
7f74f62e56483bae6796be82d279c5180642d53b — Florent Le Coz 10 years ago 020325d + c64bb0b
Merge branch 'master' into dummy_chan
M CMakeLists.txt => CMakeLists.txt +9 -6
@@ 6,7 6,6 @@ set(${PROJECT_NAME}_VERSION_MAJOR 0)

set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11 -pedantic -Wall -Wextra")
# set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG} -fsanitize=address")

# Define a __FILENAME__ macro to get the filename of each file, instead of
# the full path as in __FILE__

@@ 42,13 41,17 @@ endif()
## Documentation
find_program(RONN_EXECUTABLE NAMES ronn
  DOC "The ronn software, to build the man page from the markdown documentation")
  set(WITH_DOC true)
    COMMENT "Generate the man page" VERBATIM)
  add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${MAN_PAGE}
  add_custom_target(doc DEPENDS ${MAN_PAGE})


@@ 98,7 101,7 @@ file(GLOB source_xmpp
add_library(xmpp STATIC ${source_xmpp})
target_link_libraries(xmpp bridge network utils logger
  ${EXPAT_LIBRARIES} pthread)
  target_link_libraries(xmpp ${LIBIDN_LIBRARIES})

@@ 146,5 149,5 @@ configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/config.h.cmake ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BI
  install(FILES doc/${PROJECT_NAME}.1 DESTINATION man/man1)
  install(FILES ${MAN_PAGE} DESTINATION man/man1)
\ No newline at end of file

M src/bridge/bridge.cpp => src/bridge/bridge.cpp +2 -2
@@ 208,7 208,7 @@ void Bridge::send_message(const Iid& iid, const std::string& nick, const std::st
                                 this->make_xmpp_body(body), this->user_jid);
    this->xmpp->send_message(iid.chan + "%" + iid.server,
                             this->make_xmpp_body(body), this->user_jid);
                             this->make_xmpp_body(body), this->user_jid, "chat");

void Bridge::send_muc_leave(Iid&& iid, std::string&& nick, const std::string& message, const bool self)

@@ 240,7 240,7 @@ void Bridge::send_xmpp_message(const std::string& from, const std::string& autho
    body = std::string("[") + author + std::string("] ") + msg;
    body = msg;
  this->xmpp->send_message(from, this->make_xmpp_body(body), this->user_jid);
  this->xmpp->send_message(from, this->make_xmpp_body(body), this->user_jid, "chat");

void Bridge::send_user_join(const std::string& hostname,

M src/test.cpp => src/test.cpp +1 -1
@@ 88,7 88,7 @@ int main()
        std::cout << stanza.to_string() << std::endl;
        assert(stanza.get_name() == "stream_ns:stanza");
        assert(stanza["b"] == "c");
        assert(stanza.get_tag("b") == "c");
        assert(stanza.get_inner() == "inner");
        assert(stanza.get_tail() == "");
        assert(stanza.get_child("stream_ns:child1") != nullptr);

M src/xmpp/xmpp_component.cpp => src/xmpp/xmpp_component.cpp +56 -72
@@ 135,11 135,8 @@ void XmppComponent::clean()
void XmppComponent::on_remote_stream_open(const XmlNode& node)
  log_debug("XMPP DOCUMENT OPEN: " << node.to_string());
      this->stream_id = node["id"];
  catch (const AttributeNotFound& e)
  this->stream_id = node.get_tag("id");
  if (this->stream_id.empty())
      log_error("Error: no attribute 'id' found");
      this->send_stream_error("bad-format", "missing 'id' attribute");

@@ 255,27 252,27 @@ void XmppComponent::handle_handshake(const Stanza& stanza)

void XmppComponent::handle_presence(const Stanza& stanza)
  std::string from;
  std::string id;
  try {
    id = stanza["id"];
    from = stanza["from"];
  } catch (const AttributeNotFound&) {}
  std::string from = stanza.get_tag("from");
  std::string id = stanza.get_tag("id");
  std::string to_str = stanza.get_tag("to");
  std::string type = stanza.get_tag("type");

