@@ 0,0 1,64 @@
+# This Dockerfile creates a docker image suitable to run biboumi’s build and
+# tests. For example, it can be used on with gitlab-ci.
+FROM docker.io/fedora:latest
+RUN dnf update -y
+# Needed to build biboumi
+RUN dnf install -y gcc-c++
+RUN dnf install -y clang
+RUN dnf install -y valgrind
+RUN dnf install -y c-ares-devel
+RUN dnf install -y sqlite-devel
+RUN dnf install -y libuuid-devel
+RUN dnf install -y cmake
+RUN dnf install -y make
+RUN dnf install -y expat-devel
+RUN dnf install -y libidn-devel
+RUN dnf install -y uuid-devel
+RUN dnf install -y systemd-devel
+RUN dnf install -y rubygem-ronn
+# Needed to run tests
+RUN dnf install -y git
+RUN dnf install -y fedora-packager python3-lxml
+RUN dnf install -y lcov
+# To be able to create the RPM
+RUN dnf install -y rpmdevtools
+# Install botan
+RUN git clone https://github.com/randombit/botan.git
+RUN cd botan && git checkout 1.11.28 && ./configure.py --prefix=/usr && make -j8 && make install
+RUN rm -rf /botan
+# Install litesql
+RUN git clone git://git.louiz.org/litesql
+RUN mkdir /litesql/build && cd /litesql/build && cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr && make -j8
+RUN cd /litesql/build && make install
+RUN rm -rf /litesql
+RUN ldconfig
+# Install slixmpp, for e2e tests
+RUN git clone git://git.louiz.org/slixmpp
+RUN pip3 install pyasn1
+RUN dnf install -y python3-devel
+RUN cd slixmpp && python3 setup.py build && python3 setup.py install
+RUN useradd tester
+# Install charybdis, for e2e tests
+RUN dnf install -y automake autoconf flex flex-devel bison libtool-ltdl-devel openssl-devel
+RUN dnf install -y libtool
+RUN git clone https://github.com/charybdis-ircd/charybdis.git && cd charybdis
+RUN cd /charybdis && ./autogen.sh && ./configure --prefix=/home/tester/ircd --bindir=/usr/bin && make -j8 && make install
+RUN chown -R tester:tester /home/tester/ircd
+RUN rm -rf /charybdis
+RUN su - tester -c "echo export LANG=fr_FR.utf-8 >> /home/tester/.bashrc"
+WORKDIR /home/tester
+USER tester