
dfe4d69ea774d106b992e723f7865935c287d3a3 — Samuel Hunter 3 years ago 042c514
Refactor game engine
1 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)

M src/engine.lisp
M src/engine.lisp => src/engine.lisp +60 -48
@@ 180,8 180,7 @@
(defun active-player (game)
  (game-player game (turn game)))

(defun opponent-player (game)
  "Retun the player waiting for their turn."
(defun inactive-player (game)
  (game-player game (opponent-color (turn game))))

(defun game-phase (game)

@@ 200,30 199,41 @@
  (setf (nth-tile index (start-path (active-player game)) (turn game))

(defun valid-move (game index)
  "Return two values: Whether the move is valid, and the type of move."
(defun valid-move-p (game index)
  "Remove two values: whether the move is valid, and either the type of move if
   valid, or the reason why it isn't valid."
  (check-type index (integer 0))

  (with-slots (last-roll turn) game
    (unless (eq :move-phase (game-phase game))
      (return-from valid-move (values nil :not-rolled-yet)))
      (return-from valid-move-p (values nil :not-rolled-yet)))

    (let ((dest-index (+ index last-roll)))
        ((< index 0) (values nil :bad-tile))
        ((and (zerop index) (zerop (spare-pieces (active-player game)))) (values nil :no-spare-pieces))
        ((> dest-index (1+ +path-length+)) (values nil :too-far))
        ((and (> index 0) (not (eq (active-player-tile game index) turn))) (values nil :unowned-tile))
        ((= dest-index (1+ +path-length+)) (values t :completed-piece))
        ((eq (active-player-tile game dest-index) turn) (values nil :cant-capture-own-tile))
        ((eq (active-player-tile game dest-index) :none) (values t (if (rosettep dest-index)
        ((rosettep dest-index) (values nil :protected-tile))
        ((and (zerop index)
              (zerop (spare-pieces (active-player game))))
         (values nil :no-spare-pieces))
        ((>= dest-index +path-length+)
         (values nil :too-far))
        ((and (> index 0)
              (not (eq turn (active-player-tile game index))))
         (values nil :unowned-tile))
        ((= dest-index (1+ +path-length+))
         (values t :completed-piece))
        ((eq turn (active-player-tile game dest-index))
         (values nil :cant-capture-own-tile))
        ((eq :none (active-player-tile game dest-index))
         (values t (if (rosettep dest-index)
        ((rosettep dest-index)
         (values nil :protected-tile))
        (t (values t :captured-piece))))))

(defun valid-turn-p (game)
  "Return whether the current player can make a valid move"
  (loop for index :from 0 :to +path-length+
     :when (valid-move game index) :do (return t)))
  (loop :for index :upto +path-length+
        :thereis (valid-move-p game index)))

(defun player-tiles (game color)
  (route-tiles  (start-path (game-player game color))

@@ 242,11 252,6 @@
            (is-player-empty :black))

(defun next-turn (game)
  (with-slots (last-roll turn) game
    (setf turn (opponent-color (turn game)))
    (setf last-roll nil)))

(defun offer-draw (game color)
  "Mark the player as having offered a draw, and return whether both players agree."
  (let ((player (game-player game color)))

@@ 257,35 262,45 @@
  (setf (draw-offered (game-player game :white)) nil
        (draw-offered (game-player game :black)) nil))

(defun random-roll (&optional (random-state *random-state*))
  (let ((flips (loop :repeat 4
                  :collect (random 2 random-state))))
    (values (reduce #'+ flips) flips)))
(defun reset-roll (game)
  (setf (last-roll game) nil))

(defun next-phase (game game-phase &optional change-turn-p)
  "Move to a different phase."
  (with-slots (last-roll turn) game
    (clear-draws game)
    (ecase game-phase
      (:roll-phase (reset-roll game))
    (when change-turn-p
      (setf turn (opponent-color (turn game))))))

(defun random-roll (random-state)
  "Return a list of four coins flipped"
  (loop :repeat 4
        :collect (random 2 random-state)))

(defun roll (game)
  "Toss four coins and sum the total, providing a similar D4 allegedly played
   in the original game. Return 4 values: Whether the move was made, the total
   flips up, the individual flips, whether it caused the turn to skip, and (if
   the reason why the move failed."
   in the original game. Return 4 values: Whether the roll was made, the total
   flips up, the individual flips, whether it caused the turn to skip, and
   (if applicable) the reason why the move failed."
  (with-slots (random-state last-roll) game
    ;; TODO use conditions to go for failure instead. Or maybe a Result monad.
    ;; It makes better sense here.
    (if (not (eq :roll-phase (game-phase game)))
        (values nil nil nil nil :already-rolled)
        (multiple-value-bind (total flips) (random-roll random-state)
          (setf last-roll total)
          (clear-draws game)
          (let ((bad-roll (cond ((= total 0) :flipped-nothing)
                                  ((not (valid-turn-p game)) :no-valid-moves))))
            (when bad-roll (next-turn game))
            (values t total flips bad-roll))))))

(defun reset-roll (game)
  (setf (last-roll game) nil))
        (let* ((flips (random-roll random-state))
               (total (setf last-roll (reduce #'+ flips)))
               (bad-roll-type (cond ((= total 0) :flipped-nothing)
                                    ((not (valid-turn-p game)) :no-valid-moves))))
          (if bad-roll-type
              (next-phase game :roll-phase t)
              (next-phase game :move-phase nil))
          (values t total flips bad-roll-type)))))

(defun move-piece (game index)
  "Move a piece from tile INDEX to the last roll. Return the destination tile's index."
  "Move a piece from tile INDEX to the last roll."
  (with-slots (last-roll turn) game
    (let ((dest-index (+ index last-roll)))
      (if (= index 0)

@@ 294,22 309,19 @@

      (when (<= dest-index +path-length+)
        (when (eq (active-player-tile game dest-index) (opponent-color (turn game)))
          (incf (spare-pieces (opponent-player game))))
          (incf (spare-pieces (inactive-player game))))
        (setf (active-player-tile game dest-index) turn))

(defun make-move (game position)
  "Attempt to move a piece from the given position. Return 3 values: whether
   it's successful, that type of move that was (or would have been) made, and
   whether the turn ended."
  (check-type position integer)
  (multiple-value-bind (successful move-type) (valid-move game position)
  (multiple-value-bind (successful move-type) (valid-move-p game position)
    (if (not successful)
        (values nil move-type)
          (move-piece game position)
          (clear-draws game)
          (if (eq move-type :landed-on-rosette)
              (reset-roll game)
              (next-turn game))
          (next-phase game :roll-phase (not (eq move-type :landed-on-rosette)))
          (values t move-type (not (eq move-type :landed-on-rosette)))))))