Automate run testing with babashka
cljs-exif-reader: Add script for running tests on babashka
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Extract information from TIFF and JPEG images.
Add a dependency to your project:
[remworks/cljs-exif-reader "0.7.0"]
See dev/cljs/user.cljs and
resources/dev.html for an example of dealing
with a file <input>
This library also supports CLJ:
(require 'remworks.exif-reader)
(-> "resources/test/exif.jpg"
;; => "Canon PowerShot G3"
Also extracts some JPEG information:
(-> "resources/test/comment.jpg"
;; => {:width 100, :height 75, :bits 8, :comments ["Here's a comment!"]}
Send bug reports and patches to ~rwv/
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