> 24) & 0xFF);
+ }
+ }
+ private static byte[] shortToByteArray(short value) {
+ return new byte[] {
+ (byte) (value & 0xFF), (byte) ((value >> 8) & 0xFF),
+ };
+ }
+ private static byte[] charToByteArray(char value) {
+ return new byte[] {
+ (byte) (value & 0xFF), (byte) ((value >> 8) & 0xFF),
+ };
+ }
+ private static byte[] intToByteArray(int value) {
+ return new byte[] {
+ (byte) (value & 0xFF),
+ (byte) ((value >> 8) & 0xFF),
+ (byte) ((value >> 16) & 0xFF),
+ (byte) ((value >> 24) & 0xFF),
+ };
+ }
+ private static byte[] stringToByteArray(String value) {
+ char[] chars = value.toCharArray();
+ byte[] bytes = new byte[chars.length * 2 + 4];
+ byte[] lengthBytes = shortToByteArray((short) chars.length);
+ bytes[0] = lengthBytes[0];
+ bytes[1] = lengthBytes[1];
+ for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
+ byte[] charBytes = charToByteArray(chars[i]);
+ bytes[i * 2 + 2] = charBytes[0];
+ bytes[i * 2 + 3] = charBytes[1];
+ }
+ bytes[bytes.length - 2] = 0;
+ bytes[bytes.length - 1] = 0; // EOS
+ return bytes;
+ }
+ private static byte[] stringToByteArrayUtf8(String value) {
+ byte[] rawBytes = value.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
+ byte stringLength = (byte) rawBytes.length;
+ byte[] bytes = new byte[rawBytes.length + 3];
+ System.arraycopy(rawBytes, 0, bytes, 2, stringLength);
+ bytes[0] = bytes[1] = stringLength;
+ bytes[bytes.length - 1] = 0; // EOS
+ return bytes;
+ }
M src/cheogram/res/values/colors.xml => src/cheogram/res/values/colors.xml +7 -0
@@ 2,4 2,11 @@
<color name="splash_screen_background">#7401cf</color>
<color name="splash_screen_status_bar">#7401cf</color>
+ <color name="perpy">#7401CF</color>
+ <color name="black_perpy">#1E0036</color>
+ <color name="yeller">#FFC700</color>
+ <color name="custom_theme_primary">@color/perpy</color>
+ <color name="custom_theme_primary_dark">@color/black_perpy</color>
+ <color name="custom_theme_accent">@color/black_perpy</color>
M src/cheogram/res/values/strings.xml => src/cheogram/res/values/strings.xml +1 -0
@@ 24,6 24,7 @@
<string name="action_close">Close</string>
<string name="action_execute">Go</string>
<string name="pref_theme_oledblack">OLED Black</string>
+ <string name="pref_theme_custom">Custom</string>
<string name="invite_to_app">Invite to Chat</string>
<string name="only_this_thread">Show only this thread</string>
<string name="pref_dialler_integration_incoming">Use Phone Accounts for Incoming Calls</string>
M src/cheogram/res/values/themes.xml => src/cheogram/res/values/themes.xml +68 -8
@@ 3,8 3,8 @@
<style name="ConversationsTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
<item name="colorPrimary">@color/perpy</item>
- <item name="colorPrimaryDark">#1E0036</item>
- <item name="colorAccent">#1E0036</item>
+ <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/black_perpy</item>
+ <item name="colorAccent">@color/black_perpy</item>
<item name="popupOverlayStyle">@style/ThemeOverlay.AppCompat.Light</item>
<item name="message_bubble_received_bg">?colorPrimary</item>
@@ 154,7 154,7 @@
<style name="ConversationsTheme.Dark" parent="Theme.AppCompat.NoActionBar">
<item name="colorPrimary">@color/perpy</item>
- <item name="colorPrimaryDark">#1E0036</item>
+ <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/black_perpy</item>
<item name="colorAccent">@color/yeller</item>
<item name="popupOverlayStyle">@style/ThemeOverlay.AppCompat.Dark</item>
<item name="android:navigationBarColor" tools:targetApi="21">@color/black</item>
@@ 308,8 308,8 @@
<style name="ConversationsTheme.Obsidian" parent="ConversationsTheme.Dark">
- <item name="colorPrimary">#1E0036</item>
- <item name="colorPrimaryDark">#1E0036</item>
+ <item name="colorPrimary">@color/black_perpy</item>
