
95650d800e956949a930680e462771cc76501c8c — Shom Bandopadhaya 2 years ago 4f3b79d
Added features to set header and tag, improved documentation.
2 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

M ntfy.el
M readme.org
M ntfy.el => ntfy.el +22 -31
@@ 4,8 4,8 @@

;; Author: Shom Bandopadhaya <shom@bandopadhaya.com>
;; Created: 2022-04-30
;; Modified: 2022-04-30
;; Version: 0.1.1
;; Modified: 2022-05-04
;; Version: 0.1.2
;; Keywords: ntfy notification push-notification pub-sub
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "27.2") (curl))
;; SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

@@ 33,58 33,49 @@
  :type 'string)

(defcustom ntfy-tags nil
  "Set the emoji that'll appear before the header message.  Use comma separated string, see https://ntfy.sh/docs/publish/#tags-emojis for details."
  "Set the emoji that'll appear before the header message.
Use comma separated string, see https://ntfy.sh/docs/publish/#tags-emojis for details."
  :group 'ntfy
  :type 'string)

(defvar ntfy--message nil
  "Message string that will be published.")

(defvar ntfy--link nil
  "URL that will be published.")

(defun ntfy-send-message (message)
  "Send ad-hoc MESSAGE from mini-buffer as notification."
  (interactive "sEnter message:")
  (setq ntfy--message message)
  (ntfy--publish-message message))

(defun ntfy-send-message-with-header (header message)
  "Send ad-hoc MESSAGE from mini-buffer with custom HEADER as notification."
  (interactive "sEnter header: \nsEnter message: ")
  (setq ntfy-header header)
  (setq ntfy--message message)
  (ntfy--publish-message message header))

(defun ntfy-send-message-with-header-and-tags (tags header message)
  "Send ad-hoc MESSAGE from mini-buffer with custom HEADER and TAGS as notification."
  "Send ad-hoc MESSAGE from mini-buffer.
Custom HEADER and TAGS are set for the notification."
  (interactive "sEnter tags (emoji codes, comma separated no spaces): \nsEnter header: \nsEnter message: ")
  (setq ntfy-tags tags)
  (setq ntfy-header header)
  (setq ntfy--message message)

(defun ntfy--publish-message ()
"Publish message to server with curl."
(start-process "nfty.el" nil "curl"
		 "-H" (format "Title: %s" ntfy-header)
		 "-H" (format "Tags: %s" ntfy-tags)
		 "-d" (format "%s" ntfy--message)
  (ntfy--publish-message message header tags))

(defun ntfy--publish-message (message &optional header tags)
  "Publish message to server with curl with MESSAGE.
Configured HEADER and TAGS are used unless specified."
  (start-process "nfty.el" nil "curl"
		 "-H" (format "Title: %s" (or header ntfy-header))
		 "-H" (format "Tags: %s" (or tags ntfy-tags))
		 "-d" (format "%s" message)
		 (format "%s/%s" ntfy-server ntfy-topic)))

(defun ntfy-send-url (url)
  "Send URL from mini-buffer."
  (interactive "sEnter URL: \n")
  (setq ntfy--link url)
  (ntfy--publish-url url))

(defun ntfy--publish-url ()
"Publish url to server with curl."
(defun ntfy--publish-url (url)
"Publish URL to server with curl."
(start-process "nfty.el" nil "curl"
		 "-H" (format "Title: %s" "Emacs shared a URL")
		 "-H" (format "Tags: %s" "link")
		 "-H" (format "Actions: view, %s, %s" ntfy--link ntfy--link)
		 "-d" (format "%s" ntfy--link)
		 "-H" (format "Actions: view, %s, %s" url url)
		 "-d" (format "%s" url)
		 (format "%s/%s" ntfy-server ntfy-topic)))

(provide 'ntfy)

M readme.org => readme.org +22 -5
@@ 25,13 25,30 @@ The following custom variables must be configured:
- =ntfy-tags=: The emoji(s) that'll appear before the header message. Use comma separated (no spaces) string, see https://ntfy.sh/docs/publish/#tags-emojis for details.

* Usage
Once the package is loaded and configured a notification can be sent by invoking the command =ntfy-send-message= interactively or programmatically =ntfy-send-message(STRING)=.
Once the package is loaded and configured a notification can be sent by invoking the following commands interactively or programmatically:

| Interactive                            | Programmatic                                                 |
| =ntfy-send-message=                      | ~(ntfy-send-message MESSAGE)~                                  |
| =ntfy-send-message-with-header=          | ~(ntfy-send-message-with-header HEADER MESSAGE)~               |
| =ntfy-send-message-with-header-and-tags= | ~(ntfy-send-message-with-header-and-tags TAGS HEADER MESSAGE)~ |
| =ntfy-send-url=                          | ~(ntfy-send-url URL)~                                          |

* Improvements
This is the first Emacs package I've put together, contributions, suggestions for best practices, and  constructive criticism is very much welcome and appreciated.

Here are some of
- Improve documentation and testing. There isn't an ounce of error or dependency checking. This has only been tested on =Emacs 28.0.91= using =curl 7.68.0=.
Here are some of the potential improvements:
- Improve documentation and testing.
  - [X] This has been tested on =Emacs 27.2= & =28.0.92= using =curl= on Pop!_OS (20.04 and 22.04) and Termux.
  - [X] All functions are documented and there are no Flycheck errors or warnings. 
  - [ ] Test on other OSes.
- Provide more functionality:
  - Interactively and programmatically set the tag per message as an optional parameter.
  - Provide minor mode to capture all Emacs notifications and post them to pre-defined topics.
  - [X] Interactively and programmatically set the tag per message as an optional parameter.
  - [X] Send URL as a clickable item from the Android notification shade.
  - [ ] Send a file attachment.
  - [ ] Send Android intents.
  - Stretch:
    - [ ] Provide templates for Header and Tags as a pop-up selection list.
    - [ ] Provide minor mode to capture all Emacs notifications and post them to pre-defined topics.