@@ 1,3 1,19 @@
+Modified Mario 64 ROM used for https://talltallmounta.in,
+https://coolcoolmounta.in, and https://tinyhugeis.land
+Just change the LEVEL macro in include/level_table.h, stick an unmodified ROM
+into the root of the repo as baserom.us.z64, and run `make NON_MATCHING=1
+COMPARE=0`. The NON_MATCHING thing isn't necessary i think but like eh whatever
+there's no reason not to include it i guess
+The sites listed above use [N64Wasm](https://github.com/nbarkhina/N64Wasm) but
+with changes made to index.html and script.js, which you can just copy from any
+of the sites; it's the same on all of them pretty much. It's all jank as fuck
+btw so like if you're competent with web dev, like, at all, improvements and
+fixes would be nice lol
+Original README below:
# Super Mario 64
- This repo contains a full decompilation of Super Mario 64 of the following releases: Japan (jp), North America (us), Europe (eu), Shindou (sh) and iQue Player (cn).