
cec9fed1f409c193bebf50b97e0b68ce48d4df9a — Florent Le Coz 10 years ago 735ae27
Fix a typo
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

M src/test.cpp
M src/test.cpp => src/test.cpp +1 -1
@@ 58,7 58,7 @@ int main()
  std::cout << color << "Testing logging…" << reset << std::endl;
  log_debug("If you see this, the test FAILED.");
  log_info("If you see this, the test FAILED.");
  log_warning("You wust see this message. And the next one too.");
  log_warning("You must see this message. And the next one too.");
  log_error("It’s not an error, don’t worry, the test passed.");