
v0.58.1 2 months ago

Release pakakeh.go v0.58.1 (2024-12-07)

=== Enhancements

* lib/play: add custom request to run unsafe directory directly

  As exceptional, the Run and HTTPHandleRun accept the following
  request for running program inside custom "go.mod",

      "unsafe_run": <path>

  The "unsafe_run" define the path to directory relative to HTTP
  server working directory. Once request accepted it will change the
  directory into "unsafe_run" first and then run "go run ." directly.
  Go code that executed inside "unsafe_run" should be not modifiable and
  safe from mallicious execution.

* lib/play: add option to Run with specific Go version and without race

  The idea is to allow testing Go code on specific Go version.
  For example, before Go 1.22, the for loop with variable is shared
  among block statements, which cause every use of that variable is run
  with the last value.

* lib/play: expose the Timeout variable

  By exposing the Timeout, user can set their maximum time the program
  can run in their playground.
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