
5a51e23ba57491d100f4ffeac5c8657aaa1b011b — Matthias Beyer 3 years ago 645833f
Reimplement Orchestrator::run()

This reimplements the Orchestrator::run() function _again_.

Commit 889649ac16367fe671ce61363bb6ce82531e5a6b was the basis for this work,
improving the baseline so we can take a step further in this commit.

The approach before the change from 889649ac16367fe671ce61363bb6ce82531e5a6b had
one flaw. In the following scenario:

       / \
      B   E
     / \   \
    C   D   F

The nodes C, D and F are selected and then run.
After they all succeeded, the next iteration is checked, and yields that B and E can be built.

But if F takes extremely long, B and E both have to wait until it is ready
(because that's how the implementation works), although B can be built as soon
as C and D are ready.

This patch changes the implementation to the following:

1. For each job, there is a task.
2. The task has a channel where it receives results from its dependencides.
   In above example, B would receive the results of the job runs for C and D,
   and E would receive the result from the job run of F.
3. The task also has a sender where it can send its resulting artifacts to a
   parent task.
   The task _also_ sends the results of its childs. This way we propagate the
   built artifacts up to the root node.

All these tasks are started concurrently.
The "root" task sends the result to the orchestrator.

The task itself is responsible for sending the job to the scheduler and
processing the result.
If the job errored, the task sends that to its parent.
If a child errored, the task aborts its own error and propagates that error.

What does not yet work in this commit:
* Artifacts that were built before the error occoured are not reported yet.
* The staging/release stores may contain artifacts that can be re-used.
  They are completely ignored by now.

Signed-off-by: Matthias Beyer <matthias.beyer@atos.net>
Tested-by: Matthias Beyer <matthias.beyer@atos.net>
1 files changed, 289 insertions(+), 101 deletions(-)

M src/orchestrator/orchestrator.rs
M src/orchestrator/orchestrator.rs => src/orchestrator/orchestrator.rs +289 -101
@@ 8,17 8,21 @@
// SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0


use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::sync::Arc;

use anyhow::anyhow;
use anyhow::Error;
use anyhow::Result;
use anyhow::anyhow;
use diesel::PgConnection;
use indicatif::ProgressBar;
use log::trace;
use tokio::sync::RwLock;
use tokio::stream::StreamExt;
use tokio::sync::RwLock;
use tokio::sync::mpsc::Receiver;
use tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender;
use typed_builder::TypedBuilder;
use uuid::Uuid;

@@ 90,7 94,7 @@ impl<'a> OrchestratorSetup<'a> {
/// It is either a list of artifacts (with their respective database artifact objects)
/// or a UUID and an Error object, where the UUID is the job UUID and the error is the
/// anyhow::Error that was issued.
type JobResult = std::result::Result<Vec<(Artifact, dbmodels::Artifact)>, (Uuid, Error)>;
type JobResult = std::result::Result<(Uuid, Vec<(Artifact, dbmodels::Artifact)>), Vec<(Uuid, Error)>>;

impl<'a> Orchestrator<'a> {
    pub async fn run(self, output: &mut Vec<dbmodels::Artifact>) -> Result<Vec<(Uuid, Error)>> {

@@ 100,128 104,311 @@ impl<'a> Orchestrator<'a> {

    async fn run_tree(self) -> Result<(Vec<(Artifact, dbmodels::Artifact)>, Vec<(Uuid, Error)>)> {
        use futures::FutureExt;

        let mut already_built = vec![];
        let mut artifacts = vec![];
        let mut errors = vec![];

        loop {
            // loop{}
            //  until for all elements of self.jobtree, the uuid exists in already_built
            //  for each element in jobtree
            //      where dependencies(element) all in already_built
            //      run_job_for(element)
            //  for results from run_job_for calls
            //      remember UUID in already_built
            //      put built artifacts in artifacts
            //      if error, abort everything
            let multibar = Arc::new(indicatif::MultiProgress::new());
            let build_results = self.jobtree
                .filter(|(uuid, jobdef)| { // select all jobs where all dependencies are in `already_built`
                    trace!("Filtering job definition: {:?}", jobdef);
                    jobdef.dependencies.iter().all(|d| already_built.contains(d)) && !already_built.contains(uuid)
                .map(|(uuid, jobdef)| {
                    trace!("Running job {}", uuid);
                    let bar = multibar.add(self.progress_generator.bar());
                    self.run_job(jobdef, bar).map(move |r| (*uuid, r))
                .collect::<Vec<(_, Result<JobResult>)>>();

