A 2022/2022-09-22-calorado/README.md => 2022/2022-09-22-calorado/README.md +3 -0
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+# 2022-09-22-calorado
+`go-present` link: [slides](https://talks.sbinet.org/2022/2022-09-22-calorado/talk.slide)
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+# CaloRado
+LPC Dev
+22 Sep 2022
+Sebastien Binet
+## CaloRado
+Since ~June/July, started working on `CaloRado`:
+ _"A detector to measure the radioactivity of volcanic gases"_
+LPC is working on the development of a gamma calorimeter for continuous radon monitoring in volcanic plumes.
+.image _figs/collab-calorado.png 350 _
+## Apparatus
+.image _figs/detector.png 450 _
+## DAQ
+Alex tricked me into having a look at the "DAQ".
+- detector is sending UDP packets as fast as it can
+- a dedicated LPC machine is listening for those and storing them
+- initial `python` script by Magali was listening for packets, decoding them and storing data as `.csv` files
+- initial `python` script by Magali was missing packets
+- could `Go` do better ?
+ Well _of course!_
+ Let me try.
+.link https://gitlab.in2p3.fr/sbinet/calorado-daq
+The detector is sending UDP binary packets:
+-- header: 14 bytes (multi-bytes encoded as big-endian)
+ 0 - 4: uint32: type of frames
+ 4 - 6: uint16: rate
+ 6 - 8: uint16: temperature
+ 8 - 14: [RESERVED]
+-- n-frames of 16 bytes
+ 0 - 4: uint32: boundary (==0xaaaaaaaa)
+ 4 - 8: uint32: trigger number
+ 8 - 10: uint16: amplitude
+10 - 16: uint48: timestamp (relative)
+-- footer: 2 bytes
+ 0 - 2: uint16: boundary (==0xaaaa)
+_ie:_ a 14-bytes header, followed by `n` frames of 16-bytes data, and a final 2-bytes footer.
+## How it started
+conn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp", &net.UDPAddr{
+ Port: port,
+ IP: net.ParseIP(ip),
+if err != nil {
+ log.Fatalf("could not create UDP listener: %+v", err)
+defer conn.Close()
+buf := make([]byte, 1024)
+for {
+ n, err := conn.Read(buf)
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Printf("could not read data from UDP socket: %+v", err)
+ continue
+ }
+ err = process(buf[:n])
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Printf("could not process trigger data: %+v", err)
+ continue
+ }
+## How it started
+Pretty simple:
+$> go build -o calo-daq ./main.go
+$> calo-daq
+`calo-daq` is:
+- (still) listening on UDP
+- stores data as binary
+- every hour, commits data to a binary file
+- every minute, commits summary/monitoring data to a `JSON` file (timestamp, rate, temperature)
+## And now...
+A slew of commands to handle the DAQ+Reco workflow:
+$> go build ./cmd/calo-daq # DAQ
+$> go build ./cmd/calo-dump # displays CALO files
+$> go build ./cmd/calo-janitor # concatenates CALO files (1/day) + gzip
+$> go build ./cmd/calo-mon # monitors CALO files for missing frames
+$> go build ./cmd/calo-srv # schedules calo-mon jobs, creates histograms (soon)
+$> go build ./cmd/calo-cnv # converts CALO files to ROOT
+## calo-dump
+$> calo-dump ./2022092100.raw.gz
+Event #0 - 2022-09-21 00:00:00.0791 UTC - rate= 175.77 temp=14.22 kind=1 frames=30
+ 217614721 179 12602452132343
+ 217614722 611 12602452155334
+ 217614723 3692 12602452193631
+ 217614724 299 12602452222285
+ 217614725 518 12602452284647
+ 217614726 112 12602452339360
+ 217614727 247 12602452393412
+ 217614728 531 12602452411598
+ 217614729 1784 12602452426692
+ 217614730 445 12602452477254
+ 217614731 2520 12602452517602
+Event #1 - 2022-09-21 00:00:00.2557 UTC - rate= 175.77 temp=14.22 kind=1 frames=30
+ 217614751 480 12602453509912
+ 217614752 2012 12602453513271
+ 217614753 136 12602453535683
+ 217614754 444 12602453558193
+## calo-mon
+`calo-mon` reads in a collection of `CALO` files and analyzes them to find missing frames:
+ $> calo-mon ./data/20220907*.raw.gz
+ ./data/2022090700.raw: ok (triggers=640530)
+ ./data/2022090701.raw: lost triggers= 30 frames= 1
+ ./data/2022090702.raw: ok (triggers=649170)
+ ./data/2022090703.raw: ok (triggers=653100)
+ ./data/2022090704.raw: ok (triggers=657930)
+ ./data/2022090705.raw: ok (triggers=662490)
+ ./data/2022090706.raw: lost triggers= 30 frames= 1
+ ./data/2022090707.raw: lost triggers= 60 frames= 2
+ ./data/2022090708.raw: ok (triggers=649950)
+ ./data/2022090709.raw: ok (triggers=645240)
+ ./data/2022090710.raw: ok (triggers=636510)
+ ./data/2022090711.raw: ok (triggers=630060)
+ ./data/2022090712.raw: lost triggers= 30 frames= 1
+ ./data/2022090713.raw: ok (triggers=650280)
+ [...]
+Analysis of the origin(s) of lost triggers is still pending.
+(most probably _"just"_ network effects (UDP))
+## calo-cnv
+`calo-cnv` reads in a collection of `CALO` files and can produce a single output ROOT file containing a `"calorado"` `TTree`:
+ $> calo-cnv -o out.root ./20220907*.raw.gz
+ calo-cnv: processing "./2022090700.raw.gz"...
+ calo-cnv: processing "./2022090701.raw.gz"...
+ [...]
+ calo-cnv: processing "./2022090722.raw.gz"...
+ calo-cnv: processing "./2022090723.raw.gz"...
+ $> ll out.root
+ -rw-r--r-- 1 binet binet 133M Sep 21 17:58 out.root
+ $> root-ls -t ./out.root
+ === [./out.root] ===
+ version: 62600
+ TTree calorado (entries=15473430)
+ trig "trig/i" TBranch
+ ampl "ampl/s" TBranch
+ timestamp "timestamp/l" TBranch
+ temp "temp/F" TBranch
+## Grafana
+Alex is collecting the `JSON` sampling data files and the `CSV` output of `calo-mon` into [Grafana](https://grafana.com/)
+ Grafana allows you to query, visualize, alert on and understand
+ your metrics no matter where they are stored. Create, explore, and
+ share beautiful dashboards with your team and foster a data driven
+ culture.
+.link https://grafana.com/oss/
+We have a local instance that presents this data.
+.image _figs/grafana-logo.png 150 _
+.image _figs/screen-crop.png 510 _
+## Physics
+With the produced "reco" ROOT file (`calo-cnv` processes the `CALO` file and reconstruct the absolute timestamp for each frame, from the relative one), one can start actual physics:
+- energy calibration of the detector
+This will need to:
+- build the distribution of the amplitude (in bins of temperature)
+- fit the "obvious" "known" peaks at "known" energies
+- extract a `F(ampl, temp) -> E`
+ $> ll ./data/root/202208.root
+ -rw-r--r-- 1 binet binet 5.5G Sep 19 14:28 ./data/root/202208.root
+.image _figs/plot.png 600 _
+## Next steps
+- Luca will fit the various peaks and extract a calibration function `F(temp)`
+- `calo-srv` will apply the calibration "on the fly" on the reconstructed data
+- `calo-srv` will serve energy spectrum plots as data quality checks