M src/bridge/bridge.cpp => src/bridge/bridge.cpp +36 -0
@@ 275,6 275,42 @@ void Bridge::send_xmpp_version_to_irc(const Iid& iid, const std::string& name, c
this->send_private_message(iid, "\01VERSION "s + result + "\01", "NOTICE");
+void Bridge::send_irc_version_request(const std::string& irc_hostname, const std::string& target,
+ const std::string& iq_id, const std::string& to_jid,
+ const std::string& from_jid)
+ Iid iid(target + "!" + irc_hostname);
+ this->send_private_message(iid, "\01VERSION\01");
+ // TODO, add a timer to remove that waiting iq if the server does not
+ // respond with a matching command before n seconds
+ this->add_waiting_iq([this, target, iq_id, to_jid, irc_hostname, from_jid](const std::string& hostname, const IrcMessage& message){
+ if (irc_hostname != hostname)
+ return false;
+ IrcUser user(message.prefix);
+ if (message.command == "NOTICE" && user.nick == target &&
+ message.arguments.size() >= 2 && message.arguments[1].substr(0, 9) == "\01VERSION ")
+ {
+ // remove the "\01VERSION " and the "\01" parts from the string
+ const std::string version = message.arguments[1].substr(9, message.arguments[1].size() - 10);
+ this->xmpp->send_version(iq_id, to_jid, from_jid, version);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (message.command == "401" && message.arguments.size() >= 2
+ && message.arguments[1] == target)
+ {
+ std::string error_message = "No such nick";
+ if (message.arguments.size() >= 3)
+ error_message = message.arguments[2];
+ this->xmpp->send_stanza_error("iq", to_jid, from_jid, iq_id, "cancel", "item-not-found",
+ error_message, true);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
void Bridge::send_message(const Iid& iid, const std::string& nick, const std::string& body, const bool muc)
if (muc)
M src/bridge/bridge.hpp => src/bridge/bridge.hpp +5 -1
@@ 66,7 66,11 @@ public:
void send_irc_kick(const Iid& iid, const std::string& target, const std::string& reason,
const std::string& iq_id, const std::string& to_jid);
void set_channel_topic(const Iid& iid, const std::string& subject);
- void send_xmpp_version_to_irc(const Iid& iid, const std::string& name, const std::string& version, const std::string& os);
+ void send_xmpp_version_to_irc(const Iid& iid, const std::string& name, const std::string& version,
+ const std::string& os);
+ void send_irc_version_request(const std::string& irc_hostname, const std::string& target,
+ const std::string& iq_id, const std::string& to_jid,
+ const std::string& from_jid);
M src/xmpp/xmpp_component.cpp => src/xmpp/xmpp_component.cpp +38 -15
@@ 509,10 509,22 @@ void XmppComponent::handle_iq(const Stanza& stanza)
else if ((query = stanza.get_child("query", VERSION_NS)))
Iid iid(to.local);
- if (!iid.is_user)
+ if (iid.is_user ||
+ (iid.is_channel && !to.resource.empty()))
+ {
+ // Get the IRC user version
+ std::string target;
+ if (iid.is_user)
+ target = iid.get_local();
+ else
+ target = to.resource;
+ bridge->send_irc_version_request(iid.get_server(), target, id,
+ from, to_str);
+ }
+ else
// On the gateway itself or on a channel
- this->send_self_version(id, from, to_str);
+ this->send_version(id, from, to_str);
@@ 983,7 995,8 @@ void XmppComponent::send_self_disco_info(const std::string& id, const std::strin
-void XmppComponent::send_self_version(const std::string& id, const std::string& jid_to, const std::string& jid_from)
+void XmppComponent::send_version(const std::string& id, const std::string& jid_to, const std::string& jid_from,
+ const std::string& version)
Stanza iq("iq");
iq["type"] = "result";
@@ 992,18 1005,28 @@ void XmppComponent::send_self_version(const std::string& id, const std::string&
iq["from"] = jid_from;
XmlNode query("query");
query["xmlns"] = VERSION_NS;
- XmlNode name("name");
- name.set_inner("biboumi");
- name.close();
- query.add_child(std::move(name));
- XmlNode version("version");
- version.set_inner(BIBOUMI_VERSION);
- version.close();
- query.add_child(std::move(version));
- XmlNode os("os");
- os.set_inner(SYSTEM_NAME);
- os.close();
- query.add_child(std::move(os));
+ if (version.empty())
+ {
+ XmlNode name("name");
+ name.set_inner("biboumi");
+ name.close();
+ query.add_child(std::move(name));
+ XmlNode version("version");
+ version.set_inner(BIBOUMI_VERSION);
+ version.close();
+ query.add_child(std::move(version));
+ XmlNode os("os");
+ os.set_inner(SYSTEM_NAME);
+ os.close();
+ query.add_child(std::move(os));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ XmlNode name("name");
+ name.set_inner(version);
+ name.close();
+ query.add_child(std::move(name));
+ }
M src/xmpp/xmpp_component.hpp => src/xmpp/xmpp_component.hpp +4 -2
@@ 200,9 200,11 @@ public:
void send_self_disco_info(const std::string& id, const std::string& jid_to);
- * Send a result IQ with the gateway version.
+ * Send a result IQ with the given version, or the gateway version if the
+ * passed string is empty.
- void send_self_version(const std::string& id, const std::string& jid_to, const std::string& jid_from);
+ void send_version(const std::string& id, const std::string& jid_to, const std::string& jid_from,
+ const std::string& version="");
* Send the list of all available ad-hoc commands to that JID. The list is
* different depending on what JID made the request.