
d696b828 — Sean Lynch 15 years ago master
Add a README file.
Added a couple of decodes I forgot.
Now uses unicode entirely internally, with the transport module doing all
conversion to encodings expected by the server.
Added a bunch of sample files for how to write a frontend for PV.
Added 'bot' frontend, which will call a subprocess via the python expect module. Also added client.py, which is a generic client object. The other frontends should probably inherit from Client in client.py.
Removed openurl function from OpenVerse.py because it's a UI function.
Changed pvui_pygame.py to call webbrowser.open directly (forking)
We really need a changelog :)
scrolling of console via Ctrl-(Up/Down/PgUp/PgDown)
Rewrote the Console render() method to draw forwards for colors, added some simple colorization, and some bug fixes
Some functions for handling OpenVerse colors
Made the call to webbrowser.open() non-blocking by starting a new thread
Implemented exits (including the ORT) and graphical URL links (they probably still need tweaking). Some bug fixes also.
minor bug fixes - hopefully the end of the rare zero length text bug
Initial checkin from users.openverse.com repository.
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