M src/irc/irc_client.cpp => src/irc/irc_client.cpp +14 -11
@@ 1340,19 1340,22 @@ long int IrcClient::get_throttle_limit() const
void IrcClient::on_cap(const IrcMessage &message)
const auto& sub_command = message.arguments[1];
- const auto& cap = message.arguments[2];
- auto it = this->capabilities.find(cap);
- if (it == this->capabilities.end())
+ const auto& caps = utils::split(message.arguments[2], ' ', false);
+ for (const auto& cap: caps)
- log_warning("Received a CAP message for something we didn’t ask, or that we already handled.");
- return;
+ auto it = this->capabilities.find(cap);
+ if (it == this->capabilities.end())
+ {
+ log_warning("Received a CAP message for something we didn’t ask, or that we already handled: [", cap, "]");
+ return;
+ }
+ Capability& capability = it->second;
+ if (sub_command == "ACK")
+ capability.on_ack();
+ else if (sub_command == "NACK")
+ capability.on_nack();
+ this->capabilities.erase(it);
- Capability& capability = it->second;
- if (sub_command == "ACK")
- capability.on_ack();
- else if (sub_command == "NACK")
- capability.on_nack();
- this->capabilities.erase(it);
if (this->capabilities.empty())
M tests/utils.cpp => tests/utils.cpp +3 -0
@@ 28,6 28,9 @@ TEST_CASE("String split")
CHECK(splitted.size() == 2);
CHECK(splitted[0] == "");
CHECK(splitted[1] == "a");
+ splitted = utils::split("multi-prefix ", ' ');
+ CHECK(splitted[0] == "multi-prefix");
+ CHECK(splitted.size() == 1);