M src/database/database.cpp => src/database/database.cpp +34 -1
@@ 165,7 165,7 @@ std::string Database::store_muc_message(const std::string& owner, const std::str
std::vector<Database::MucLogLine> Database::get_muc_logs(const std::string& owner, const std::string& chan_name, const std::string& server,
- int limit, const std::string& start, const std::string& end)
+ int limit, const std::string& start, const std::string& end, const Id::real_type after_id)
auto request = Database::muc_log_lines.select();
request.where() << Database::Owner{} << "=" << owner << \
@@ 184,6 184,10 @@ std::vector<Database::MucLogLine> Database::get_muc_logs(const std::string& owne
if (end_time != -1)
request << " and " << Database::Date{} << "<=" << end_time;
+ if (after_id != Id::unset_value)
+ {
+ request << " and " << Id{} << ">" << after_id;
+ }
if (limit >= 0)
request.limit() << limit;
@@ 218,6 222,35 @@ std::vector<Database::MucLogLine> Database::get_muc_most_recent_logs(const std::
return {result.crbegin(), result.crend()};
+Database::MucLogLine Database::get_muc_log(const std::string& owner, const std::string& chan_name, const std::string& server,
+ const std::string& uuid, const std::string& start, const std::string& end)
+ auto request = Database::muc_log_lines.select();
+ request.where() << Database::Owner{} << "=" << owner << \
+ " and " << Database::IrcChanName{} << "=" << chan_name << \
+ " and " << Database::IrcServerName{} << "=" << server << \
+ " and " << Database::Uuid{} << "=" << uuid;
+ if (!start.empty())
+ {
+ const auto start_time = utils::parse_datetime(start);
+ if (start_time != -1)
+ request << " and " << Database::Date{} << ">=" << start_time;
+ }
+ if (!end.empty())
+ {
+ const auto end_time = utils::parse_datetime(end);
+ if (end_time != -1)
+ request << " and " << Database::Date{} << "<=" << end_time;
+ }
+ auto result = request.execute(*Database::db);
+ if (result.empty())
+ throw Database::RecordNotFound{};
+ return result.front();
void Database::add_roster_item(const std::string& local, const std::string& remote)
auto roster_item = Database::roster.row();
M src/database/database.hpp => src/database/database.hpp +8 -1
@@ 120,15 120,22 @@ class Database
const std::string& channel);
* Get all the lines between (optional) start and end dates, with a (optional) limit.
+ * If after_id is set, only the records after it will be returned.
static std::vector<MucLogLine> get_muc_logs(const std::string& owner, const std::string& chan_name, const std::string& server,
- int limit=-1, const std::string& start="", const std::string& end="");
+ int limit=-1, const std::string& start="", const std::string& end="",
+ const Id::real_type after_id=Id::unset_value);
* Get the most recent messages from the archive, with optional limit and start date
static std::vector<MucLogLine> get_muc_most_recent_logs(const std::string& owner, const std::string& chan_name, const std::string& server,
int limit=-1, const std::string& start="");
+ /**
+ * Get just one single record matching the given uuid, between (optional) end and start.
+ * If it does not exist (or is not between end and start), throw a RecordNotFound exception.
+ */
+ static MucLogLine get_muc_log(const std::string& owner, const std::string& chan_name, const std::string& server, const std::string& uuid, const std::string& start="", const std::string& end="");
static std::string store_muc_message(const std::string& owner, const std::string& chan_name, const std::string& server_name,
time_point date, const std::string& body, const std::string& nick);
M src/xmpp/biboumi_component.cpp => src/xmpp/biboumi_component.cpp +9 -1
@@ 715,11 715,19 @@ bool BiboumiComponent::handle_mam_request(const Stanza& stanza)
const XmlNode* set = query->get_child("set", RSM_NS);
int limit = -1;
+ Id::real_type after_id{Id::unset_value};
if (set)
const XmlNode* max = set->get_child("max", RSM_NS);
if (max)
limit = std::atoi(max->get_inner().data());
+ const XmlNode* after = set->get_child("after", RSM_NS);
+ if (after)
+ {
+ auto after_record = Database::get_muc_log(from.bare(), iid.get_local(), iid.get_server(),
+ after->get_inner(), start, end);
+ after_id = after_record.col<Id>();
+ }
// Do not send more than 100 messages, even if the client asked for more,
// or if it didn’t specify any limit.
@@ 729,7 737,7 @@ bool BiboumiComponent::handle_mam_request(const Stanza& stanza)
if ((limit == -1 && start.empty() && end.empty())
|| limit > 100)
limit = 101;
- auto lines = Database::get_muc_logs(from.bare(), iid.get_local(), iid.get_server(), limit, start, end);
+ auto lines = Database::get_muc_logs(from.bare(), iid.get_local(), iid.get_server(), limit, start, end, after_id);
bool complete = true;
if (lines.size() > 100)
M tests/end_to_end/__main__.py => tests/end_to_end/__main__.py +24 -0
@@ 2164,6 2164,30 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Retrieve the next page, using the “after” thingy
+ partial(send_stanza, "<iq to='#foo%{irc_server_one}' from='{jid_one}/{resource_one}' type='set' id='id2'><query xmlns='urn:xmpp:mam:2' queryid='qid2' ><set xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/rsm'><after>{last_uuid}</after></set></query></iq>"),
+ partial(expect_stanza,
+ ("/message/mam:result[@queryid='qid2']/forward:forwarded/delay:delay",
+ "/message/mam:result[@queryid='qid2']/forward:forwarded/client:message[@from='#foo%{irc_server_one}/{nick_one}'][@type='groupchat']/client:body[text()='101']")
+ ),
+ ] + 47 * [
+ partial(expect_stanza,
+ ("/message/mam:result[@queryid='qid2']/forward:forwarded/delay:delay",
+ "/message/mam:result[@queryid='qid2']/forward:forwarded/client:message[@from='#foo%{irc_server_one}/{nick_one}'][@type='groupchat']/client:body")
+ ),
+ ] + [
+ partial(expect_stanza,
+ ("/message/mam:result[@queryid='qid2']/forward:forwarded/delay:delay",
+ "/message/mam:result[@queryid='qid2']/forward:forwarded/client:message[@from='#foo%{irc_server_one}/{nick_one}'][@type='groupchat']/client:body[text()='149']"),
+ after = partial(save_value, "last_uuid", partial(extract_attribute, "/message/mam:result", "id"))
+ ),
+ # And it should not be marked as complete
+ partial(expect_stanza,
+ ("/iq[@type='result'][@id='id2'][@from='#foo%{irc_server_one}'][@to='{jid_one}/{resource_one}']",
+ "/iq/mam:fin/rsm:set/rsm:last[text()='{last_uuid}']",
+ "/iq//mam:fin[@complete='true']",
+ "/iq//mam:fin")),