A day12.lisp => day12.lisp +65 -0
@@ 0,0 1,65 @@
+(defpackage #:advent2021.day12
+ (:use #:cl #:alexandria #:cl-ppcre #:advent2021.util)
+ (:export #:solve-part-1 #:solve-part-2))
+(in-package #:advent2021.day12)
+(defparameter +input+
+ (loop :with map := (make-hash-table)
+ :for line :in (parse-lines #'identity)
+ :for (from to) := (mapcar (lambda (kw)
+ (intern kw :keyword))
+ (split "-" line))
+ :do (push to (gethash from map))
+ (push from (gethash to map))
+ :finally (return map)))
+(defun possible-paths (start &optional route)
+ (cond
+ ((eq start :|end|) 1)
+ ((member start route) 0)
+ (t
+ (loop :for next-node :in (gethash start +input+)
+ :sum (possible-paths next-node
+ (if (upper-case-p
+ (char (string start) 0))
+ route
+ (cons start route)))))))
+(defun solve-part-1 ()
+ (possible-paths :|start|))
+(defun large? (node)
+ (upper-case-p (char (string node) 0)))
+(defun cave-visited-twice? (route)
+ (loop :with small-caves := ()
+ :for cave :in route
+ :do (when (not (large? cave))
+ (if (member cave small-caves)
+ (return t)
+ (push cave small-caves)))))
+(defun should-visit? (node route)
+ (when (eq node :|start|)
+ (return-from should-visit? nil))
+ (or (large? node)
+ (< (loop :for n :in route
+ :count (eq n node))
+ (if (cave-visited-twice? route)
+ 1 2))))
+(defun possible-paths* (start &optional route)
+ (cond
+ ((eq start :|end|)
+ ;; (print (list :path route))
+ 1)
+ (t (loop :for next-node :in (gethash start +input+)
+ :when (should-visit? next-node (cons start route))
+ :sum (possible-paths* next-node (cons start route))))))
+(defun solve-part-2 ()
+ (possible-paths* :|start|))
A input/day12.txt => input/day12.txt +21 -0
@@ 0,0 1,21 @@