
Explain support for keyswitches without diode holes

Can solder the diodes onto the bottom of the board to support switches
without diode holes (e.g. Cherry MX).
Add basic BOM & SW sections to readme
Add picture of final keyboard
Add rev1.1 caveats to readme
Add build guide
Rev1.1 final (?)

- Added reset header
- Reshaped the bottom of the board slightly
- Moved most of the component references off the silkscreen
- Marked pin 1 in ProMicro footprint
- Added 2 switch traces missed in last update
Move diode holes to correct spacing

Incorrectly measured this, diodes don't fit!
Add more detail to readme
Tweak board outline a bit

Right hand edge now a single line and actually straight
Increase clearance between cutouts and board edge

Went for around 5mm, JLCPCB want a minimum of 3mm

Also rounded off the bottom right corner a bit more
Remove alignment mark on Edge.Cuts layer

Looks like JCLPCB treat this as part of the board
Actually add drill layer to gerber zip (oops)
Add readme & license
Generated gerber files
Add cutout on silkscreen on slots
Fiddle with trackball header
Initial version of PCB