= Creating personal AUR builder and repository with karajo
Shulhan <ms@kilabit.info>
10 July 2022
:url-repo-example: https://git.sr.ht/~shulhan/karajo-example-aur
Due to git.sr.ht does not support rendering asciidoc markup, you can view the
HTML format at
This article describes step by step process to create personal AUR builder and
repository using
At the end of this article we will,
* learn how to
AUR package with clean chroot^],
* learn how to sign package using GnuPG, and
* learn how to operato karajo server.
The complete
https://sr.ht/~shulhan/awwan[`awwan`^] scripts for this tutorial is available
{url-repo-example}[this repository^].
You can view the live karajo server at https://build.kilabit.info.
== Requirements
Although in the
{url-repo-example}[example repository^]
we demonstrate using remote server, you can also setup in your own computer.
Software requirements in local host: `git`, `gnupg` and `go`.
Software requirements in remote host: `arch-install-scripts`, `devtools`, and
We call the local host as $LOCAL and remote host as $REMOTE.
== Step 0: $LOCAL - clone the example repository
The example repository contains some files for references that we need to
modify and copy to remote server.
$ git clone https://git.sr.ht/~shulhan/karajo-example-aur karajo-example-aur
We will denoted the cloned directory as $REPO_EXAMPLE in this article.
== Step 1: $REMOTE - setup and update the system
Install required packages in the $REMOTE machine and reboot to make sure
that everythings is up to date and workings normally.
$ sudo pacman -Sy --noconfirm archlinux-keyring
$ sudo pacman -Su --noconfirm
$ sudo pacman -S --noconfirm arch-install-scripts gnupg devtools
$ sudo reboot
== Step 2: $LOCAL - create GPG subkey for signing packages
In this step, we create new subkey in the local machine for signing the
package later.
This script assume that you already have master key, if not please follow
https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/GnuPG[the wiki page]
on how to create master key.
Lets print the key to get the master key ID,
$ gpg --list-keys
sec rsa2048/0xF8507EE9148A4CE3 2017-01-20 [SC] [expires: 2027-01-19]
uid [ultimate] Muhammad Shulhan <ms@kilabit.info>
ssb rsa2048/0x60A2AA092DA30E38 2017-01-20 [E] [expires: 2027-01-19]
The `0xF8507EE9148A4CE3` is my master key id, we call it `$GPG_MASTER_KEY`.
Create new subkey for signing without passphrase,
$ export GPG_MASTER_KEY=0xF8507EE9148A4CE3
$ gpg --quick-add-key --batch --passphrase '' $GPG_MASTER_KEY ed25519 sign never
If your master key use passphrase, the above command will ask you to enter the
Now, lets print all the keys again,
$ gpg --list-keys --with-subkey-fingerprint
sec rsa2048/0xF8507EE9148A4CE3 2017-01-20 [SC] [expires: 2027-01-19]
uid [ultimate] Muhammad Shulhan <ms@kilabit.info>
ssb rsa2048/0x60A2AA092DA30E38 2017-01-20 [E] [expires: 2027-01-19]
ssb ed25519/0x4A5360B500C9C4F0 2022-07-08 [S] <-- Signing key
Take a note on our new subkey for signing: `0x4A5360B500C9C4F0` or
its fingerprint `B24B7E71D51210D9292E1B3E4A5360B500C9C4F0`.
We will export this subkey and import it in remote server.
Before that, lets test the key for signing,
$ echo "test" > test
$ gpg --detach-sign --use-agent --local-user 0x4A5360B500C9C4F0 \
--output test.sig test
$ cat test.sig
$ rm -f test test.sig
Export subkey public and secret keys,
$ export GPG_SUBKEY_SIGN=0x4A5360B500C9C4F0
$ gpg --armor --export --output ~/build.pub ${GPG_SUBKEY_SIGN}!
$ gpg --armor --export-secret-subkeys --output ~/build.key ${GPG_SUBKEY_SIGN}!
NOTE: Do not forget the "!" at the end.
In case you are not satisfied with the subkey here is the command to delete
$ gpg --list-keys --with-subkey-fingerprints
$ gpg --delete-secret-and-public-keys <fingerprint>!
NOTE: Do not forget the "!" at the end.
== Step 3: $REMOTE - create user for running karajo/build
In the remote machine, create new user to run the karajo service and for
building the packages.
In this example we denoted the user name as $USER
$ sudo useradd --create-home --groups wheel $USER
== Step 4: $REMOTE - import the subkey into user at remote server
Copy the exported public and private subkey into the remote server as $USER
(not your SSH user).
