
v0.53.1 11 months ago

Release share v0.53.1 (2024-03-02)

=== Enhancements

* lib/sql: handle binding with the same name

  If [Meta.Bind] is called with the same name again, it should replace
  the existing named value.

* lib/dns: ignore invalid message

  If Query return a message but the failed to unpack due to invalid
  format, for example

    unpackOPT: data length is out of range

  ignore it instead of disconnect the client connection.

* lib/http: export function to generate "multipart/form-data"

  The GenerateFormData generate the request body with boundary for
  HTTP content-type "multipart/form-data" from map[string][]byte.

* lib/dns: change the log mechanism by mode instead of by level

  This changes introduce three mode of debug:

  - DebugLevelDNS: log error on DNS level, in example empty answer,
    ERR_NAME (domain name is invalid or not known) and so on.
  - DebugLevelCache: log cache operations.
  - DebugLevelConnPacket: log low level connection and package,
    including request and response.
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