
f0f3d3d4e2fb7c02a5b2ad517632ec5071fefb45 — louiz’ 7 years ago f7cbe85
Remove the now useless “find … touch” hack in gitlab-ci.yml
1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

M .gitlab-ci.yml
M .gitlab-ci.yml => .gitlab-ci.yml +0 -5
@@ 9,11 9,6 @@ before_script:
  - whoami
  - mkdir -p build/
  - cd build/
  # When we extract the artifacts from a previous build, the timestamp of all target are identicall to
  # the timestamps of the generated source files (like biboumi.h, etc), so Makefile thinks the targets
  # are not up to date, and everything is rebuilt.  We change the modification time of all these files
  # to be 15 minutes older, to avoid any unnecessary building.
  - find . \( -name \*.hpp -or -name \*.h -or -name \*.cpp \) -exec touch -r {} -d '-15 minute' {} \;

  COMPILER: "g++"