M cmd/moac/main.go => cmd/moac/main.go +1 -1
@@ 34,7 34,7 @@ OPTIONS:
-p <password> Password to analyze; use "-" for stdin
- strength Calculate the liklihood of a successful guess
+ strength Calculate the likelihood of a successful guess
entropy Calculate the entropy of the given password
entropy-limit Calculate the minimum entropy for a brute-force attack failure.
M completions/zsh/_moac => completions/zsh/_moac +1 -1
@@ 17,7 17,7 @@ _arguments \
local -a subcommands
- "strength:alculate the liklihood of a successful guess"
+ "strength:calculate the likelihood of a successful guess"
"entropy:calculate the entropy of the given password"
"entropy-limit:calculate the minimum entropy for a brute-force attack failure."
M doc/moac.1.scd => doc/moac.1.scd +1 -1
@@ 83,7 83,7 @@ radiation.
- Calculate the liklihood of a successful guess.
+ Calculate the likelihood of a successful guess.
Calculate the entropy of the given password
M givens.go => givens.go +1 -1
@@ 114,7 114,7 @@ func (givens *Givens) Populate() error {
return nil
-// BruteForceability computes the liklihood that a password will be
+// BruteForceability computes the likelihood that a password will be
// brute-forced given the contstraints in givens.
// if 0 < BruteForceability <= 1, it represents the probability that the
// password can be brute-forced.