For example using rsync on local,
$ rsync ~/build.pub $REMOTE:/tmp/build.pub
$ rsync ~/build.pub $REMOTE:/tmp/build.key
And in the $REMOTE, move it to $USER home,
$ sudo mv /tmp/build.pub /home/$USER/
$ sudo mv /tmp/build.key /home/$USER/
$ sudo chown $USER:$USER /home/$USER/build.*
Import the subkey into the $USER in remote machine,
$ sudo su - $USER sh -c "gpg --batch --import build.pub"
$ sudo su - $USER sh -c "gpg --batch --import build.key"
gpg: directory '/home/$USER/.gnupg' created
gpg: keybox '/home/$USER/.gnupg/pubring.kbx' created
gpg: /home/$USER/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created
gpg: key F8507EE9148A4CE3: public key "Muhammad Shulhan <ms@kilabit.info>" imported
gpg: To migrate 'secring.gpg', with each smartcard, run: gpg --card-status
gpg: key F8507EE9148A4CE3: secret key imported
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: imported: 1
gpg: secret keys read: 1
gpg: secret keys imported: 1
Check the imported subkey,
$ sudo su - $USER sh -c "gpg --list-secret-keys --with-subkey-fingerprint"
sec# rsa2048 2017-01-20 [SC] [expires: 2027-01-19]
uid [ unknown] Muhammad Shulhan <ms@kilabit.info>
ssb ed25519 2022-07-07 [S] [expires: 2026-07-06]
Test it,
$ sudo su - $USER sh -c "echo test > test; gpg --detach-sign --use-agent \
--local-user 0x4A5360B500C9C4F0 \
--output test.sig test"
$ sudo su - $USER sh -c "cat test.sig"
== Step 5: $REMOTE - set makepkg.conf
In the remote machine set the makepkg.conf for $USER to let `makepkg` known
the packager, the signing key to use for signing the package, and where the
package output will be stored.
$ cat /home/$USER/.makepkg.conf
PACKAGER="Your name <your email here>"
GPGKEY="Your GPG subkey for signing"
We will store and serve all builded packages inside `/home/$USER/srv/aur`
== Step 6: $REMOTE - setup the chroot
In the remote machine create a chroot directory as base directory for building
our AUR package later,
$ sudo su - $USER sh -c "mkdir /home/$USER/build"
$ sudo su - $USER sh -c "mkarchroot /home/$USER/build/root base-devel systemd"
$ sudo su - $USER sh -c "arch-nspawn -c /var/cache/pacman/pkg \
/home/$USER/build/root \
pacman -Syu --noconfirm"
Create any directories that is used by programming languages for downloading
and/or building dependencies in the $USER home directory.
For example, the following directories are used by Go, Java, and PHP,
$ sudo su - $USER sh -c "mkdir -p /home/$USER/go"
$ sudo su - $USER sh -c "mkdir -p /home/$USER/.cache/go-build"
$ sudo su - $USER sh -c "mkdir -p /home/$USER/.gradle"
$ sudo su - $USER sh -c "mkdir -p /home/$USER/.m2"
$ sudo su - $USER sh -c "mkdir -p /home/$USER/.cache/composer"
== Step 7: $LOCAL - build the karajo binary
Make sure that you have Go installed in your local machine, and then execute
the following command to install the latest karajo binary into $GOBIN (should
default to $HOME/go/bin),
$ go install git.sr.ht/~shulhan/karajo/cmd/karajo@main
Since the program is in development state, we install the latest commits on
branch `main`.
If you need to update it, run the above command again.
You can actually do this on $REMOTE machine, thought.
== Step 8: $LOCAL - create karajo.conf
In this example we will build the AUR package
because its use two programming language Go and Java, and give us an example
of how to bind multiple directories when running `makechrootpkg` later.
For reference you can see the example for karajo.conf inside the
Name = my-build
listen_address =
http_timeout = 5m0s
dir_base = /home/$USER
dir_public = /home/$USER/srv
secret = s3cret
##---- AUR google-cloud-ops-agent-git.
[hook "aur-google-cloud-ops-agent-git"]
path = /aur/google-cloud-ops-agent-git
secret = s3cret-for-hook
command = \
git fetch --all --tags --prune || \
git clone -- https://aur.archlinux.org/google-cloud-ops-agent-git.git .
command = git reset --hard HEAD
command = git rebase origin/master
command = makechrootpkg \
-d /tmp \
-d /home/$USER/go:/build/go \
-d /home/$USER/.cache:/build/.cache/go-build \
-d /home/$USER/.gradle:/build/.gradle \
-r /home/$USER/build \
-- --nocolor
command = repo-add --sign \
/home/$USER/srv/aur/my-repo.db.tar.xz \
[job "aur-google-cloud-ops-agent-git"]
description = AUR build for \
<a href="https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/google-cloud-ops-agent-git"> \
Google Cloud Ops-agent \
secret = s3cret-for-hook
interval = 10m
max_requests = 1
http_method = POST
http_url = /karajo/hook/aur/google-cloud-ops-agent-git
http_request_type = json
http_insecure = false
First, lets replace all occurrent of $USER with the user name that we create
At the top we have `[karajo]` section with name "my-build".
The karajo listen for incoming hook and serve the web user interface (WUI) at
address and on port 31937.
The karajo section define default HTTP timeout for all jobs to 5 minutes.
The karajo server have working directory set to the home directory of our
user `/home/$USER`, what this means is when karajo started, it will create the
following directory structure under that `dir_base`,
* `/home/$USER/var/lib/karajo/hook/`
* `/home/$USER/var/log/karajo/hook/`, and
* `/home/$USER/var/log/karajo/log/`.
All of files and sub-directories under `/home/$USER/srv` is served by karajo
using HTTP.
The s3cret value is the string to sign the request to pause or resume the
job from WUI.
Next, we have `[hook]` section.
We create one hook named `aur-google-cloud-ops-agent-git`.
This hook can be called from path
`/karajo/hook/aur/google-cloud-ops-agent-git` (the prefix `/karajo/hook` is
automatically added by karajo).
Once the hook received request that authorized using `s3cret-for-hook`, it
will run the list of `command` from top to bottom under directory
The command to be executed is self-explanatory.
The first three commands, we try to fetch the latest commits from AUR
repository google-cloud-ops-agent-git or clone a new one.
Then we build it inside chroot `/home/$USER/build` that we create at
link:#step_6[step 6] with additional bindings to minimize storage usage and
re-downloading/re-building dependencies later.
The builded package is moved to `/home/$USER/srv/aur/`, as we have set in
`.makepkg.conf` at
link:#step_5[step 5].
The last command is to add the package to `my-repo` database and sign it.
The last section is `[job]` with the same name as above hook,
The job run every 10 minutes and when its time it will send HTTP POST request
URL `/karajo/hook/aur/google-cloud-ops-agent-git`.
Since this URL does not have scheme, it means it will send it to the karajo
server itself.
The s3cret-for-hook is the secret to sign the request body.
At the end this is the HTTP request that the Job send looks like.
Content-Type: application/json
x-karajo-sign: 7ead48db24fb9aa3f31cc77d9e61ff893174a173a371519bbdc6aeac9e4f08e9
which will trigger the hook that we create earlier.
For all of the options to configure the karajo see the
== Step 9: deploy the karajo binary and configuration
In the $REMOTE machine create a directory to store the binary and
$ mkdir -p /home/$USER/etc/karajo
$ mkdir -p /home/$USER/bin
From the $LOCAL machine copy the,
* karajo.conf to $REMOTE at `/home/$USER/etc/karajo/karajo.conf`,
* karajo binary to $REMOTE at `/home/$USER/bin/karajo`,
* systemd service file from
to `/etc/systemd/system/`,
* systemd path file from
to `/etc/systemd/system/`,
* systemd service file from
to `/etc/systemd/system/`, and
* simple HTML file from
to `/home/$USER/srv/`.
Update the systemd karajo.path `PathChanged` so its point to karajo binary,
And update the systemd karajo.service to point the right location of binary
and configuration,
ExecStart=/home/$USER/bin/karajo -config /home/$USER/etc/karajo/karajo.conf
Replace all occurrence of the $USER variable with the user name of karajo that
we set earlier.
Enable the karajo.path and karajo.service,
$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo systemctl enable karajo.path
$ sudo systemctl start karajo.path
$ sudo systemctl enable karajo.service
$ sudo systemctl start karajo.service
== Last step: testing
Open the browser and point it to your $REMOTE machine IP address (or
if you setup on your local machine) at port 31937, for example
It should show the simple page that have link "View build status".
Click on that link, you will see the current Hook and Job status.
Once the package is build and signed, you can test it by adding the repository
to your pacman.conf,
SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
Server =
NOTE: the `[my-repo]` name must have the same name with the database name
during repo-add.
Run `pacman -Sy`, and then try to install the builded package from the
repository `pacman -S google-cloud-ops-agent-git`.
== Maintenance
After you satisfy with the current example, you can add more hook and job to
build more AUR packages.
Update the karajo.conf and then restart the karajo.service.
That's it, happy building!
== References
* https://sr.ht/~shulhan/karajo[karajo^]
* https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/DeveloperWiki:Building_in_a_clean_chroot[DeveloperWiki:
Building in a clean chroot^]
* https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/GnuPG[GnuPGP^]