
Elixir ICal : bijective coding/decoding for ICal transformation, ICal email request and responses.
remove timex dependency
fix: replace deprecated Enum.filter_map/3
extra_applications: :crypto


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You can also use your local clone with git send-email.


Please read the doc at : https://hexdocs.pm/calibex

Handle exhaustively ICal format: bijective coding/decoding for ICal transformation, ICal email request and responses.

Simple algorithm for ICal encoding : every ICal fields handled.

#ICal Elixir bijective format

The ICal elixir term is exactly a representation of the ICal file format : for instance :

[vcalendar: [[
  prodid: "-//Google Inc//Google Calendar 70.9054//EN",
  version: "2.0",
  calscale: "GREGORIAN", 
  vevent: [[
    dtstart: %DateTime{},
    dtend: %DateTime{},
    organizer: [cn: "My Name",value: "mailto:me@example.com"],
    attendee: [cutype: "INDIVIDUAL",role: "REQ-PARTICIPANT",partstat: "NEEDS-ACTION",rsvp: true, cn: "Moi",
                "x-num-guests": 0, value: "mailto:me@example.com"],

Calibex.encode/1 and Calibex.decode/1 parse and format an ICal from this terms : see functions doc to find encoding rules.

Using this terms make it possible to handle all types of ICal files and any fields type. But the downside of this approach is that it can be cumbersome to create and handle this tree of keyword lists. To help you in this tasks, some helpers functions are provided :

  • Calibex.new/1
  • Calibex.new_root/1
  • Calibex.request/1

#Example usage : email event request generation

Calibex.request(dtstart: DateTime.utc_now(), dtend: DateTime.add(DateTime.utc_now(), 3_600, :second), summary: "Mon évènement",
          organizer: "arnaud.wetzel@example.com", attendee: "jeanpierre@yahoo.fr", attendee: "jean@ya.fr")
 |> Calibex.encode