M forth/oberonforth.bin => forth/oberonforth.bin +0 -0
M forth/oberonforth.oberonforth => forth/oberonforth.oberonforth +57 -0
@@ 82,6 82,63 @@ VARIABLE free
$0 free ! \ Set the free pointer.
+( For tagged pointers I'm going to try putting the tag in the upper, say,
+four bits, and let the rest be the offset or numeric value or whatever.
+For list cells let the four bits be all zeros. See how that works out.
+So how do we create these things? Normally there would be a text-to-Joy
+function but here there isn't enough infrastructure to do that yet.
+We can put a new, empty list onto the Forth stack by simply pushing zero.
+ $0
+Now how would we put a number onto that Joy stack from Forth? First,
+convert the number to a Joy stack tagged pointer. Let the MSB indicate
+that a value is a number. So negtive numbers are already fine, and we
+just have to set the MSB of positive numbers, eh?
+ : nf2j DUP $0 >= IF $80000000 + THEN ; / number Forth to Joy
+So now we have a pointer to a cons cell and a number "pointer" on the
+stack, How to cons them together?
+ : CONS ( tail head -- list )
+ / we are going to want to do
+ head HEADS free @ + !
+ tail TAILS free @ + !
+ free @ / Keep the result list on the stack.
+ free $4 +!
+ ;
+While it would be neat to figure out a way to do all this and only fetch
+free once, it's easier to do this:
+ : f@+! free @ + ! ; / Add free pointer to vector and store a value there.
+ : f@4! free @ free $4 +! ; / Leave new list on stack, point to next free cell.
+ : CONS HEADS f@+! TAILS f@+! f@4! ;
+Eh? And I bet there's a nice way to write f@4! too.
+Naming sucks (for me) but I feel this is a "Forthic"? "Forthionic"? way
+to do things.
+This is inefficient, but we will figure out ways to more easily specify
+more efficient forms as we get into Joy and higher order combinators.
+ $0 $123 nf2j CONS
+Should create a cons cell in the vectors and leave its pointer on the
+stack, eh? You could then do:
+ $1 nf2j CONS $2 nf2j CONS $3 nf2j CONS
+To add three more numbers to the Joy stack.
M oberon/assembler.py => oberon/assembler.py +3 -2
@@ 571,7 571,8 @@ def thunkify_arithmetic_logic(method):
Wrap a method that uses :py:class:`ASM` to make bits. If it's called with a
:py:class:`LabelThunk` it sets up a fixup function that resolves the
- actual instuction when the label is assigned to a concrete address.
+ actual instuction when the label is assigned to a concrete address via
+ the :py:method:`label` method.
bits_maker = getattr(ASM, method.__name__)
@@ 747,7 748,7 @@ class Assembler:
# Move instructions
def Mov(self, a, c, v=0, u=0):
- self.program[self.here] = ASM.Mov(a, c, u, v)
+ self.program[self.here] = ASM.Mov(a, c, v, u)
self.here += 4
def Mov_imm(self, a, K, v=0, u=0):