M src/engine.lisp => src/engine.lisp +28 -25
@@ 3,7 3,6 @@
(:import-from :alexandria
(:export :game
- :make-game
;; Game actions
@@ 16,8 15,7 @@
(in-package #:ur-game.engine)
-(defun make-empty-path (length)
- (make-array length :initial-element :none))
;; path lengths
(defparameter +start-length+ 4)
@@ 28,15 26,14 @@
(defparameter +starting-pieces+ 7)
-;; Rosette tiles protect pieces from battle and give the player a
-;; second turn
-(defparameter +rosettes+ '(4 8 14))
;; Board Data
(defclass path-segment ()
((tile-vector :initarg :tile-vector :reader tile-vector)
- (black-next :initarg :black-next :reader black-next)
- (white-next :initarg :white-next :reader white-next)))
+ (black-next :initarg :black-next :reader black-next
+ :documentation "Next path segment for black checkers")
+ (white-next :initarg :white-next :reader white-next
+ :documentation "Next path segment for white checkers"))
+ (:documentation "A segment of a route that a game checker travels to reach the end."))
(defun next-segment (path-segment color)
(ecase color
@@ 44,13 41,16 @@
(:white (white-next path-segment))))
(defun route-length (path-segment color)
+ "Return the length of the entire route for the given color."
(loop :for segment := path-segment :then (next-segment segment color)
:while segment
:sum (length (tile-vector segment))))
(defun find-tile-vector (n path-segment color)
+ "If n is in-bounds, return two values: the vector that contains the nth tile,
+ and the offset to access that tile. Otherwise, return nil."
(when (null path-segment)
- (return-from find-tile-vector nil))
+ (return-from find-tile-vector))
(let* ((tile-vector (tile-vector path-segment))
(length (length tile-vector)))
@@ 61,6 61,7 @@
(defun nth-tile (n path-segment color)
+ "Return the nth tile for the given color's route."
(multiple-value-bind (vector relative-n)
(find-tile-vector n path-segment color)
@@ 68,6 69,7 @@
(aref vector relative-n))))
(defun (setf nth-tile) (new-value n path-segment color)
+ "Set the nth tile for the given color's route."
(multiple-value-bind (vector relative-n)
(find-tile-vector n path-segment color)
@@ 75,6 77,7 @@
(setf (aref vector relative-n) new-value))))
(defun route-tiles (path-segment color)
+ "Return a vector of all path segments concatenated together."
(loop :for segment := path-segment :then (next-segment segment color)
:while segment
:collect (tile-vector segment) :into vectors
@@ 85,7 88,8 @@
(white-start :initarg :white-start)
(shared-middle :initarg :shared-middle)
(black-end :initarg :black-end)
- (white-end :initarg :white-end)))
+ (white-end :initarg :white-end))
+ (:documentation "Collection of all tile vectors"))
(defun make-tile-vector (length)
(make-array length :initial-element :none))
@@ 120,8 124,10 @@
:white-next shared-path-segment))))
(defun rosettep (index)
- "Return whether the tile has a rosette"
- (member index +rosettes+))
+ "Return whether the tile index has a rosette"
+ (member index '(4 8 14)))
(defclass player ()
((start-path :initarg :start-path
@@ 133,23 139,20 @@
(defclass game ()
((random-state :initform (make-random-state t))
- (black :initarg :black
- :reader black-player)
- (white :initarg :white
- :reader white-player)
- (board :initarg :board
- :reader board)
+ (black :reader black-player)
+ (white :reader white-player)
+ (board :reader board)
(turn :initform :white
:accessor turn)
(last-roll :initform nil
:accessor last-roll)))
-(defun make-game ()
- (multiple-value-bind (board black-path white-path) (make-board-and-paths)
- (make-instance 'game
- :black (make-instance 'player :start-path black-path)
- :white (make-instance 'player :start-path white-path)
- :board board)))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((instance game) &key &allow-other-keys)
+ (multiple-value-bind (new-board black-path white-path) (make-board-and-paths)
+ (with-slots (black white board) instance
+ (setf black (make-instance 'player :start-path black-path)
+ white (make-instance 'player :start-path white-path)
+ board new-board))))
;; TODO figure out how to separate this last piece of presentation from the
;; game engine.
M src/json.lisp => src/json.lisp +2 -0
@@ 9,6 9,8 @@
(in-package #:ur-game.json)
(defclass json-bool ()
((p :initarg :p :initform nil :reader json-bool-p)
(generalised :initarg :generalised :initform nil))
M src/ur-game.lisp => src/ur-game.lisp +68 -59
@@ 17,6 17,8 @@
(in-package #:ur-game)
;; Logging (TODO: set level in configuration.)
(vom:config :ur-game :debug)
@@ 34,29 36,17 @@
(defconstant +ws-code-opponent-disconnected+ 4000)
(defconstant +ws-code-session-full+ 4002)
-(defclass session ()
- ((game :initform nil :accessor game)
- (token :initarg :token :reader token)
- (clients :initform () :accessor clients)))
-(defun in-game-p (session)
- (and (game session) t))
+(defvar *sessions* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
-(defun game-over-p (session)
- (and (= 2 (length (clients session)))
- (null (game session))))
+(defun register-session (session)
+ (setf (gethash (slot-value session 'token) *sessions*)
+ session))
-(defun session-full-p (session)
- (>= (length (clients session)) 2))
+(defun find-session (token)
+ (gethash token *sessions*))
-(defun add-client (session client)
- "Attempt to add the client to the session, and return whether it was successful."
