
60ef92ee990722008100e89e284518971639709c — Cœur 1 year, 6 months ago 2007114
fix: hardcode BadgeView font size (#5168)

2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

M macosx/BadgeView.mm
M macosx/NSStringAdditions.mm
M macosx/BadgeView.mm => macosx/BadgeView.mm +3 -15
@@ 42,27 42,15 @@ typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, ArrowDirection) {
        _fAttributes = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:3];
        _fAttributes[NSForegroundColorAttributeName] = NSColor.whiteColor;
        _fAttributes[NSShadowAttributeName] = stringShadow;
        _fAttributes[NSFontAttributeName] = [NSFont boldSystemFontOfSize:23.0];

        // DownloadBadge and UploadBadge should have the same size
        NSSize badgeSize = [NSImage imageNamed:@"DownloadBadge"].size;
        // DownArrowTemplate and UpArrowTemplate should have the same size
        CGFloat arrowWidthHeightRatio = kWhiteDownArrow.size.width / kWhiteDownArrow.size.height;

        // Make sure text fits on the badge.
        // In macOS Ventura, this will end up calculating a boldSystemFontOfSize of 21.
        NSString* maxString = [NSString stringForSpeedAbbrev:888.8]; // "888.8 K" localized
        CGFloat fontSize = 26.0;
        NSSize stringSize;
        CGFloat arrowHeight;
            fontSize -= 1.0;
            _fAttributes[NSFontAttributeName] = [NSFont boldSystemFontOfSize:fontSize];
            stringSize = [maxString sizeWithAttributes:_fAttributes];
            // arrow height equal to font capital letter height + shadow
            arrowHeight = [_fAttributes[NSFontAttributeName] capHeight] + 4;
        } while (badgeSize.width < stringSize.width + 2 * arrowHeight * arrowWidthHeightRatio +
                     arrowHeight); // text is centered + surrounded by the size of two arrows + arrow spacing (" ▼ 888.8 K ▽ ")
        // arrow height equal to font capital letter height + shadow
        CGFloat arrowHeight = [_fAttributes[NSFontAttributeName] capHeight] + 4;

        kArrowInset = { badgeSize.height * 0.2, badgeSize.height * 0.1 };
        kArrowSize = { arrowHeight * arrowWidthHeightRatio, arrowHeight };

M macosx/NSStringAdditions.mm => macosx/NSStringAdditions.mm +8 -1
@@ 175,9 175,16 @@
        return [NSString localizedStringWithFormat:@"%.1f %@", speed, mb];

    speed /= 1000.0;

    if (speed < 99.995) // 1.00 GB/s to 99.99 GB/s
        return [NSString localizedStringWithFormat:@"%.2f %@", speed, gb];
    else // insane speeds
        return [NSString localizedStringWithFormat:@"%.2f %@", speed / 1000.0, gb];
        return [NSString localizedStringWithFormat:@"%.1f %@", speed, gb];