            let multibar_block = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || multibar.join());
            let (_, build_results) = tokio::join!(multibar_block, build_results);

            for (uuid, artifact_result) in build_results.into_iter() {

                match artifact_result {
                    Ok(Ok(mut arts)) => artifacts.append(&mut arts),
                    Ok(Err((uuid, e))) => { // error during job running
                        log::error!("Error for job {} = {}", uuid, e);
                        errors.push((uuid, e));

                    Err(e) => return Err(e), // error during container execution
        let multibar = Arc::new(indicatif::MultiProgress::new());

        // For each job in the jobtree, built a tuple with
        // 1. The receiver that is used by the task to receive results from dependency tasks from
        // 2. The task itself (as a TaskPreparation object)
        // 3. The sender, that can be used to send results to this task
        // 4. An Option<Sender> that this tasks uses to send its results with
        //    This is an Option<> because we need to set it later and the root of the tree needs a
        //    special handling, as this very function will wait on a receiver that gets the results
        //    of the root task
        let jobs: Vec<(Receiver<JobResult>, TaskPreparation, Sender<JobResult>, _)> = self.jobtree
            .map(|(uuid, jobdef)| {
                // We initialize the channel with 100 elements here, as there is unlikely a task
                // that depends on 100 other tasks.
                // Either way, this might be increased in future.
                let (sender, receiver) = tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(100);

                trace!("Creating TaskPreparation object for job {}", uuid);
                let tp = TaskPreparation {
                    uuid: *uuid,

                    bar: multibar.add(self.progress_generator.bar()),
                    config: self.config,
                    source_cache: &self.source_cache,
                    scheduler: &self.scheduler,
                    merged_stores: &self.merged_stores,
                    database: self.database.clone(),

                (receiver, tp, sender, std::cell::RefCell::new(None as Option<Sender<JobResult>>))

        // Associate tasks with their appropriate sender
        // Right now, the tuple yielded from above contains (rx, task, tx, _), where rx and tx belong
        // to eachother.
        // But what we need is the tx (sender) that the task should send its result to, of course.
        // So this algorithm in plain text is:
        //   for each job
        //      find the job that depends on this job
        //      use the sender of the found job and set it as sender for this job
        for job in jobs.iter() {
            *job.3.borrow_mut() = jobs.iter()
                .find(|j| j.1.jobdef.dependencies.contains(&job.1.uuid))
                .map(|j| j.2.clone());

        // Find the id of the root task
        // By now, all tasks should be associated with their respective sender.
        // Only one has None sender: The task that is the "root" of the tree.
        // By that property, we can find the root task.
        // Here, we copy its uuid, because we need it later.
        let root_job_id = jobs.iter()
            .find(|j| j.3.borrow().is_none())
            .map(|j| j.1.uuid)
            .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("Failed to find root task"))?;
        trace!("Root job id = {}", root_job_id);

        // Create a sender and a receiver for the root of the tree
        let (root_sender, mut root_receiver) = tokio::sync::mpsc::channel(100);

        // Make all prepared jobs into real jobs and run them
        // This maps each TaskPreparation with its sender and receiver to a JobTask and calls the
        // async fn JobTask::run() to run the task.
        // The JobTask::run implementation handles the rest, we just have to wait for all futures
        // to succeed.
        let running_jobs = jobs
            .map(|prep| {
                trace!("Creating JobTask for = {}", prep.1.uuid);
                let root_sender = root_sender.clone();
                JobTask {
                    uuid: prep.1.uuid,
                    jobdef: prep.1.jobdef,

                    bar: prep.1.bar.clone(),

                    config: prep.1.config,
                    source_cache: prep.1.source_cache,
                    scheduler: prep.1.scheduler,
                    merged_stores: prep.1.merged_stores,
                    database: prep.1.database.clone(),

