
6f149eb9a26c25576313d1b1a9d5b52b54d35746 — Simon Forman 2 years ago a6d8a1c
A start on linked lists,

courtesy of SICP.
3 files changed, 60 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

M forth/oberonforth.bin
M forth/oberonforth.oberonforth
M oberon/assembler.py
M forth/oberonforth.bin => forth/oberonforth.bin +0 -0
M forth/oberonforth.oberonforth => forth/oberonforth.oberonforth +57 -0
@@ 82,6 82,63 @@ VARIABLE free

$0 free !  \ Set the free pointer.

( For tagged pointers I'm going to try putting the tag in the upper, say,
four bits, and let the rest be the offset or numeric value or whatever.
For list cells let the four bits be all zeros.  See how that works out.

So how do we create these things?  Normally there would be a text-to-Joy
function but here there isn't enough infrastructure to do that yet.

We can put a new, empty list onto the Forth stack by simply pushing zero.


Now how would we put a number onto that Joy stack from Forth?  First,
convert the number to a Joy stack tagged pointer.  Let the MSB indicate
that a value is a number.  So negtive numbers are already fine, and we
just have to set the MSB of positive numbers, eh?

    : nf2j DUP $0 >= IF $80000000 + THEN ;  / number Forth to Joy

So now we have a pointer to a cons cell and a number "pointer" on the
stack, How to cons them together?

    : CONS ( tail head -- list ) 
        / we are going to want to do 
           head HEADS free @ + !
           tail TAILS free @ + !
           free @  / Keep the result list on the stack.
           free $4 +!

While it would be neat to figure out a way to do all this and only fetch
free once, it's easier to do this:

    : f@+! free @ + ! ;  / Add free pointer to vector and store a value there.
    : f@4! free @ free $4 +! ;  / Leave new list on stack, point to next free cell.

    : CONS HEADS f@+! TAILS f@+! f@4! ;

Eh?  And I bet there's a nice way to write f@4! too.
Naming sucks (for me) but I feel this is a "Forthic"? "Forthionic"? way
to do things.

This is inefficient, but we will figure out ways to more easily specify
more efficient forms as we get into Joy and higher order combinators.


    $0 $123 nf2j CONS

Should create a cons cell in the vectors and leave its pointer on the
stack, eh?  You could then do:

    $1 nf2j CONS $2 nf2j CONS $3 nf2j CONS

To add three more numbers to the Joy stack.



M oberon/assembler.py => oberon/assembler.py +3 -2
@@ 571,7 571,8 @@ def thunkify_arithmetic_logic(method):
    Wrap a method that uses :py:class:`ASM` to make bits.  If it's called with a
    :py:class:`LabelThunk` it sets up a fixup function that resolves the
    actual instuction when the label is assigned to a concrete address.
    actual instuction when the label is assigned to a concrete address via
    the :py:method:`label` method.
    bits_maker = getattr(ASM, method.__name__)

@@ 747,7 748,7 @@ class Assembler:
    #  Move instructions

    def Mov(self, a, c, v=0, u=0):
        self.program[self.here] = ASM.Mov(a, c, u, v)
        self.program[self.here] = ASM.Mov(a, c, v, u)
        self.here += 4

    def Mov_imm(self, a, K, v=0, u=0):