bug: pivot formatting compatible with None subs Signed-off-by: savoy <git@liberation.red>
1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) M ade/lib/formatting.py
M ade/lib/formatting.py => ade/lib/formatting.py +5 -1
@@ 97,7 97,11 @@ def adhoc_pivot( # subtotal formatting must loop through cell values to determine if its necessary gradient_range = (242, 121) number_of_subs = len(pivot_struct.subs) try: number_of_subs = len(pivot_struct.subs) except TypeError: number_of_subs = 0 pivot_struct.subs = [] gradient_step = {5: 20, 10: 10, 20: 5, 0: 1} for steps, percent in gradient_step.items(): if number_of_subs <= steps or steps == 0: