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v0.14.0 3 months ago

Release ciigo v0.14.0 (2024-10-06)

=== Breaking changes

* all: refactoring functions to accept non pointer struct option

  The function that accept struct XxxOptions should only received the
  copy of struct, not pointer.

=== New features

* all: introduce new type Ciigo

  The Ciigo type provides customizable and reusable instance of ciigo
  for embedding, converting, and/or serving HTTP server. This type is
  introduced so one can add HTTP handler or endpoint along with serving
  the files.

=== Enhancements

* all: set margin on sectlevel3, sectlevel4, sectlevel5

  Using default margin (1.25rem) cause the TOC for level 3 until 5 have
  wide gap in between them.
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