
v0.54.0 10 months ago

Release pakakeh.go v0.54.0 (2024-04-04)

This is the first release after we move the repository to SourceHut
under different name: "pakakeh.go".
There are several reasons for moving and naming.

First, related to the name of package.
We accidentally name the package with "share" a common word in English
that does not reflect the content of repository.
By moving to other repository, we can rename it to better and unique
name, in this "pakakeh.go".
Pakakeh is Minang word for tools, and ".go" suffix indicate that the
repository related to Go programming language.

Second, supporting open source.
The new repository is hosted under sourcehut.org, the founder is known
to support open source, and all their services are licensed under AGPL,
unlike GitHub that are closed sources.

Third, regarding GitHub CoPilot.
GitHub Terms of Service],
allow any public content that are hosted there granted them to parse the
On one side, GitHub helps and flourish the open source, but on another
side have an issues
regarding scraping the copyleft license.

=== Breaking changes

Since we are moving to new repository, we fix all linter warnings and
inconsistencies that we cannot changes on previous module.

Breaking changes related to naming,

* api/slack: [Message.IconUrl] become [Message.IconURL]
* lib/dns: DefaultSoaMinumumTtl become DefaultSoaMinimumTTL
* lib/email: [Message.SetBodyHtml] become [Message.SetBodyHTML]
* lib/http: [Client.GenerateHttpRequest] become
* lib/http: [ClientOptions.ServerUrl] become [ClientOptions.ServerURL]
* lib/http: [EndpointRequest.HttpWriter] become
* lib/http: [EndpointRequest.HttpRequest] become
* lib/http: [ServerOptions.EnableIndexHtml] become
* lib/http: [SSEConn.HttpRequest] become [SSEConn.HTTPRequest]
* lib/smtp: [ClientOptions.ServerUrl] become [ClientOptions.ServerURL]
* lib/ssh/sftp: [FileAttrs.SetUid] become [FileAttrs.SetUID]
* lib/ssh/sftp: [FileAttrs.Uid] become [FileAttrs.UID]

Changes on packages,

* lib/sql: remove deprecated Row type

  The Row type has been replaced with Meta type with more flexibility
  and features for generating type-safe SQL DML.

* lib/memfs: remove deprecated Merge function

  The Merge function has been replaced with [memfs.MemFS.Merge] for
  better API.

* lib: move package "net/html" to "lib/html"

  Putting "html" under "net" package make no sense.
  Another reason is to make the package flat under "lib/" directory.

* lib: move package "ssh/config" to "lib/sshconfig"

  Previously the "ssh/config" is used by the parent package "ssh" and
  "ssh/sftp" which is break the rule of package layer (the top package
  should be imported by sub package, not the other way around).

* lib/http: refactor of RegisterEndpoint and RegisterSSE to non-pointer

  Once the endpoint registered, the caller should not able to changes
  any values on endpoint again.

* lib/http: refactoring NewServer and NewClient

  The NewServer and NewClient now accept non-pointer options, so the
  caller unable to modify the options once the server or client has
  been created.

* lib/http: refactor Client methods to use struct ClientRequest

  Instead of three parameters, the Client methods now accept single
  struct [ClientRequest].

* lib/http: refactoring Client methods to return struct ClientResponse

  Instead of returning three variables, [http.Response], []byte, and
  error, we combine the [http.Response] and []byte into single struct:

* lib/http: refactoring type of RequestMethod from int to string

  The reason is to make storing or encoding the RequestMethod value
  readable from user point of view instead of number, 0, 1, 2, etc.

* lib/http: refactor type of RequestType from int to string

  The reason is to make storing or encoding the RequestType value
  readable from human point of view instead of number, 0, 1, 2, etc.

* lib/http: refactoring type of ResponseType from int to string

  The reason is to make storing or encoding the value readable
  from human point of view instead of number, 0, 1, 2, etc.

* lib/http: refactoring FSHandler type to return [*memfs.Node]

  Changing FSHandler type to return [*memfs.Node], allow the handler to
  redirect or return custom node.

  One of the use case is when service Single Page Application (SPA),
  where route is handled by JavaScript.

  For example, when user requested "/dashboard" but dashboard directory
  does not exist, one can write the following handler to return

    node, _ = memfs.Get(`/index.html`)
    return node

* lib/dns: refactor [Message.Unpack] to [UnpackMessage]

  The previous API for Message is a little bit weird.
  Its provides creating Message manually, but expose the method
  [UnpackHeaderQuestion], meanwhile the field packet itself is

  In order to make it more clear we refactor [Message.Unpack] to
  function [UnpackMessage] that accept raw DNS packet.

=== New features

* test/httptest: new helper for testing HTTP server handler

  The Simulate function simulate HTTP server handler by generating
  [http.Request] from fields in [SimulateRequest]; and then call

  The HTTP response from serve along with its raw body and original HTTP
  request then returned in [*SimulateResult].

* lib/dns: implements RFC 9460 for SVCB RR and HTTPS RR

  The dns package now support packing and unpacking DNS with record type
  64 (SVCB) and 65 (HTTPS).

* cmd/ansua: command line interface to help tracking time


      ansua <duration> [ "<command>" ]

  ansua execute a timer on defined duration and optionally run a command
  when timer finished.

  When ansua timer is running, one can pause the timer by pressing
  and resume it by pressing r+Enter, or stopping it using CTRL+c.

=== Bug fixes

* lib/memfs: trim trailing slash ("/") in the path of Get method

  The MemFS always store directory without slash.
  If caller request a directory node with slash, it will always return

* lib/dns: use ParseUint to parse escaped octet in "\NNN" format

  Previously, we use ParseInt to parse escaped octet "\NNN", but using
  this method only allow decimal from 0 to 127, while the specification
  allow 0 to 255.

=== Enhancements

* lib/http: handle CORS independently

  Previously, if [CORSOptions.AllowOrigins] not found we return it
  immediately without checking request "Access-Control-Request-Method",
  "Access-Control-Request-Headers", and other CORS options.

  This changes check each of them, a missing allow origins does not
  means empty allowed method, headers, MaxAge, or credentials.

* lib/bytes: add parameter networkByteOrder to ParseHexDump

  If networkByteOrder is true, the ParseHexDump read each hex string
  in network byte order or as order defined in text.

  While at it, fix reading and parsing single byte hex.

* cmd/httpdfs: set default include options to empty

  By default httpdfs now serve all files under base directory.
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