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fish(pet): execute raw subcommand without invoking another shell

otherwise pet-alte doesn't replace the commandline
fish(pet): fix pet-alte function name
pet: print audio codec
fish(pet): update wrapper command to run any arbitrary subcommands
nvim: bump plugins
beets: disable convert
fish: nomad wrapper can execute arbitrary custom subcommands
nvim: bump plugins
fish: nomad subcommand 'find-alloc'
nvim: lock conform
nvim: bump plugins
nvim: bump plugins
nvim: bump fennel-ls
Revert "nvim: bump plugins"

This reverts commit e88416361f1c81445e7554a726b666b6c1666783.
nvim: revert terraform-ls bump
nvim: bump plugins
nvim: bump terraform-ls
nvim: fix conform arguments
nvim: bump plugins
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