+ <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/black_perpy</item>
<item name="colorAccent">@color/yeller</item>
<item name="message_bubble_received_bg">?colorPrimary</item>
@@ 320,10 320,10 @@
<item name="color_background_primary">#0E0020</item>
<item name="color_background_secondary">@color/black</item>
- <item name="color_background_tertiary">#1E0036</item>
+ <item name="color_background_tertiary">@color/black_perpy</item>
<item name="color_background_overlay">@color/black26</item>
- <item name="unread_count">#1E0036</item>
+ <item name="unread_count">@color/black_perpy</item>
<style name="ConversationsTheme.OLEDBlack" parent="ConversationsTheme.Dark">
@@ 342,7 342,19 @@
<item name="color_background_tertiary">@color/black</item>
<item name="color_background_overlay">@color/black26</item>
- <item name="unread_count">#1E0036</item>
+ <item name="unread_count">@color/black_perpy</item>
+ </style>
+ <style name="ConversationsTheme.Custom" parent="ConversationsTheme">
+ <item name="colorPrimary">@color/custom_theme_primary</item>
+ <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/custom_theme_primary_dark</item>
+ <item name="colorAccent">@color/custom_theme_accent</item>
+ </style>
+ <style name="ConversationsTheme.CustomDark" parent="ConversationsTheme.Dark">
+ <item name="colorPrimary">@color/custom_theme_primary</item>
+ <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/custom_theme_primary_dark</item>
+ <item name="colorAccent">@color/custom_theme_accent</item>
<style name="ConversationsTheme.Medium" parent="ConversationsTheme">
@@ 381,6 393,30 @@
<item name="IconSize">20sp</item>
+ <style name="ConversationsTheme.CustomDark.Medium" parent="ConversationsTheme.CustomDark">
+ <item name="TextSizeCaption">14sp</item>
+ <item name="TextSizeBody1">16sp</item>
+ <item name="TextSizeBody2">16sp</item>
+ <item name="TextSizeSubhead">18sp</item>
+ <item name="TextSizeTitle">22sp</item>
+ <item name="TextSizeDisplay2">47sp</item>
+ <item name="TextSizeInput">18sp</item>
+ <item name="TextSeparation">6sp</item>
+ <item name="IconSize">20sp</item>
+ </style>
+ <style name="ConversationsTheme.Custom.Medium" parent="ConversationsTheme.Custom">
+ <item name="TextSizeCaption">14sp</item>
+ <item name="TextSizeBody1">16sp</item>
+ <item name="TextSizeBody2">16sp</item>
+ <item name="TextSizeSubhead">18sp</item>
+ <item name="TextSizeTitle">22sp</item>
+ <item name="TextSizeDisplay2">47sp</item>
+ <item name="TextSizeInput">18sp</item>
+ <item name="TextSeparation">6sp</item>
+ <item name="IconSize">20sp</item>
+ </style>
<style name="ConversationsTheme.OLEDBlack.Medium" parent="ConversationsTheme.OLEDBlack">
<item name="TextSizeCaption">14sp</item>
<item name="TextSizeBody1">16sp</item>
@@ 429,6 465,30 @@
<item name="IconSize">22sp</item>
+ <style name="ConversationsTheme.Custom.Large" parent="ConversationsTheme.Custom">
+ <item name="TextSizeCaption">16sp</item>
+ <item name="TextSizeBody1">18sp</item>
+ <item name="TextSizeBody2">18sp</item>
+ <item name="TextSizeSubhead">20sp</item>
+ <item name="TextSizeTitle">24sp</item>
+ <item name="TextSizeDisplay2">48sp</item>
+ <item name="TextSizeInput">20sp</item>
+ <item name="TextSeparation">7sp</item>
+ <item name="IconSize">22sp</item>
+ </style>
+ <style name="ConversationsTheme.CustomDark.Large" parent="ConversationsTheme.CustomDark">
+ <item name="TextSizeCaption">16sp</item>
+ <item name="TextSizeBody1">18sp</item>
+ <item name="TextSizeBody2">18sp</item>
+ <item name="TextSizeSubhead">20sp</item>
+ <item name="TextSizeTitle">24sp</item>
+ <item name="TextSizeDisplay2">48sp</item>
+ <item name="TextSizeInput">20sp</item>
+ <item name="TextSeparation">7sp</item>
+ <item name="IconSize">22sp</item>