- (if (session-full-p session)
- (prog1 nil
- (websocket-driver:close-connection
- (ws client) "Session is already full" +ws-code-session-full+))
- (prog1 t
- (push client (clients session)))))
+(defun deregister-session (session)
+ (remhash (slot-value session 'token) *sessions*))
;; NOTE: The default generator from `session-token' grabs randomness
;; from /dev/urandom or /dev/arandom, and therefore doesn't work on
@@ 64,25 54,40 @@
(defvar *game-token-generator*
(session-token:make-generator :token-length 10))
-(defvar *sessions* (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
- "Hash of sessions fetched by their token.")
-(defun start-session ()
- (let* ((token (funcall *game-token-generator*))
- (session (make-instance 'session :token token)))
- (setf (gethash token *sessions*) session)
- (vom:info "STARTED session ~A" token)
- session))
+(defclass session ()
+ ((game :initform nil :accessor game)
+ (token :initform (funcall *game-token-generator*) :reader token)
+ (clients :initform () :accessor clients)))
-(defun find-session (token)
- (gethash token *sessions*))
+(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((instance session) &key &allow-other-keys)
+ ;; Start and register the session
+ (register-session instance)
+ (vom:info "STARTED session ~A" (slot-value instance 'token)))
+(defun quit-session (session reason &key (code 1000))
+ "Disconnect all clients and deregister the game session."
+ (deregister-session session)
+ (dolist (client (clients session))
+ (websocket-driver:close-connection (ws client) reason code))
+ (vom:notice "STOPPED session ~A: ~A" (token session) reason))
+(defun session-status (session)
+ (with-slots (clients game) session
+ (cond
+ ((< (length clients) 2) :waiting-for-players)
+ (game :in-game)
+ (t :game-over))))
-(defun stop-session (session reason &key (code 1000))
- "Disconnect all clients and remove the game session from memory."
- (vom:notice "STOPPED session ~A: ~A" (token session) reason)
- (loop :for client :in (clients session)
- :do (websocket-driver:close-connection (ws client) reason code))
- (remhash (token session) *sessions*))
+(defun add-client (session client)
+ "Attempt to add the client to the session, and return whether it was successful."
+ (if (eq :waiting-for-players (session-status session))
+ (progn
+ (push client (clients session))
+ t)
+ (progn
+ (websocket-driver:close-connection
+ (ws client) "Session is already full" +ws-code-session-full+)
+ nil)))
(defclass client ()
((color :accessor color)
@@ 102,15 107,15 @@
(send-message client message))
(defun broadcast-message (session message)
- "Send a message to all clients."
- (loop :for client :in (clients session)
- :do (send-message client message)))
+ "Send the same message to all clients."
+ (dolist (client (clients session))
+ (send-message client message)))
(defun broadcast-message* (session &rest message)
(broadcast-message session message))
(defun start-game (session)
- (setf (game session) (make-game))
+ (setf (game session) (make-instance 'game))
(let ((clients (alexandria:shuffle (clients session))))
(setf (color (first clients)) :white
(color (second clients)) :black)
@@ 127,22 132,7 @@
:game (game session))
(setf (game session) nil))
-(defun handle-new-connection (session client)
- (unless (add-client session client)
- (return-from handle-new-connection))
- (if (session-full-p session)
- (start-game session)
- (send-message* client
- :op :game-token
- :token (token session))))
-(defun handle-close-connection (session client &key code reason)
- (declare (ignore client code reason))
- ;; TODO see if (stop-session) disconnecting clients manually triggers this event.
- ;; TODO maybe maintain a session until it has 0 clients.
- (stop-session session "Opponent disconnected"
- :code +ws-code-opponent-disconnected+))
;; Request handling
(defparameter *request-dispatch*
@@ 165,7 155,7 @@
(defrequest handle-rematch "rematch" (session client message)
(declare (ignore message))
- (if (game-over-p session)
+ (if (eq :game-over (session-status session))
(start-game session)
(send-message* client
:op :error
@@ 244,10 234,27 @@
:op :err
:reason :no-such-operand))))
+(defun handle-new-connection (session client)
+ (unless (add-client session client)
+ (return-from handle-new-connection))
+ (if (eq :waiting-for-players (session-status session))
+ (send-message* client
+ :op :game-token
+ :token (token session))
+ (start-game session)))
+(defun handle-close-connection (session client &key code reason)
+ (declare (ignore client code reason))
+ ;; TODO see if (quit-session) disconnecting clients manually triggers this event.
+ ;; TODO maybe maintain a session until it has 0 clients.
+ (quit-session session "Opponent disconnected"
+ :code +ws-code-opponent-disconnected+))
(defun session-app (env &optional token)
(let* ((ws (websocket-driver:make-server env))
(client (make-instance 'client :ws ws))
- (session (or (find-session token) (start-session))))
+ (session (or (find-session token) (make-instance 'session))))
(websocket-driver:on :open ws (curry 'handle-new-connection session client))
(websocket-driver:on :message ws (curry 'handle-message session client))
(websocket-driver:on :close ws (curry 'handle-close-connection session client))
@@ 256,6 263,8 @@
(declare (ignore responder))
(websocket-driver:start-connection ws))))
(defun make-path-scanner (path-regex)
"Converts a path regex like /a/b/{something}/c into a regex that captures {...}'s and "
(let* ((query-replaced-paths (cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all