change version to 0.8.4-1 (unstable)
[ SVN-Git Migration ]
git-dpm config
Update Vcs fields for git migration
[ Ondřej Nový ]
[ Sergio Durigan Junior ]
Import texttable_0.8.4.orig.tar.gz
Updating Standards-Version to 3.9.8
Adding myself to Uploaders. (Closes: #826156)
Adding myself to Uploaders
Updating Standards-Version to 3.9.8
record new upstream branch created by importing texttable_0.8.4.orig.tar.gz and merge it
Import texttable_0.8.4.orig.tar.gz
Update Vcs fields for git migration
Imported Upstream version 0.8.1
add of the vcs tag + improve desc
Fix debian files before initial release
[svn-inject] Applying Debian modifications (0.8.1-1) to trunk
Imported Debian patch 0.8.1-1