@@ 2,6 2,90 @@
## SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Shulhan <ms@kilabit.info>
## SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
+## Given param, parse comma separated values "x,y,z", and get the last item.
+## From there split z into "start", "-", "end" and return them.
+ local param=$1
+ local listpos=( ${param//,/ } )
+ local len=${#listpos[@]}
+ local lastitem=""
+ local prefix=""
+ if [[ $len -gt 0 ]]; then
+ lastitem=${listpos[-1]}
+ unset "listpos[$len-1]"
+ prefix=$(IFS=, ; echo "${listpos[*]}")
+ prefix+=","
+ fi
+ local has_sep=false
+ if [[ $lastitem = *"-"* ]]; then
+ has_sep=true
+ fi
+ local range=( ${lastitem//-/ } )
+ case "${#range[@]}" in
+ 0)
+ echo "${prefix}" "1" "1" $has_sep
+ ;;
+ 1)
+ echo "${prefix}" "${range[0]}" "0" $has_sep
+ ;;
+ 2)
+ echo "${prefix}" "${range[0]}" "${range[1]}" $has_sep
+ ;;
+ esac
+ return 0
+ echo "${@}" >&2
+## _awwan_complete_range given the range from third parameter, either empty
+## "" or "$start" or "$start-"; read the script file, and print each line
+## started with line number.
+ compopt -o nosort
+ local file=${COMP_WORDS[2]}
+ local range=${COMP_WORDS[3]}
+ local prefix start sep has_sep
+ read prefix start end has_sep < <(_awwan_parse_last_range "$range")
+ local lines=$( cat --number "$file" | tail --lines=+${start} )
+ local list_num=()
+ local list_stmt=()
+ while read -r num "stmt"; do
+ list_num+=("${num}")
+ list_stmt+=("${stmt}")
+ done <<< "${lines}"
+ if [[ $has_sep ]]; then
+ prefix="${prefix}${start}-"
+ fi
+ _awwan_echo ""
+ local list_range=()
+ for ((x = 0 ; x < ${#list_num[@]} ; x++)); do
+ stmt=$(printf "%s\t%s" "${list_num[$x]}" "${list_stmt[$x]}")
+ if [[ "${list_stmt[$x]}" ]]; then
+ list_range+=("${prefix}${list_num[$x]}")
+ fi
+ _awwan_echo "${stmt}"
+ done
+ COMPREPLY=( "${list_range[@]}" )
+ return 0
local commands=("decrypt" "encrypt" "env-get" "env-set" "help"
@@ 51,6 135,9 @@ _awwan_completions()
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -A file -X "?(*.log|.*)" -- "$key"))
+ 3)
+ _awwan_complete_range
+ ;;
@@ 58,6 145,9 @@ _awwan_completions()
COMPREPLY=($(compgen -A file -X "?(*.log|.*)" -- "$key"))
+ 3)
+ _awwan_complete_range
+ ;;
@@ 76,4 166,4 @@ _awwan_completions()
-complete -o nospace -o bashdefault -F _awwan_completions awwan
+complete -o nospace -F _awwan_completions awwan