                    receiver: prep.0,

                    // the sender is set or we need to use the root sender
                    sender: prep.3.into_inner().unwrap_or(root_sender),
            .map(|task| task.run())

        let root_recv = root_receiver.recv();
        let multibar_block = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || multibar.join());

        let (root_recv, _, jobs_result) = tokio::join!(root_recv, multibar_block, running_jobs);
        let _ = jobs_result?;
        match root_recv {
            None                     => Err(anyhow!("No result received...")),
            Some(Ok((_, artifacts))) => Ok((artifacts, vec![])),
            Some(Err(errors))        => Ok((vec![], errors)),

/// Helper type: A task with all things attached, but not sender and receivers
/// This is the preparation of the JobTask, but without the associated sender and receiver, because
/// it is not mapped to the task yet.
/// This simply holds data and does not contain any more functionality
struct TaskPreparation<'a> {
    /// The UUID of this job
    uuid: Uuid,
    jobdef: &'a JobDefinition,

    bar: ProgressBar,

            if !errors.is_empty() {
    config: &'a Configuration,
    source_cache: &'a SourceCache,
    scheduler: &'a EndpointScheduler,
    merged_stores: &'a MergedStores,
    database: Arc<PgConnection>,

/// Helper type for executing one job task
/// This type represents a task for a job that can immediately be executed (see `JobTask::run()`).
struct JobTask<'a> {
    /// The UUID of this job
    uuid: Uuid,
    jobdef: &'a JobDefinition,

    bar: ProgressBar,

    config: &'a Configuration,
    source_cache: &'a SourceCache,
    scheduler: &'a EndpointScheduler,
    merged_stores: &'a MergedStores,
    database: Arc<PgConnection>,

    /// Channel where the dependencies arrive
    receiver: Receiver<JobResult>,

    /// Channel to send the own build outputs to
    sender: Sender<JobResult>,

impl<'a> JobTask<'a> {

    /// Run the job
    /// This function runs the job from this object on the scheduler as soon as all dependend jobs
    /// returned successfully.
    async fn run(mut self) -> Result<()> {
        trace!("[{}]: Running", self.uuid);

        // A list of job run results from dependencies that were received from the tasks for the
        // dependencies
        let mut received_dependencies: Vec<(Uuid, Vec<(Artifact, dbmodels::Artifact)>)> = vec![];

        // A list of errors that were received from the tasks for the dependencies
        let mut received_errors: Vec<(Uuid, Error)> = vec![];

        // Helper function to check whether all UUIDs are in a list of UUIDs
        let all_dependencies_are_in = |dependency_uuids: &[Uuid], list: &[(Uuid, Vec<_>)]| {
            dependency_uuids.iter().all(|dependency_uuid| {
                list.iter().map(|tpl| tpl.0).any(|id| id == *dependency_uuid)

        // as long as the job definition lists dependencies that are not in the received_dependencies list...
        while !all_dependencies_are_in(&self.jobdef.dependencies, &received_dependencies) {
            // Update the status bar message
            self.bar.set_message(&format!("Waiting ({}/{})...", received_dependencies.len(), self.jobdef.dependencies.len()));
            trace!("[{}]: Updated bar", self.uuid);

            trace!("[{}]: receiving...", self.uuid);
            // receive from the receiver
            match self.receiver.recv().await {
                Some(Ok(v)) => {
                    // The task we depend on succeeded and returned an
                    // (uuid of the job, [Artifact])
                    trace!("[{}]: Received: {:?}", self.uuid, v);
                Some(Err(mut e)) => {
                    // The task we depend on failed
                    // we log that error for now
                    trace!("[{}]: Received: {:?}", self.uuid, e);
                    received_errors.append(&mut e);
                None => {
                    // The task we depend on finished... we must check what we have now...
                    trace!("[{}]: Received nothing, channel seems to be empty", self.uuid);

                    // Find all dependencies that we need but which are not received
                    let received = received_dependencies.iter().map(|tpl| tpl.0).collect::<Vec<_>>();
                    let missing_deps: Vec<_> = self.jobdef
                        .filter(|d| !received.contains(d))
                    trace!("[{}]: Missing dependencies = {:?}", self.uuid, missing_deps);

