Remove github mirror buildscript
README: update project destiny
Bugfix wrong exported symbol in package.lisp
package.lisp exported gt-blockquote, but the library used gt-quote.
Adjust a couple symbol names to reduce conflicts
I made two libraries for my project, cl-gemtext (this one) and
gemini-request. I want to use import both packages, but they shared
the same symbol name +gemini-version+. I changed it here to fix that.
Remove author name from README.
Add build to automatically push to github
Readjust decode function names
Add bulk gemtext-reading and whitespace trimming
Decode advanced line types
Revamp decoder after reading Gemini specification
This new decoder should support all core text types.
Give data classes gt- prefix
This should make importing gemtext symbols easier since `gt-` would be
an indicator that it's e.g. a gemtext link, instead of an html or
other form of link structure.
Remove convenience constructor functions
Provide an option to trim whitespace from text.
Refactor how the prefix table is defined
Add and decode blockquotes
Decode headings, list items, and normal text