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Release awwan v0.12.2 (2024-09-08)

=== Chores

* all: replace licensing format to REUSE.toml

  Using ".reuse/dep5" has been deprecated since REUSE v3.2.0.

* _wui: update wui submodule URL

  The wui submodule has been renamed to "pakakeh.ts".
_wui: update wui submodule URL

The wui submodule has been renamed to "pakakeh.ts".
all: replace licensing format to REUSE.toml

Using ".reuse/dep5" has been deprecated since REUSE v3.2.0.
go.mod: update all dependencies
_AUR: update gitignore and PKGBUILD

Move the local source to the bottom to help use test build on local
all: fix linter warnings
Release awwan v0.12.1 (2024-04-05)

This release replace module "share" with "pakakeh.go".

In the "_wui", we use shared static assets from Cloud Storage.
The idea is to minimize noise in the logs that does not related to page
access and minimize binary size.

In the "_ops", we use shared mkosi cache in user’s home ".cache".
This is to minimize duplicate files and allow us to find or grep files
without excluding certains directory.

We also apply some recommendations from linters.
all: comply with linter recommendations
all: update module "pakakeh.go" to latest release
_ops: use shared mkosi cache in user's home ".cache"

This is to minimize duplicate files and allow us to find or grep files
without excluding certains directory.
_wui: use shared static assets from Cloud Storage

The idea is to minimize noise in the logs that does not related to
page access and minimize binary size.
all: replace module "share" with "pakakeh.go"

The "share" project has been moved to SourceHut with new name
Release awwan v0.12.0 (2024-02-08)

=== Breaking changes

* all: refactoring "env-set" arguments

  Previously, the "env-set" take the file argument as the last argument
  and optional.
  This changes move the file argument to the first argument so the bash
  completion can detect and print the completion for list of keys.

  While at it, fix handling key with quoted in EnvSet and EnvGet.

* all: refactoring env-get command

  This changes the order of arguments of env-get command to pass the
  directory first before the key.
  The reason is to simplify auto-completion later from the command line.

=== New features

* all: add command env-keys

  The "env-keys" command print list of environment variables under a
  This command is internal, not documented, used by bash completion.

* all: add bash completion script

  Using awwan from CLI now can automatically complete the arguments based on
  the command and current parameter number.
go.mod: update share module
bash-completion: add completion for range in local and play argument

When user type the "local" or "play" command and the current input is
the range, read the script file and print each line prefixed with line

completions: enable completion on first parameter in local and play

The first parameter of "local" and "play" command is the path to file
to execute.
all: refactoring "env-set" arguments

Previously, the "env-set" take the file argument as the last argument
and optional.
This changes move the file argument to the first argument so the bash
completion can detect and print the completion for list of keys.

While at it, fix handling key with quoted in EnvSet and EnvGet.

bash-completion: use command env-keys to show completion for env-get

After the env-get first parameter is filled, the file or directory,
we can show possible completion for the second parameter by printing
all keys under the path.

all: add command env-keys

The "env-keys" command print list of environment variables under a
This command is internal, not documented, used by bash completion.
all: refactoring env-get command

This changes the order of arguments of env-get command to pass the
directory first before the key.
The reason is to simplify auto-completion later from the command line.
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