M louloulibs/network/credentials_manager.cpp => louloulibs/network/credentials_manager.cpp +26 -21
@@ 29,7 29,7 @@ BasicCredentialsManager::BasicCredentialsManager(const TCPSocketHandler* const s
- this->load_certs();
+ BasicCredentialsManager::load_certs();
void BasicCredentialsManager::set_trusted_fingerprint(const std::string& fingerprint)
@@ 62,17 62,8 @@ void BasicCredentialsManager::verify_certificate_chain(const std::string& type,
-void BasicCredentialsManager::load_certs()
+bool BasicCredentialsManager::try_to_open_one_ca_bundle(const std::vector<std::string>& paths)
- // Only load the certificates the first time
- if (BasicCredentialsManager::certs_loaded)
- return;
- const std::string conf_path = Config::get("ca_file", "");
- std::vector<std::string> paths;
- if (conf_path.empty())
- paths = default_cert_files;
- else
- paths.push_back(conf_path);
for (const auto& path: paths)
@@ 87,25 78,39 @@ void BasicCredentialsManager::load_certs()
// will be ignored. As a result, some TLS connection may be refused
// because the certificate is signed by an issuer that was ignored.
try {
- const Botan::X509_Certificate cert(bundle);
- BasicCredentialsManager::certificate_store.add_certificate(cert);
- } catch (const Botan::Decoding_Error& error)
- {
+ Botan::X509_Certificate cert(bundle);
+ BasicCredentialsManager::certificate_store.add_certificate(std::move(cert));
+ } catch (const Botan::Decoding_Error& error) {
// Only use the first file that can successfully be read.
- goto success;
+ return true;
- catch (Botan::Stream_IO_Error& e)
+ catch (const Botan::Stream_IO_Error& e)
- // If we could not open one of the files, print a warning
- log_warning("The CA could not be loaded, TLS negociation will probably fail.");
- success:
- BasicCredentialsManager::certs_loaded = true;
+ return false;
+void BasicCredentialsManager::load_certs()
+ // Only load the certificates the first time
+ if (BasicCredentialsManager::certs_loaded)
+ return;
+ const std::string conf_path = Config::get("ca_file", "");
+ std::vector<std::string> paths;
+ if (conf_path.empty())
+ paths = default_cert_files;
+ else
+ paths.push_back(conf_path);
+ if (BasicCredentialsManager::try_to_open_one_ca_bundle(paths))
+ BasicCredentialsManager::certs_loaded = true;
+ else
+ log_warning("The CA could not be loaded, TLS negociation will probably fail.");
std::vector<Botan::Certificate_Store*> BasicCredentialsManager::trusted_certificate_authorities(const std::string&, const std::string&)
M louloulibs/network/credentials_manager.hpp => louloulibs/network/credentials_manager.hpp +1 -0
@@ 29,6 29,7 @@ public:
const TCPSocketHandler* const socket_handler;
+ static bool try_to_open_one_ca_bundle(const std::vector<std::string>& paths);
static void load_certs();
static Botan::Certificate_Store_In_Memory certificate_store;
static bool certs_loaded;
M louloulibs/utils/encoding.cpp => louloulibs/utils/encoding.cpp +2 -2
@@ 151,7 151,7 @@ namespace utils
throw std::runtime_error("Cannot convert into UTF-8");
// Make sure cd is always closed when we leave this function
- const auto sg = utils::make_scope_guard([&](auto&&){ iconv_close(cd); });
+ const auto sg = utils::make_scope_guard([&cd](auto&&){ iconv_close(cd); });
size_t inbytesleft = str.size();
@@ 168,7 168,7 @@ namespace utils
char* outbuf_ptr = outbuf;
// Make sure outbuf is always deleted when we leave this function
- const auto sg2 = utils::make_scope_guard([&](auto&&){ delete[] outbuf; });
+ const auto sg2 = utils::make_scope_guard([outbuf](auto&&){ delete[] outbuf; });
bool done = false;
while (done == false)