+ </style>
<style name="ConversationsTheme.Large" parent="ConversationsTheme">
<item name="TextSizeCaption">16sp</item>
<item name="TextSizeBody1">18sp</item>
M src/main/java/eu/siacs/conversations/services/XmppConnectionService.java => src/main/java/eu/siacs/conversations/services/XmppConnectionService.java +1 -0
@@ 1171,6 1171,7 @@ public class XmppConnectionService extends Service {
public void onCreate() {
+ ThemeHelper.applyCustomColors(this);
if (Compatibility.runsTwentySix()) {
M src/main/java/eu/siacs/conversations/ui/ConversationsActivity.java => src/main/java/eu/siacs/conversations/ui/ConversationsActivity.java +2 -1
@@ 88,6 88,7 @@ import eu.siacs.conversations.ui.util.MenuDoubleTabUtil;
import eu.siacs.conversations.ui.util.PendingItem;
import eu.siacs.conversations.utils.ExceptionHelper;
import eu.siacs.conversations.utils.SignupUtils;
+import eu.siacs.conversations.utils.ThemeHelper;
import eu.siacs.conversations.utils.XmppUri;
import eu.siacs.conversations.xmpp.Jid;
import eu.siacs.conversations.xmpp.OnUpdateBlocklist;
@@ 619,7 620,7 @@ public class ConversationsActivity extends XmppActivity implements OnConversatio
protected void onStart() {
final int theme = findTheme();
- if (this.mTheme != theme) {
+ if (this.mTheme != theme || !this.mCustomColors.equals(ThemeHelper.applyCustomColors(this))) {
this.mSkipBackgroundBinding = true;
} else {
M src/main/java/eu/siacs/conversations/ui/SettingsActivity.java => src/main/java/eu/siacs/conversations/ui/SettingsActivity.java +13 -5
@@ 49,6 49,7 @@ import eu.siacs.conversations.services.UnifiedPushDistributor;
import eu.siacs.conversations.ui.util.SettingsUtils;
import eu.siacs.conversations.ui.util.StyledAttributes;
import eu.siacs.conversations.utils.GeoHelper;
+import eu.siacs.conversations.utils.ThemeHelper;
import eu.siacs.conversations.utils.TimeFrameUtils;
import eu.siacs.conversations.xmpp.Jid;
@@ 85,6 86,7 @@ public class SettingsActivity extends XmppActivity implements OnSharedPreference
this.mTheme = findTheme();
+ ThemeHelper.applyCustomColors(this);
@@ 382,6 384,13 @@ public class SettingsActivity extends XmppActivity implements OnSharedPreference
return true;
+ final String theTheme = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this).getString(THEME, "");
+ if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 30 || !theTheme.equals("custom")) {
+ final PreferenceCategory uiCategory = (PreferenceCategory) mSettingsFragment.findPreference("ui");
+ final Preference customTheme = mSettingsFragment.findPreference("custom_theme");
+ if (customTheme != null) uiCategory.removePreference(customTheme);
+ }
private void changeOmemoSettingSummary() {
@@ 535,12 544,11 @@ public class SettingsActivity extends XmppActivity implements OnSharedPreference
} else if (name.equals(AUTOMATIC_MESSAGE_DELETION)) {
- } else if (name.equals(THEME)) {
+ } else if (name.equals(THEME) || name.equals("custom_theme_primary") || name.equals("custom_theme_primary_dark") || name.equals("custom_theme_accent") || name.equals("custom_theme_dark")) {
final int theme = findTheme();
- if (this.mTheme != theme) {
- xmppConnectionService.setTheme(theme);
- recreate();
- }
+ xmppConnectionService.setTheme(theme);
+ ThemeHelper.applyCustomColors(xmppConnectionService);
+ recreate();
} else if (name.equals(PREVENT_SCREENSHOTS)) {
} else if (UnifiedPushDistributor.PREFERENCES.contains(name)) {
M src/main/java/eu/siacs/conversations/ui/XmppActivity.java => src/main/java/eu/siacs/conversations/ui/XmppActivity.java +3 -0
@@ 61,6 61,7 @@ import com.google.common.base.Strings;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException;
@@ 106,6 107,7 @@ public abstract class XmppActivity extends ActionBarActivity {
