
5b27cee97272d4ae6ff30f03dc57221fa3e3183f — louiz’ 6 years ago b82d662
Send \r\n at the end of the identd responses

fix #3315
1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

M src/identd/identd_socket.cpp
M src/identd/identd_socket.cpp => src/identd/identd_socket.cpp +2 -2
@@ 50,14 50,14 @@ std::string IdentdSocket::generate_answer(const BiboumiComponent& biboumi, uint1
          if (pair.second->match_port_pairt(local, remote))
              std::ostringstream os;
              os << local << " , " << remote << " : USERID : OTHER : " << hash_jid(bridge->get_bare_jid());
              os << local << " , " << remote << " : USERID : OTHER : " << hash_jid(bridge->get_bare_jid()) << "\r\n";
              log_debug("Identd, sending: ", os.str());
              return os.str();
  std::ostringstream os;
  os << local << " , " << remote << " ERROR : NO-USER";
  os << local << " , " << remote << " ERROR : NO-USER" << "\r\n";
  log_debug("Identd, sending: ", os.str());
  return os.str();