
9a0e9b330f9c2508c7d10d1ed4f6ba0671a1c2e6 — Sebastian 10 months ago a76d724 master
Add stuff to README
1 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M README.md => README.md +16 -0
@@ 1,3 1,19 @@
Modified Mario 64 ROM used for https://talltallmounta.in,
https://coolcoolmounta.in, and https://tinyhugeis.land

Just change the LEVEL macro in include/level_table.h, stick an unmodified ROM
into the root of the repo as baserom.us.z64, and run `make NON_MATCHING=1
COMPARE=0`. The NON_MATCHING thing isn't necessary i think but like eh whatever
there's no reason not to include it i guess

The sites listed above use [N64Wasm](https://github.com/nbarkhina/N64Wasm) but
with changes made to index.html and script.js, which you can just copy from any
of the sites; it's the same on all of them pretty much. It's all jank as fuck
btw so like if you're competent with web dev, like, at all, improvements and
fixes would be nice lol

Original README below:

# Super Mario 64

- This repo contains a full decompilation of Super Mario 64 of the following releases: Japan (jp), North America (us), Europe (eu), Shindou (sh) and iQue Player (cn).