Added LionyxML's auto-dark-theme for autoswitching
Integrating project based workflow
fixed theme change function calls
ox-hugo module should hold all blogging related config like ob-mermaid
generate-readme function should be standalone and invoked as pre-commit
Modularizing readme generation
Theme switching from space leader
Add avy navigation and 0x0 paste-bin helper package
Explicitly enable evil-mode at the very end (can't pin down issue)
-mMagit refine-hunk for word level changes
Regenerated readme for recent changes
Added codeberg as "mirror", added nix-mode
Dired o opens file in other window
Collected all global keybinds into a function, after evil-collection
Updated readme with cleanup changes and code fences
Grouping like items and clarifying keybinds
Using ox-gfm to get markdown code fences