  // Check for mandatory tags
  if (from.empty())
  utils::ScopeGuard malformed_stanza_error([&](){
      log_warning("Received an invalid presence stanza: tag 'from' is missing.");
  if (to_str.empty())
      this->send_stanza_error("presence", from, this->served_hostname, id,
                              "modify", "bad-request", "");
  Bridge* bridge = this->get_user_bridge(stanza["from"]);
  Jid to(stanza["to"]);
                              "modify", "bad-request", "Missing 'to' tag");

  Bridge* bridge = this->get_user_bridge(from);
  Jid to(to_str);
  Iid iid(to.local);
  std::string type;
  try {
    type = stanza["type"];
  catch (const AttributeNotFound&) {}

  // An error stanza is sent whenever we exit this function without
  // disabling this scopeguard.  If error_type and error_name are not

@@ 286,7 283,7 @@ void XmppComponent::handle_presence(const Stanza& stanza)
  std::string error_type("cancel");
  std::string error_name("internal-server-error");
  utils::ScopeGuard stanza_error([&](){
      this->send_stanza_error("presence", stanza["from"], stanza["to"], id,
      this->send_stanza_error("presence", from, to_str, id,
                              error_type, error_name, "");

@@ 310,41 307,30 @@ void XmppComponent::handle_presence(const Stanza& stanza)
      // An user wants to join an invalid IRC channel, return a presence error to him
      if (type.empty())
        this->send_invalid_room_error(to.local, to.resource, stanza["from"]);
        this->send_invalid_room_error(to.local, to.resource, from);

void XmppComponent::handle_message(const Stanza& stanza)
  std::string from;
  std::string id;
  try {
    id = stanza["id"];
    from = stanza["from"];
  } catch (const AttributeNotFound&) {}
  std::string from = stanza.get_tag("from");
  std::string id = stanza.get_tag("id");
  std::string to_str = stanza.get_tag("to");
  std::string type = stanza.get_tag("type");

  if (from.empty())
  utils::ScopeGuard malformed_stanza_error([&](){
      this->send_stanza_error("message", from, this->served_hostname, id,
                              "modify", "bad-request", "");
  Bridge* bridge = this->get_user_bridge(stanza["from"]);
  Jid to(stanza["to"]);
  Iid iid(to.local);
  std::string type;
  try {
    type = stanza["type"];
  catch (const AttributeNotFound&) {
  if (type.empty())
    type = "normal";
  Bridge* bridge = this->get_user_bridge(from);
  Jid to(to_str);
  Iid iid(to.local);

  std::string error_type("cancel");
  std::string error_name("internal-server-error");
  utils::ScopeGuard stanza_error([&](){
      this->send_stanza_error("message", stanza["from"], stanza["to"], id,
      this->send_stanza_error("message", from, to_str, id,
                              error_type, error_name, "");
  XmlNode* body = stanza.get_child(COMPONENT_NS":body");

@@ 367,27 353,27 @@ void XmppComponent::handle_message(const Stanza& stanza)

void XmppComponent::handle_iq(const Stanza& stanza)
  std::string id;
  std::string from;
  try {
    id = stanza["id"];
    from = stanza["from"];
  } catch (const AttributeNotFound&) {}
  std::string id = stanza.get_tag("id");
  std::string from = stanza.get_tag("from");
  std::string to_str = stanza.get_tag("to");
  std::string type = stanza.get_tag("type");

  if (from.empty())
  utils::ScopeGuard malformed_stanza_error([&](){
  if (id.empty() || to_str.empty() || type.empty())
      this->send_stanza_error("iq", from, this->served_hostname, id,
                              "modify", "bad-request", "");
  Bridge* bridge = this->get_user_bridge(stanza["from"]);
  Jid to(stanza["to"]);
  std::string type = stanza["type"];

  Bridge* bridge = this->get_user_bridge(from);
  Jid to(from);

  std::string error_type("cancel");
  std::string error_name("internal-server-error");
  utils::ScopeGuard stanza_error([&](){
      this->send_stanza_error("iq", stanza["from"], stanza["to"], id,
      this->send_stanza_error("iq", from, to_str, id,
                              error_type, error_name, "");
  if (type == "set")

