Do not send a not-connected error, on "unavailable" presences fix #3231
1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) M src/xmpp/biboumi_component.cpp
M src/xmpp/biboumi_component.cpp => src/xmpp/biboumi_component.cpp +5 -4
@@ 179,10 179,11 @@ void BiboumiComponent::handle_presence(const Stanza& stanza) } catch (const IRCNotConnected& ex) { this->send_stanza_error("presence", from_str, to_str, id, "cancel", "remote-server-not-found", "Not connected to IRC server "s + ex.hostname, true); if (type == "unavailable") this->send_stanza_error("presence", from_str, to_str, id, "cancel", "remote-server-not-found", "Not connected to IRC server "s + ex.hostname, true); } stanza_error.disable(); }