@@ 11,7 11,7 @@ It allows to clone multiple repositories as described by configuration file, and
% src-tree clone config.yaml --root ./root
% mkdir root/build
% # populate root/build with dependencies
-% src-tree link config.yaml --root ./root --builddir build
+% src-tree link config.yaml --root ./root --builddir build --targetdir result
For a following configuration file
@@ 27,7 27,16 @@ repositories:
This would produce a following directory tree minus `xxx` and `zzz` contents.
-./root/xxx/build -> ./root/build
-./root/zzz/build -> ./root/build
+./root/xxx/build -> ./root/result
+./root/zzz/build -> ./root/result
+Having applied some changes to the tree, you may want to synchronize it with the origin.
+It can be done with
+% src-tree checkout config.yaml
+It would fetch changes from origin and checkout to them, optionally resetting any dirty files.