                    // ... if there are any, error
                    if !missing_deps.is_empty() {
                        return Err(anyhow!("Childs finished, but dependencies still missing: {:?}", missing_deps))
                    } else {
                        // all dependencies are received

            // already_built.sort(); // TODO: optimization for binary search in
            // above and below contains() clause
            trace!("[{}]: Received errors = {:?}", self.uuid, received_errors);
            // if there are any errors from child tasks
            if !received_errors.is_empty() {
                // send them to the parent,...

            if self.jobtree.inner().iter().all(|(uuid, _)| already_built.contains(uuid)) {
                // ... and stop operation, because the whole tree will fail anyways.
                return Ok(())

        Ok((artifacts, errors))

    async fn run_job(&self, jobdef: &JobDefinition, bar: ProgressBar) -> Result<JobResult> {
        let dependency_artifacts = self.get_dependency_artifacts_for_jobs(&jobdef.dependencies).await?;
        // Map the list of received dependencies from
        //      Vec<(Uuid, Vec<(Artifact)>)>
        // to
        //      Vec<Artifact>
        let dependency_artifacts = received_dependencies
            .map(|tpl| tpl.1.iter())
            .map(|tpl| tpl.0.clone())
        trace!("[{}]: Dependency artifacts = {:?}", self.uuid, dependency_artifacts);

        // Create a RunnableJob object
        let runnable = RunnableJob::build_from_job(

        let job_uuid = *jobdef.job.uuid();
        match self.scheduler.schedule_job(runnable, bar).await?.run().await {
            Err(e) => return Ok(Err((job_uuid, e))),
        let job_uuid = *self.jobdef.job.uuid();

        // Schedule the job on the scheduler
        match self.scheduler.schedule_job(runnable, self.bar).await?.run().await {
            // if the scheduler run reports an error,
            // that is an error from the actual execution of the job ...
            Err(e) => {
                trace!("[{}]: Scheduler returned error = {:?}", self.uuid, e);
                // ... and we send that to our parent
                self.sender.send(Err(vec![(job_uuid, e)])).await?;

            // if the scheduler run reports success,
            // it returns the database artifact objects it created!
            Ok(db_artifacts) => {
                trace!("[{}]: Scheduler returned artifacts = {:?}", self.uuid, db_artifacts);
                // we take these artifacts and
                let results: JobResult = db_artifacts.into_iter()
                    .map(|db_artifact| async {
                        trace!("Getting store Artifact for db Artifact: {:?}", db_artifact);

                        // get the appropriate filesystem artifact for it
                        let art = self.get_store_artifact_for(&db_artifact).await?;
                        trace!("Store Artifact: {:?}", art);
                        Ok(Ok((art, db_artifact)))
                    .collect::<Result<std::result::Result<Vec<(Artifact, dbmodels::Artifact)>, _>>>()
                    .map(|mut v| {
                        // Also send out the artifact of our dependencies, because we need to
                        // propagate them upwards through the tree
                        v.extend(received_dependencies.into_iter().map(|tpl| tpl.1.into_iter()).flatten());
                        (self.uuid, v)
                    }); // and we add the UUID of the job of this task to it

                trace!("[{}]: sending artifacts to parent", self.uuid);


    /// Get all dependency artifacts for the job from the database
    /// Use the JobDefinition object and find all dependency outputs in the database
    async fn get_dependency_artifacts_for_jobs(&self, uuids: &[Uuid]) -> Result<Vec<Artifact>> {
        use crate::schema;
        use crate::diesel::ExpressionMethods;
        use crate::diesel::QueryDsl;
        use crate::diesel::RunQueryDsl;

        // Pseudo code:
        // * return for uuid in uuids:
        //      self.database.get(job).get_artifacts()

            .map(|dbart| self.get_store_artifact_for(dbart))
        trace!("[{}]: Finished successfully", self.uuid);

    async fn get_store_artifact_for(&self, db_artifact: &dbmodels::Artifact) -> Result<Artifact> {

@@ 234,3 421,4 @@ impl<'a> Orchestrator<'a> {