@@ 398,18 384,8 @@ void XmppComponent::handle_iq(const Stanza& stanza)
          const XmlNode* child = query->get_child(MUC_ADMIN_NS":item");
          if (child)
              std::string nick;
              std::string role;
              try {
                nick = (*child)["nick"];
                role = (*child)["role"];
              catch (const AttributeNotFound&)
                  error_type = "modify";
                  error_name = "bad-request";
              std::string nick = child->get_tag("nick");
              std::string role = child->get_tag("role");
              if (!nick.empty() && role == "none")
                  std::string reason;

@@ 419,6 395,12 @@ void XmppComponent::handle_iq(const Stanza& stanza)
                  Iid iid(to.local);
                  bridge->send_irc_kick(iid, nick, reason);
                  error_type = "cancel";
                  error_name = "feature-not-implemented";

@@ 458,11 440,13 @@ void* XmppComponent::get_receive_buffer(const size_t size) const
  return this->parser.get_buffer(size);

void XmppComponent::send_message(const std::string& from, Xmpp::body&& body, const std::string& to)
void XmppComponent::send_message(const std::string& from, Xmpp::body&& body, const std::string& to, const std::string& type)
  XmlNode node("message");
  node["to"] = to;
  node["from"] = from + "@" + this->served_hostname;
  if (!type.empty())
    node["type"] = type;
  XmlNode body_node("body");

M src/xmpp/xmpp_component.hpp => src/xmpp/xmpp_component.hpp +2 -1
@@ 81,7 81,8 @@ public:
   * Send a message from from@served_hostname, with the given body
  void send_message(const std::string& from, Xmpp::body&& body, const std::string& to);
  void send_message(const std::string& from, Xmpp::body&& body,
                    const std::string& to, const std::string& type);
   * Send a join from a new participant

M src/xmpp/xmpp_parser.cpp => src/xmpp/xmpp_parser.cpp +3 -2
@@ 55,7 55,8 @@ XmppParser::~XmppParser()
int XmppParser::feed(const char* data, const int len, const bool is_final)
  int res = XML_Parse(this->parser, data, len, is_final);
  if (res == 0)
  if (res == XML_STATUS_ERROR &&
      (XML_GetErrorCode(this->parser) != XML_ERROR_FINISHED))
    log_error("Xml_Parse encountered an error: " <<
  return res;

@@ 64,7 65,7 @@ int XmppParser::feed(const char* data, const int len, const bool is_final)
int XmppParser::parse(const int len, const bool is_final)
  int res = XML_ParseBuffer(this->parser, len, is_final);
  if (res == 0)
  if (res == XML_STATUS_ERROR)
    log_error("Xml_Parsebuffer encountered an error: " <<
  return res;

M src/xmpp/xmpp_stanza.cpp => src/xmpp/xmpp_stanza.cpp +2 -2
@@ 216,7 216,7 @@ bool XmlNode::has_children() const
  return !this->children.empty();

const std::string& XmlNode::operator[](const std::string& name) const
const std::string XmlNode::get_tag(const std::string& name) const

@@ 225,7 225,7 @@ const std::string& XmlNode::operator[](const std::string& name) const
  catch (const std::out_of_range& e)
      throw AttributeNotFound();
      return "";

M src/xmpp/xmpp_stanza.hpp => src/xmpp/xmpp_stanza.hpp +2 -9
@@ 9,13 9,6 @@ std::string xml_escape(const std::string& data);
std::string xml_unescape(const std::string& data);

 * Raised on operator[] when the attribute does not exist
class AttributeNotFound: public std::exception

 * Represent an XML node. It has
 * - A parent XML node (in the case of the first-level nodes, the parent is

@@ 103,10 96,10 @@ public:
  bool has_children() const;
   * Gets the value for the given attribute, raises AttributeNotFound if the
   * Gets the value for the given attribute, returns an empty string if the
   * node as no such attribute.
  const std::string& operator[](const std::string& name) const;
  const std::string get_tag(const std::string& name) const;
   * Use this to set an attribute's value, like node["id"] = "12";