private boolean isCameraFeatureAvailable = false;
protected int mTheme;
+ protected HashMap<Integer,Integer> mCustomColors;
protected boolean mUsingEnterKey = false;
protected boolean mUseTor = false;
protected Toast mToast;
@@ 417,6 419,7 @@ public abstract class XmppActivity extends ActionBarActivity {
this.isCameraFeatureAvailable = getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_CAMERA_ANY);
this.mTheme = findTheme();
+ this.mCustomColors = ThemeHelper.applyCustomColors(this);
protected boolean isCameraFeatureAvailable() {
M src/main/java/eu/siacs/conversations/utils/ThemeHelper.java => src/main/java/eu/siacs/conversations/utils/ThemeHelper.java +27 -0
@@ 34,6 34,7 @@ import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.content.res.TypedArray;
+import android.content.res.loader.ResourcesLoader;
import android.os.Build;
import android.preference.PreferenceManager;
import android.util.TypedValue;
@@ 42,13 43,32 @@ import android.widget.TextView;
import androidx.annotation.StyleRes;
import androidx.core.content.ContextCompat;
+import com.cheogram.android.ColorResourcesLoaderCreator;
import com.google.android.material.snackbar.Snackbar;
+import java.util.HashMap;
import eu.siacs.conversations.R;
import eu.siacs.conversations.ui.SettingsActivity;
public class ThemeHelper {
+ public static HashMap<Integer, Integer> applyCustomColors(final Context context) {
+ HashMap<Integer, Integer> colors = new HashMap<>();
+ if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 30) return colors;
+ final SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);
+ if (sharedPreferences.contains("custom_theme_primary")) colors.put(R.color.custom_theme_primary, sharedPreferences.getInt("custom_theme_primary", 0));
+ if (sharedPreferences.contains("custom_theme_primary_dark")) colors.put(R.color.custom_theme_primary_dark, sharedPreferences.getInt("custom_theme_primary_dark", 0));
+ if (sharedPreferences.contains("custom_theme_accent")) colors.put(R.color.custom_theme_accent, sharedPreferences.getInt("custom_theme_accent", 0));
+ if (colors.isEmpty()) return colors;
+ ResourcesLoader loader = ColorResourcesLoaderCreator.create(context, colors);
+ if (loader != null) context.getResources().addLoaders(loader);
+ return colors;
+ }
public static int find(final Context context) {
final SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context);
final Resources resources = context.getResources();
@@ 59,14 79,17 @@ public class ThemeHelper {
case "medium":
if ("obsidian".equals(setting)) return R.style.ConversationsTheme_Obsidian_Medium;
else if ("oledblack".equals(setting)) return R.style.ConversationsTheme_OLEDBlack_Medium;
+ else if ("custom".equals(setting)) return dark ? R.style.ConversationsTheme_CustomDark_Medium : R.style.ConversationsTheme_Custom_Medium;
return dark ? R.style.ConversationsTheme_Dark_Medium : R.style.ConversationsTheme_Medium;
case "large":
if ("obsidian".equals(setting)) return R.style.ConversationsTheme_Obsidian_Large;
else if ("oledblack".equals(setting)) return R.style.ConversationsTheme_OLEDBlack_Large;
+ else if ("custom".equals(setting)) return dark ? R.style.ConversationsTheme_CustomDark_Large : R.style.ConversationsTheme_Custom_Large;
return dark ? R.style.ConversationsTheme_Dark_Large : R.style.ConversationsTheme_Large;
if ("obsidian".equals(setting)) return R.style.ConversationsTheme_Obsidian;
else if ("oledblack".equals(setting)) return R.style.ConversationsTheme_OLEDBlack;
+ else if ("custom".equals(setting)) return dark ? R.style.ConversationsTheme_CustomDark : R.style.ConversationsTheme_Custom;
return dark ? R.style.ConversationsTheme_Dark : R.style.ConversationsTheme;
