
d1dc7882797ae40c818d0cf397580aefad263296 — louiz’ 7 years ago 3913e24
Better document the identd server
1 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M doc/biboumi.1.rst
M doc/biboumi.1.rst => doc/biboumi.1.rst +15 -1
@@ 161,7 161,21 @@ to IRC servers.

The TCP port on which to listen for identd queries.  The default is the standard value: 113.
The TCP port on which to listen for identd queries.  The default is the
standard value: 113. To be able to listen on this privileged port, biboumi
needs to have certain capabilities: on linux, using systemd, this can be
achieved by adding `AmbientCapabilities=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE` to the unit
file. On other systems, other solutions exist, like the portacl module on

If biboumi’s identd server is properly started, it will receive queries from
the IRC servers asking for the “identity” of each IRC connection made to it.
Biboumi will answer with a hash of the JID that made the connection. This is
useful for the IRC server to be able to distinguish the different users, and
be able to deal with the absuses without having to simply ban the IP. Without
this identd server, moderation is a lot harder, because all the different
users of a single biboumi instance all share the same IP, and they can’t be
distinguished by the IRC servers.
