
A simple spellchecking language server
7744857f — Ryan Roden-Corrent 2 months ago
Fix test
e921fb9c — Ryan Roden-Corrent 8 months ago
Update readme
f09e7c6d — Ryan Roden-Corrent 8 months ago
Don't duplicate lowercase suggestion.


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You can also use your local clone with git send-email.

#Spelgud Language Server

spelgud is a spell-checking Language Server. spelgud exposes spelling errors as diagnostics, and provides actions to correct spelling or add words to a dictionary. It is intended primarily as a spell-checker for helix, but should work in other editors. Spoor


Install one of the following spell checkers:

spelgud will look for one of the above on $PATH and use the first it finds.


cargo install --git https://git.sr.ht/~rrc/spelgud

Ensure the cargo binary path (usually ~/.cargo/bin) is on $PATH.


Set the environment variable RUST_LOG to one of ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, or TRACE. See env_logger for more details.

#Editor Setup


# ~/.config/helix/languages.toml

command = "spelgud"

# Spell-check plain-text files
name = "text"
scope = "text.text"
file-types = ["txt"]
language-servers = ["spelgud"]

# Spell-check markdown files, while also using `marksman` for other features
name = "markdown"
language-servers = ["marksman", "spelgud"]

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