@@ 91,6 114,7 @@ public class ThemeHelper {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q && "automatic".equals(setting)) {
return (resources.getConfiguration().uiMode & Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_MASK) == Configuration.UI_MODE_NIGHT_YES;
} else {
+ if ("custom".equals(setting)) return sharedPreferences.getBoolean("custom_theme_dark", false);
return "dark".equals(setting) || "obsidian".equals(setting) || "oledblack".equals(setting);
@@ 100,6 124,9 @@ public class ThemeHelper {
case R.style.ConversationsTheme_Dark:
case R.style.ConversationsTheme_Dark_Large:
case R.style.ConversationsTheme_Dark_Medium:
+ case R.style.ConversationsTheme_CustomDark:
+ case R.style.ConversationsTheme_CustomDark_Large:
+ case R.style.ConversationsTheme_CustomDark_Medium:
case R.style.ConversationsTheme_Obsidian:
case R.style.ConversationsTheme_Obsidian_Large:
case R.style.ConversationsTheme_Obsidian_Medium:
A src/main/res/values-v30/theme-settings.xml => src/main/res/values-v30/theme-settings.xml +22 -0
@@ 0,0 1,22 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<resources xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools">
+ <string name="theme">automatic</string>
+ <string-array name="themes" tools:ignore="InconsistentArrays">
+ <item>@string/pref_theme_automatic</item>
+ <item>@string/pref_theme_light</item>
+ <item>@string/pref_theme_dark</item>
+ <item>@string/pref_theme_obsidian</item>
+ <item>@string/pref_theme_oledblack</item>
+ <item>@string/pref_theme_custom</item>
+ </string-array>
+ <string-array name="themes_values" tools:ignore="InconsistentArrays">
+ <item>automatic</item>
+ <item>light</item>
+ <item>dark</item>
+ <item>obsidian</item>
+ <item>oledblack</item>
+ <item>custom</item>
+ </string-array>
M src/main/res/values/colors.xml => src/main/res/values/colors.xml +0 -2
@@ 1,7 1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- <color name="perpy">#7401CF</color>
- <color name="yeller">#FFC700</color>
<color name="black">#ff000000</color>
<color name="black87">#de000000</color>
<color name="black54">#8a000000</color>
M src/main/res/xml/preferences.xml => src/main/res/xml/preferences.xml +41 -1
@@ 169,7 169,7 @@
android:title="@string/pref_accept_files" />
- <PreferenceCategory android:title="@string/pref_ui_options">
+ <PreferenceCategory android:key="ui" android:title="@string/pref_ui_options">
@@ 187,6 187,46 @@
android:title="@string/pref_theme_options" />
+ <PreferenceScreen
+ android:key="custom_theme"
+ android:title="Custom Theme Options">
+ <Preference
+ android:key="pref_static_field_key"
+ android:selectable="false"
+ android:persistent="false"
+ android:summary="You may sometimes have to force quit the app to get changes applied."/>
+ <PreferenceCategory
+ android:key="custom_theme_colors"
+ android:title="Colors">
+ <CheckBoxPreference
+ android:defaultValue="false"
+ android:key="custom_theme_dark"
+ android:title="Custom Theme is Dark?" />
+ <com.rarepebble.colorpicker.ColorPreference
+ android:key="custom_theme_primary"
+ android:title="Custom Primary Color"
+ android:defaultValue="@color/perpy" />
+ <com.rarepebble.colorpicker.ColorPreference
+ android:key="custom_theme_primary_dark"
+ android:title="Custom Primary Dark Color"
+ android:defaultValue="@color/black_perpy" />
+ <com.rarepebble.colorpicker.ColorPreference
+ android:key="custom_theme_accent"
+ android:title="Custom Accent Color"
+ android:defaultValue="@color/black_perpy" />
+ </PreferenceCategory>
+ <intent
+ android:action="android.intent.action.VIEW"
+ android:targetClass="eu.siacs.conversations.ui.SettingsActivity"
+ android:targetPackage="@string/applicationId">
+ <extra
+ android:name="page"
+ android:value="custom_theme" />
+ </intent>
+ </PreferenceScreen>