
cd1a3cac85685d9e1120a4ff9fc0aa32e855c962 — Thomas Jost 4 years ago 2e90522
Add a man page formatted using scdoc
4 files changed, 133 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

M .gitignore
M Makefile
A pustule.1.scd
M .gitignore => .gitignore +1 -0
@@ 1,2 1,3 @@

M Makefile => Makefile +4 -1
@@ 1,4 1,4 @@
all: pustule
all: pustule pustule.1


@@ 12,6 12,9 @@ pustule: dyn_array.o events.o lua_mod.o main.o pulse.o argparse/argparse.o log.o
%.o: %.c pustule.h
	$(CC) -c -o $@ $< $(CFLAGS) $(DEPS_CFLAGS)

pustule.1: pustule.1.scd
	scdoc < $< > $@

.PHONY: clean
	rm -f pustule

M README.md => README.md +3 -1
@@ 26,7 26,8 @@ Tech
pustule is written in C. It's very lightweight and has few dependencies:

- [PulseAudio][] (specifically libpulse), as it acts as a PulseAudio client
- [Lua][], a lightweight, extensible programming language.
- [Lua][], a lightweight, extensible programming language
- [scdoc][], a simple man page generator (to generate the documentation).


@@ 63,3 64,4 @@ GPLv3+

[Lua]: https://www.lua.org/
[PulseAudio]: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/PulseAudio/
[scdoc]: https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/scdoc

A pustule.1.scd => pustule.1.scd +125 -0
@@ 0,0 1,125 @@


pustule - rule-based volume control for PulseAudio


*pustule* [options...]


*-h, --help*
	Show help message and quit.

*-c, --config* <config>
	Specifies the path to the config file.

*-d, --debug*
	Enable debug mode (more verbose logging).


pustule is a small service that connects to a running PulseAudio daemon and
applies user-defined configuration rules to inputs and devices (aka _sinks_ and
_sink inputs_ in PulseAudio-speak). These rules are defined in the Lua
programming language, making them pretty powerful while still being very

The provided sample configuration file contains some rules for web browsers and
media players. The author has also been able to use pustule to have different
volumes for different kind of notifications when using the Gajim IM client, so a
much richer configuration is possible.


If a configuration file is not provided using the *--config* option, pustule
tries to load _$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/pustule.lua_. If $_XDG_CONFIG_HOME_ is not
defined, it will look for _$HOME/.config/pustule.lua_ instead.

The configuration file is expected to be a valid Lua script. In addition to the
Lua standard library, the config script can use the built-in *pustule* module,
which is described in the *LUA API* section below.


pustule is written with Lua 5.3 compatibility in mind. Other versions may not
work as expected.


pustule exploses its API in the *pustule* module, which can be loaded as any
standard Lua module:

pustule = require("pustule")


- TODO: inputs
- TODO: devices


Some PulseAudio events are translated into signals. Listeners can be added for
these signals using the *pustule.connect_signal* function, and removed using


*pustule.connect_signal*(_signal_name_, _callback_)
	Connect _callback_, a function, to _signal_name_, a string describing a
	signal. The callback will be called every time that signal is sent.
	There is no limit on the number of callbacks that can be added to a
	signal. Callbacks will be called in the order they are added.

*pustule.disconnect_signal*(_signal_name_, _callback_)
	The opposite: remove an existing _callback_ from the listeners of

Defined signals, with the arguments passed to their listeners:

*input_added* -> (_index_, _input_)
	Sent when a new input is added to the PulseAudio daemon, i.e. a new
	application wants to play some sound. _index_ is the numerical index
	used by PulseAudio to identify this input, and _input_ is a table
	containing all the properties that describe this input.

*input_removed* -> (_index_)
	Sent when an input is removed from the PulseAudio daemon, i.e. an
	application has stopped playing any sound (or has closed). _index_ is
	the numerical index used by PulseAudio to identify this input; it's the
	same as in the *input_added* signal.

*device_added* -> (_index_, _device_)
	Sent when a new device is added to the PulseAudio daemon: USB or
	Bluetooth headset, HDMI screen with loudspeakers, etc. _index_ is the
	numerical index used by PulseAudio to identify this device, and _device_
	is a table containing all the properties that describe this device.

*device_removed* -> (_index_)
	Sent when a device is removed from the PulseAudio daemon: USB or
	Bluetooth headset disconnected, HDMI screen turned off, etc. _index_ is
	the numerical index used by PulseAudio to identify this device; it's the
	same as in the *device_added* signal.




- TODO: log functions


- *pulseaudio*(1) and its documentation at
- The Lua language and its documentation at lua.org.


Maintained by Thomas Jost <schnouki (at) schnouki (dot) net>. Full sources can
be found at https://git.sr.ht/~schnouki/pustule.