Release pakakeh.go v0.59.0 (2025-01-06) This is the first release of pakakeh.go on the year 2025. There are many new features and cleaning up, including packages that merged into single package with help of type parameters. The first major changes is indicated by using "go 1.23.4" as minimum Go version in this module, to allow us using new packages like "slices" and "maps". In this release notes, we try new format. Instead of grouping each changes by Breaking changes, New features, Bug fixes, Enhancements, and/or Chores; we group them by package. Each paragraph in the package sections will be prefixed with tag "[BREAKING CHANGE]", "[NEW FEATURE]", "[BUG FIX]", "[ENHANCEMENT]", "[CHORE]" to indicates the type of changes. === lib/binary The "lib/binary] is new package that complement the standard binary package. [NEW FEATURE] Implement append-only binary that encode the data using [binary.Writer]. We call them "Apo" for short. [NEW FEATURE] Implement buffer for reading/writing in BigEndian. The BigEndianBuffer provides backing storage for writing (most of) Go native types into binary in big-endian order. The zero value of BigEndianBuffer is an empty buffer ready to use. The following basic types are supported for Write and Read: bool, byte, int, float, complex, and string. The slice and array are also supported as long as the slice’s element type is one of basic types. === lib/bytes [BREAKING CHANGE] In the "lib/bytes" we split the hexdump related functions to separate package, "lib/hexdump". === lib/floats64 [BREAKING CHANGE] This package has been removed, merged into "slices" package. === lib/hexdump [NEW FEATURE] Package hexdump implements reading and writing bytes from and into hexadecimal number. It support parsing output from hexdump(1) tool. === lib/http [NEW FEATURE] In the [lib/http.Client] we add new method Transport that return default HTTP Transport. The returned [http.Transport] is created after the Client instantiated. Their value can be customized by user when needed, which should affect the Transport inside the Client. === lib/ints [BREAKING CHANGE] This package has been removed, merged into "slices" package. === lib/ints64 [BREAKING CHANGE] This package has been removed, merged into "slices" package. === lib/memfs [ENHANCEMENT] In the "lib/memfs" we refactoring the Watch method to use the new "watchfs/v2" package. [BREAKING CHANGE] The old Watcher and DirWatcher types now moved to watchfs package. This changes require exporting method [memfs.MemFS.UpdateContent]. === lib/numbers [CHORE] In the package level, we remove unused README and LICENSE files. This package README has been merged into the package documentation and the LICENSE is same with the module one. We also remove some package documentation that should be in "lib/slices". === lib/play [NEW FEATURE] The [lib/play] now has function and HTTP handler to run Go test code. Since the test must run inside the directory that contains the Go file to be tested, the [HTTPHandleTest] API accept the following request format, { "goversion": <string>, "file": <string>, "body": <string>, "without_race": <boolean> } The "file" field define the path to the "_test.go" file, default to "test_test.go" if its empty. The "body" field contains the Go code that will be saved to "file". The test will run, by default, with "go test -count=1 -race $dirname" where "$dirname" is the path directory to the "file" relative to where the program is running. If "without_race" is true, the test command will not run with "-race" option. [ENHANCEMENT] On package level, the home and cache directory now initialized on package init since there are never changes when program running. If Go failed to get the home and cache it will be set to system temporary directory. [ENHANCEMENT] We also simplify running Go code by removing the field pid in the struct command that wait for process ID. Instead we execute cmd with Run directly. In the Run function, we use the UnsafeRun to store temporary directory and move the statements that writes go.mod and main.go into the method writes of Request. This remove unnecessary unsafeRun function. === lib/reflect [BREAKING CHANGE] This release changes the Equal signature from "Equal(v any) bool" to "Equal(v any) error". The reason for this changes is to force the method to return an error message that is understand-able by caller. === lib/slices [NEW FEATURE] Package "lib/ints", "lib/ints64", and "lib/floats64" are merged into "slices". Now that Go has type parameter, we can use it to use the same function that accept different types for working with slice of int, int64, and float64. === lib/ssh [ENHANCEMENT] In the lib/ssh, we implement Run with context internally. Instead of depends on fork of crypto with CL that needs proposal, we implement them in here so we can update crypto module to the latest release. === lib/watchfs The watchfs package now contains the original, v1, of the Watcher and DirWatcher types from "lib/memfs". === lib/watchfs/v2 [NEW FEATURE] The "lib/watchfs/v2" is the new package that implement new file and directory watcher, that replace the Watcher and DirWatcher in the "lib/memfs". The new implementation, FileWatcher, much more simple than what we have in [memfs.Watcher]. The new directory watcher, DirWatcher, scan the content of directory in [fs.DirWatcherOptions.Root] recursively for the files to be watched, using the [fs.DirWatcherOptions.Includes] field. A single file, [fs.DirWatcherOptions.FileWatcherOptions.FilePath], will be watched for changes that trigger re-scanning the content of Root recursively. The result of re-scanning is list of the Includes files (only files not new directory) that are changes, which send to channel C. On each [os.FileInfo] received from C, a deleted file have [os.FileInfo.Size] equal to [NodeFlagDeleted]. The channel send an empty slice if no changes. The implementation of file changes in this code is naive, using loop and comparison of mode, modification time, and size; at least it should works on most operating system.